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Marsden 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Marsden 1st MRB

  1. Tried all of the above, still won't install the drivers. automatically or manually, the support aspects of the driver installed (media thingy and dvd/cd decoder) but the drivers themselves refuse to install. the card i have is the ATI Radeon Express 1100 which is a discontinued card as are its drivers tried dlin from a diff point on the site and it looks like its gonna work. i really hope it does lol FIXDED IT!! Stoked now lol
  2. We had to completely un-install our graphics card driver completely because for some reason it was wiggin out (probably corrupted seeming as to my grandparents don't understand the concept of updating e.e) now i can't re-install it because i don't have the installation cd and i can't download the drivers because it says i dont have that graphics card installed and so now im just fucked over. please help T.T
  3. well i only got online once and there were several games going so i think it still has a following just not intense u know?
  4. lol ok cool. either of u be up for playin online just hit me up
  5. It's pretty fun and I was wonderin if any of you have it
  6. lol sorry bout that sir, hjash|BAR| handled it in game though
  7. Name: Rich Steam I.D; Reason for ban: constant mic spamming after being warned repeatedly disrespect towards myself when i warned him to stop so i suggest a week ban. aditional comments he and his partner who's request has been posted commented about being banned from multibple servers before this
  8. Name: a 5th worst university Steam I.D:"A 5th Worst University" STEAM_0:0:7759970 02:17 180 0 active Reason for ban: constant mic spamming after being warned repeatedly disrespect towards myself when i warned him to stop so i suggest a week ban. aditional comments he and his partner who's request will be next commented about being banned from multibple servers before this
  9. Name: Spink [FuG] Steam I.D: Spink [FuG]" STEAM_0:1:22357636 14:48 85 0 active Reasons for the Ban: tkin in spawn after being asked to stop repeatedly he stoped doing after i told him i was posting this, recommend 3 day band Demo Provided?: N
  10. i got clothes, and i bought operation flashpoint for myself
  11. lol not too many people are buying it due to lack of advertisement, i believe i have seen like 2-3 different commercials for it over a 4 month period. that is basically planning for a game to flop due to lack of enthusiasm on the game firm for the product. the one comercial that probably gave it the most attention in the public eye isnt even a commercial for the game, its the commercial for eminem's new album Relapse: Refill; were u see the game under the tree before the santa/eminem character falls into it. if this game flops it will probably not be because of the quality of the game itself but more to the failings of the designers and publishing firm for not getting the name out enough.
  12. i feal so pathetic with my NVIDIA GEForce 6100 onboard now lol
  13. A walk through as to how to do it. I'v got all of my graphics card settings that i can access via the Nvidia control pannell set good but i was wondering if that constitutes an overclock or if i can do more to increase performance via the BIOS
  14. lol nice, well i tried it, and it seems ok, seeming as to how ill never be able to play for extended periods of time due to graphics card limitations (it pixilates like a bitch if a take too long lol) i doubt ill play enough to notice the retardation of ai
  15. well i guess i shoulda posted be4 i bought lol
  16. lol well i havent really ever played on anything higher than 25 fps reguarly so ya, 8-22 fps is my comfort zone
  17. just wonderin cuz i just spent 20 bucks on it when i really shouldn't have lol so i was wonderin if anyone from the unit played?
  18. lol sorry but ur wrong there buddy, iv been runnin dod:S for the last 2 years on this thing and it has none of those except the graphics card, which is onboard so doesn't count. and i just had to take out my auto exec for it to run again on here. it also will run KF, Battle Grounds 2 and other such mods, albeit crapilly but i still manage to play.
  19. idk that might be it, the last time i ran dod on it was in july before i moved to sacramento. the weird thing is that it will run on my grampa's computer fine but not this one even though my grampa's comp is worse than this one. ill just blame vista.
  20. At my moms seems to havel ost the ability to run DoD:S. It takes forever to enter the server and then once it does it lags out so hard that it isn't even funny. for some reason or another i think that its my lerp dropping off so low that i can't even adjust it, when i whent into the pub last night my lerp was solid red and at 10.0 and then my net graph froze along with the rest of the game showing a black MOTD and donner stilled in the background. does anyone know how i could fix this? I am going to try and take out my autoexec file because it may be to low but idk for sure if thats the problem, if anyone else could let my know anything else i could try it would be appreciated.
  21. lol well i tried all of those and i dont have my proofs anymore so ya idk.
  22. getting deleted by steam. so ya steam decided to delete my DoD:S. and i don't mean they uninstalled it i mean they have it set so it says pre-load completed and im gonna have to buy it again same thing with CS:S and Killing Floor. so ya anyone know how to fix this? I got killing floor as a gift from O'Scanalan so I'm pretty fuckin pissed off about this. please let me know how to fix this.
  23. Weimert and Phan
  24. Rave Music -AC Slater
  25. i r in sacramento and cant see the hulu thing so go canada, hulu sucks
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