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Marsden 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Marsden 1st MRB

  1. Additionally do you know how to run a Fat Packet Ping Test and Trace Route's on your connection? If you can this information could be very helpful. However if you do decide to share your Trace route information be sure to block out the IP's of the first 4 hops on your connection as that is your Substation; Hub; Home and Private Router, which is a bit sensitive. Additionally I don't know that Ping Plotter's server is the best to be a baseline for you in any event. My Ping Statistics from a Fat Packet Ping Test to their server is as follows: Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 75, Received = 75, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 208ms, Maximum = 241ms, Average = 212ms Wereas my stats for Akamai: Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 57, Received = 57, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 89ms, Maximum = 102ms, Average = 91ms What are your average ping to the public server? Mine is Min: 92 Max 109 Ave: 100 with no loss 63 packets sent. If you need the commands for Windows or iOS to run these tests let me know. Now even given the disparity in results your ping to akamai looks a bit high and it may be something you will have to work with your ISP on. Ensure to change out cabling if on a wired connection and get the fuck off WiFi if your not. If a Firmware update of your Gateway/Router doesn't resolve the issue you may need to perform a factory default of the device; but even that may not help resolve the issue for you if it is on the ISP's end and not a failing of your Hardware/Cabling. TL;DR pingplotter servers are bad, can try some more in depth networking tasks to resolve but ultimately could be your Provider.
  2. From the screens those look amazing. Given you can get a dedicated server up and running in full if you work with the ordnance office I'm sure that we can work to get these Raider Approved which is the first step to getting a map added to the private server. In the event we get it added to the private that's the next step to maybe getting on the pub yerrr!
  3. Thank you guys; you beat even FB to wishing me a happy birthday lol. In more exciting news; I just go engaged this weekend XD. Thank you guys for the birthday wishes XD
  4. Name: name changer Steam I.D:0:0:41375430 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Excessive TK upwards of 50 prior to me getting into the server and posing this. Demo Provided?: N Comments: Accidentlly banned the guy whose name he was using. Going through GameMe to rectify ASAP. User accidentally banned goes by name of "GoozhBot"; unable to locate him on the ban list it doesn't seem to be updating accross at the moment
  5. I'll probably pick this up, find a way to be a kamikaze and work from there
  6. I haven't seen you on in forever but saw that your birthday was today. I know I'm posting rather late but happy birthday man. I hope you had a blast.
  7. Damn gris; you make me wet
  8. REIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COME BACK NOW! I NEED SOMEONE TO RELIABLY ROCKET ON FLASH XD
  9. I will have it for DoD:S. People would be so pissed. He is shooting the thompson behind him! Hacker!!!!!!!!! kajfdladjfla jkfal
  10. Citation of increased Mesothelioma rates in NYC post 9-11? As I did not here anything about an increased lung cancer rate in NYC over the last decade I am hesitant to take this at face value. Many people died of respiratory infections in the weeks following 9-11 but that is to be expected when breathing cement and other abrasive particulate for hours/days on end.
  11. Ooh-Rah boys, and galls. I am glad to see the name being returned to use; glad the commandant could see the value in re-using the name.
  12. But I want more steam friends. I've cleared everyone that I comfortably can and still only have like a few slot's open.
  13. I have never once seen item or gift drop in any game on steam I play. Is this some kind of setting I have to enable? I have gotten some cards just from playing that pop up when I'm done but never even half of what I need to complete badge. I got $0.31 once fore like one card; thought that was pretty cool; was trolling when I put it on sale.
  14. Those shingles are sand paper, just instead of paper the sand adheres to tar making it more painful.
  15. That is how Owl's do
  16. You guys are making me feel old.......
  17. CANTIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Testicles; that is all.
  18. Ya I've been thinking about setting one up again. But ultimately I just want you guys to keep an eye out for the asshole and make his account be no more. If enough people report him he'll get banned and have to start from scratch. Maybe at that point the fucker will learn that Lol is a team game.
  19. He spammed my IP address with a bunch of junk data packets and shut down my modem and router essentially
  20. In the event that you see the summoner Grixgore report him for DDOS. He shut down my network as I was telling him to call MIA's and helped him push his lane. At no point did I take his CS while pushing his lane and left him all the last hits (which he got). This script kiddy needs to be banned.
  21. Used to play, stopped as it takes more work and time than I was willing to dedicate. However when I did play and was successful it was a blast.
  22. Happy Birthday Witwkowski, I hope you have a blast!
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