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Marsden 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Marsden 1st MRB

  1. Someone who has a history of throwing elbows, and does it blatantly and with the intent of causing another player harm shouldn't simply be suspended. They should be removed from the sport, don't care how good he may be when he is actually showing some sportsmanship, don't care if that team will never be able to win again. If you aren't going to act like a professional you shouldn't be alloud to play with professionals. Hence why I no longer will ever care about basketball, am beggining to not care about american football, and baseball and soccer/football just boor me on tv
  2. I wouldn't do it. because do you honestly want to know how much semen is caked on say the kitchen counter? the drapes? the table you are doing your work on/playing games on? the answer to all of these questions for me is plain and simply no. I comet everything i can in a hotel room before I actually touch anything.
  3. well an undergrad in history sounds pretty dope but i can't imagine it has lotsa applications lol, although if you master in Higher Ed that'd be pretty dope, you could also go for like a sociollogy Masters, study the evolution of social morales/laws and the trends they follow/lead to from a historical standpoint? you know just use your degree as credibility to write awesome esoteric stuff that can't be proven, only disproven lol
  4. good to hear from ya petri, hope your job finishes out soon man!
  5. Well kick ass for you Dillon!!!!!! See ya in the pub later today, I may be getting laid off (for the rest of the day at least) fairly shortly lol
  6. I built my rig for 750USD with an intel core i5, 8 GB ram, Nvidia GTX 550 (got a 560 cuz the sold outta the 550 lol) a 600W power supply no sound card and a motherboard with only one pci-e slot, beasty graphics and the rest is just functionality
  7. *Salute*
  8. CoD (19) CoH (15) Civ (15) MoH (16) AC (18) LoL (15) WoW (13) L4D (15) DOTA (15) WH40k (15) TF (9)
  9. you should add it, but have a settup were when it flushes it spays the pieces down, that way even if some diseased person touches/splooges on ur piece it gets washed off (i suggesst amonia for the spray)
  10. Name: LOL Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:11898888 Reasons for the Ban: Intentionaly and repeatedly team killing from spawn and elsewhere on the axis team on donner. We warned him several times and he continued anyway being beligerent and disrespectful to me and to anderson as well. When he left the server because two seperate admins entered he was over -12 and had already pissed one pubber off to the point of retaliation. Recommended duration of ban: Perma Demo Provided?: N
  11. LOL that's how it felt
  12. whoever rachel is jeff has it right......
  13. http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/48887903...C0146BD081FE2B/ Can't get it to paste the damn pic in here, just takes the link cuz i use the steam cloud. but I know it's with only two ppls on the other team still was the most kick ass I have done evers.
  14. can't wait for some crazy ass shit this week!!!! will be my last week able to get on in the afternoon thurs-sun so I will be makin the best of it.
  15. always glad to further ppls edification, but that's the main reason I shut down everynight, and like legend said turnin off the power strip is a great way to go aswell
  16. Just going to put this out there. Number one troubleshooting step for most fields of electronics. Let's turn it off let it sit for a few minutes and then turn it back on again. Fixes shit more often than not. Simplest step to fix things, which also means it is the simplest step to avoid problems, Shut it down when you go to bed, boot it up and wait the 30seconds-2 mins for your computer to boot on up, is it neccesarry to shut down everytime you get off the computer? hell no. Should you at least reboot on a regular basis? most likely. If you watch the IT crowd and you think I'm just being a smart ass with the whole Try turning it off and On again thing, i'm not it litterally fixxes most of my callers issues getting connected just by resetting the electronics involved, you cut the power through the circuits and any non-defined settings (i.e. application defined settings, corrupted data that changes things so on and so forth). So I think that shutting the computer down while maybe a lil annoying is worth the extra time. Also when your computer gets t oa point that it is absolutely refusing to shut down (as mine did as the mother board was taking a shit) with out a hard boot that is the first indicator of either a worm or hardware failure. Another thing is that even if plugged into a surge protector during a power surge if the comp is running and pulling power there is no gauruntee that the circut will flip in time to save your hardware, while off and plugged into a surge protecter their is no existing current going out and therefore far less likely for damage to the hardware.
  17. omnom pico di gallo on anythin lol
  18. 6/2(1+2)=A Remove the division from the operation. so 6/2(1+2)=A *6 2(1+2)=6A 2(3)=6A 6=6A /6 /6 1=A. Order of operations: Please= Parenthasis Excuse= Exponents My= Multiplication (has presidence) Dear= Division Aunt=Adition (again has presidence) Sally= Subtraction. If you still doubt substitute 9 for A and watch it not work, ever. Edit: 6/2(1+2)=A 6/2(3)=A /3 /3 6/2=A/3 3=A/3 *3 *3 9=A the only way it works for nine is if you breake the order of operations by balancing after you solve the parenthasis, which in and of itself unbalances the equation.
  19. Have a good one Gooderham! just avoid alchomahal poinsoning, by all accounts it's unpleseant
  20. Thank you cast, I am installing it now. Hopefully I will be able to practice single player on this little laptop so that way when i get my rig back and play with y'all I can hop in and not be a hinderance lol
  21. ya i may pick it up in a couple weeks after i get my car to stop spewing anti-freeze all over the roadways, tis the priority atm though lol, I'm not even aloud to park in the parking lot at work unless I pour cat litter under the front of my car because its next to a federally protected wild life habitat (friggin on the outskirts of PDX lol)
  22. Nice St-Denis. And I need to WoT re-installed on my comp when I get it back.... If i get it back lol as the shop I took it to is taking forever and a day.
  23. Not the greatest combination, espescially considering the hold music is even worse than usual, playing some weird like lullaby right now. I want to know who picks the playlist for our holds lol. But ya shrill voiced little kids that are freaking out because their Xbox is funderful, like the most funderful thing I've expierenced in a long while.... This puts a serious damper on my 21st b-day next month, no drunken escapades midweek it looks like.
  24. I would be down for this game, It looks pretty legit but I haven't had the funds available to pick it up just yet.
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