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Marsden 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Marsden 1st MRB

  1. thats chill; i'll make my way to the super spawny tent and load up the Zub camp with extra coyote packs lol
  2. super dope; cody needs a coyote lol. and more G17 mags are always good.
  3. lol can do
  4. Alternate camp set up at castle zub; just south of vyshyno; grids are 065/098 i believe. only one tent fairly well stocked with med supplies. Stopping there for the day; there are anti-biotics and plenty of morphine in the tent. 3 k north of Cherno.
  5. haven't had any issues with the server aside from me now having respawned with absolutely nothing except my ghillie suit on the coast; but thats a known glitch with the Ghillie suits so ya. I'm sad though cuz my m14 aim is prolly gonzo now
  6. Camp is fully stocked with weapons and ammo. 11 different food stuffs and 22 different drinks (8 of which are water bottles). There is also a half completed toolbelt in the far tent against the wall as well as a few different lighting utensils. Med tent pretty well stocked; no blood yet but 13 bandages and 8 painkillers 2 morphine and an epi so we should be good for a bit.
  7. ya why not; whats the server info? i'll need you to come scoop me up from grishino tonight once i'm offwork lol
  8. Sad face; we will see what we can find; we need vehicles before we establish a base this time since i'm still up near devils castle cuz its just so damnably far from everything else lol
  9. lol right indeed cast; we doin it partially to be as obnoxious as possible and secondly to see how long it lasts lol
  10. yerrr fortified and errythan. hit us up for server info; we still need tents and vehicles.
  11. hmmm i wonder if i'm still in takels red car...
  12. I think this would be a load of fun; if the pubbers would agree to follow the rules; I could see this as a great way to build the pub population in the early hours when its dead as dirt.
  13. Name: -(KDR)- Duke Troll Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:49713538 Reasons for the Ban: Team Killing in the public server after I was warning other pubbers not to TW or TK; immediate disconnect after the offense to ban dodge ups my suggestion from one week to a full month. Recommended duration of ban: One Month. Demo Provided?: N
  14. Ya I been looking into getting this since i first spotted it on the screens at work (we watch gametrailers all day erryday yerrrr); looks like it will be nutso; just hope that the combat system is as complex as it appears.
  15. Damn I miss zimmerman; hope he is having a good birthday though
  16. I have engine parts and gas if anyone finds a vehicle. I also only have an alice pack atm so ya; if anyone has a vehicle it would be pretty dope to let me know where you at and on what server
  17. idk what lingor is. I have yet to have an issue with hackers to be honest; i always escape to another server even when I got teleported out to some island in the middle of the ocean. just swam my happy ass back with full tack gear lol
  18. yay ppl with no life
  19. that was really dope; syching was pretty much spot on throughout. Loved the spot with the supports lol
  20. wassup man; hope lifes still doin ya right yerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  21. Rofl Rofl Rofl; the ultimate Loot Spawn!!
  22. Where did you pick up your NVG's? I haven't found them in the wild; only ever find them on player corpses.
  23. ya i got on the other night and some player found me and let me live; I was worried he would rape me lol (am playing female atm cuz she is faster and quiter)
  24. I will be glad to help you out brown; a lot of it is aquired knowledge you learn as you go (were to loot for what) and the rest is just awareness of whats around you. Also we should have a new player tonight that i'll be helping to get ventrilo installed and him in the server with us; one of my buddies from work and all.
  25. psssh on my new acct I have died a whooping 3 times.
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