My issue with gun control is very simple. Take all of the gun related crimes in America. Now take the number of guns that were legally registered and used by the registered owners out of the pile. What remains is the vast majority of gun related crimes. Mostly committed with illegally owned handguns and automatic weapons purchased through shady channels. now add stricter gun laws. Ok so we now have the same number of doubly illegal crimes. how bout we stop trying to add more laws that don't effectively get enforced to stop the problem because that all ways works out. as far as the comments about other nations gun laws and how much better things are there in relation to gun violence; cool beans. difference being you look at owning a long gun as a privilege. It's my right. Now should I be able to go down to the local store and buy an AR-15 with an Under-slung M03 grenade launcher? No. What in the fuck purpose does that type of gun serve? Kill as many armed combatants as possible; hard cover, no biggy got nades. but should there be any form of limitation on my 30-06 lever action with a 6X scope on it? no. it holds 13 rounds and one hot loaded in the barrel. and that is all I need to defend my home. Or what about my 8 gauge shot-gun that holds a total of nine shots that is sitting right her next to me loaded with salt-rock? you gonna take that away to? I think not. The weapons that need regulation are not your everyday hand gun; not my rifles or my shotguns. The weapons that need to be taken away are the Firearms that are designed to allow for suppressive fire and firing for effect. Screening for metal health should be a requirement in order to purchase a firearm in this country as well as a criminal background check. beyond that it should be left alone. As for the interpretation that only the militias should have weapons that is a valid argument but now since 1903 all militias are federally regulated and controlled making it not a militia but simply the reserves. A militia is a self run force that has sworn it's allegiance to it's country and it's state. Enemies of our country understand what the second amendment means as well. In WWII one of the main reasons that Japan did not invade was " The Second Amendment
Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto - “You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind each blade of grass.” This statement goes beyond what our active military could do. This is in reference to the populace. Now would every American Citizen take up arms to defend this country? not likely. Would enough take up our guns to make invading hell? yes. Would many of us do this to defend our "Government" instead of our homes? Not likely. The second amendment rights were not set in place simply for the government to be able to call on the militia. Nor was it set in place so the Militia's could hold the government at bay or the populace at bay. It was made to allow people the right to decide if they want to own a rifle or shotgun or even a pistol for home defense or hunting or drilling in the event of an invasion or call to arms. However should it be opened to include Military grade weaponry capable of putting thousands of rounds down field in a matter of minutes? no. there is no need for this. However outlawing a semi-automatic rifle is going too far. Come try and take my remake of a Garand.
All in all it comes down to one thing. To be effective with a firearm you do not need to be able to put thousands of rounds down field unless you are in a situation were there may be thousands of targets down field. You only need to be able to put down one shot to be effective, pick your mark and remain calm, or else you will miss regardless of how many rounds you can fire. Besides the American populace puts too much stock in fear of a government that was built and is supposed to run under the concepts that they are run and elected by the people for the people.
done with my tirade. enjoy ripping it to shreds if you find it uninformed and opinionated as that is what it is XD.
politics 101. take away all freedom and you have a rebellion. ask people if they would like to loose each right one at a time and they will vote it away and call it reform. Welcome to Marxism. We hold three pillars of Ten to being a Marxist society, foremost being a centralized federal bank holding a monopoly over currency (hello there o mighty Federal Exchange) walking hand in hand with the Federal Bailouts of Privately owned Banking institutions of which the Federal Government is now a major stockholder of pretty much all of the banks, oh ya and the Secretary of the Treasury is the one who decided which mergers would happen for which banks. nope not moving towards communist society at all. Lets vote away some more of our rights y'all it's a whole lot of fun.