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Marsden 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Marsden 1st MRB

  1. im ten hours away lol, will be there once MEPS pulls there heads out of their ass'.
  2. Lol any luck?
  3. The secret as to why NVIDIA is more expensive lol, its ATI mem with a better GPU and better color scheme. idk if its true or not but w/e it would make sense that the reason its more expensive is that two companies are technically profiting from it
  4. Gun butter so instead they use......
  5. nah just work through it. and then give me a hint lol
  6. Well i honestly don't know which is better because in the last 6 years all i'v had is on board graphics lol. but as far as ATI not running COH i've got an ATI Radeon 1100 XPress in my comp and i can play coh, online ppls just bitch about it a lil bit. in washington i had an NVIDIA GEForce 8800 (i think thts the model number) onboard and i get a better frame rate on this older computer with a celeron D proccessor so idk, would seem to me that ATI is a bit better but i could just be getting lucky and steadilly frying my motherboard
  7. rofl nice. if u find a position he misses at stay there, he won't miss twice lol.
  8. gimme gimme gimme lol
  9. ya im a bit ocd, its pissin me off cuz there's this one part where your getting shot at by another sniper and i have combed the entire area im in and there is no fucking sniper just bullets that never miss lol
  10. psh nah its me dontchaknow?
  11. fucking epic. i just want like three stacks and ill be happy lol
  12. Yay for ur b-day soviet boat, can i break a bottle of champagne on you? lol have a good one man
  13. no he is his brother's and his hero, as in his brother's hero aswell as his lol
  14. As this is a Marine unit, Chesty Puller. Never got the medal of Honor but still a severe bad ass. Look him up he served in WWII and several wars after here's a cadance that i know but theres another about his Five Navy Crosses and his different specific shining events but cant remember the whole thing I wanna be like Chesty Puller, I wanna save Marines' lives, And when the Lord sends me to combat, I wanna ensure that none of them dies!!!! thats the one i know off the top of my head, maybe McKenzie and McCarthy can remember the one i was thinkin of
  15. Budd you may want to stay in the seats (if they are available at your venue) for the 5FDP show, cuz u will get moshed. thats what there show is about they antagonize the crowd into frenzy lol, its great. you dont allways get punched and what not in the pit, only if your askin for it. KoRn puts on a great show so all in all you should enjoy urself
  16. who cares we aint seein the nipples right now are we lol
  17. Zingers and Oreo's are my bed time snacks lol
  18. Dwarf ninja's that only want to....
  19. Follow the Leader - Dark Lotus
  20. Walk Into The Light - ICP Check it out, hardly any swearing in the song lol
  21. Take out the knife and stab the rat to be sure, open the door
  22. is currently going haywire and sending you to....
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