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Marsden 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Marsden 1st MRB

  1. no steam employee's just valve employee's, around 150 of them in bellevue washington (state) if u would so kindly make a few job openings i would gladly try and fix steam problems (and line my pockets lol)
  2. I agree with Janke. too bad i cant afford it
  3. Big Money Hustla's Starship Troopers (the original none of the sequels)
  4. u got it wrong the black half of tiger woods picked the rims on the escalade and the asian half was driving
  5. stupid niners chocked as usual, they need a that can scramble. at the moment i have to say they vikings are lookin good for it
  6. Gio wins cuz he has the most badass of the names
  7. i been buggin ppl about playin sc over steam friends for forever and a day. when i get internet set up that i can play games again i would definately play again
  8. ty very much le.
  9. T.T there isn't a torrent for that one yet so i dont know, but once i dl i'll let u know what i think lol
  10. Thanks yama, i wasn't really sure where this shoulda gone lol
  11. But i am looking for an auto config file to help boost my fps and registry, if anyone has a link to a good one i would like you to let me know, im sick of playing at 8-23 fps.
  12. I would be interested in that Yama. Cody Marsden CA, USA
  14. new massive update for insurgency came out today/tonight. fixed a lot of the glitches that probably pissed some ppl off
  15. Englebretson wins
  16. Happy Birthday you two!!!! I feel like a youngin lol
  17. alright then, well anyof y'all that wana play just let me know
  18. who has and plays it so that way i can have some familiar bad guys to click on lol.
  19. your prowess makes me cower in fear that i will never be able to rival u in game or art T.T lol My pitiful drawing skills lol
  20. family guy is a really great show lol
  21. NINERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok now i know it is still a really long shot but still. they doing really well for them and all
  22. DO NOT GET QWEST!!!!!!! ok, ya they just kinda sucked balls when i lived up in washington, they constantly screwed us over with net goin down for no reason (durin a storm we would have an epic internet connection, but if it was sunny none at all) and with the bundling shit they get you to do screws you cuz sometimes they will not proccess your payment and thus cut off one of your services.
  23. i got the flu but no med insurance so i cant find out if it's swine flu or not, ive been trying to break my fever for three days and its still at 100 F, i have no idea what that is celsius u crazy canadians. that fact alone makes me think that it may be the swine flu, as well as the cough that i don't normaly have this bad with a flu
  24. That is hillarious
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