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Marsden 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Marsden 1st MRB

  1. Necro Posting just means there are people looking at the forums XD
  2. Are we going to Travel through time to 2016 to attend this event? I want in on it
  3. Hot damn son. that was some impressive shit
  4. yeah buddy. I'm going to be getting my schedule some time this week, I'll share my schedule once it is available so as to make sure everyone knows when I will be available.
  5. Aah thanks batman boo boo
  6. Well the only Names I'm really going to be taking is the name of what strains we are growing and who our dispensaries are
  7. Thank you for expressing your interest in having a match with us. At this time we would have to pass on engaging a match on you as we are working to re-adjust our operating schedule. Once able to confirm our scheduling availability, we will have one of our Public Affairs Officers reach out to you in regards to a match. It is great to see a new community come up in the Realism Community overall as it has become so small, and I wish you luck
  8. As the topic says, I'm pretty sure I got a new job. Officially it's pending the results of a background check but beyond that I nailed the interview. Hopefully within the next two weeks I will be working in an 18,000 Sq.Ft. Indoor Garden pulling a harvest every 2 weeks XD
  9. <3 Duncan, nice to see you back bb
  10. Looks super awesome candy XD
  11. Banned 3 weeks for repeat offense.
  12. Upon review of his stats user has 2x as many kills by headshot via MP40 than user has registered hits on target with the gun, in addition to this double kill headshots stat, 100:1 with the K98 is not an achievable statistic IMO regardless of how much you have played professionally in the past. User has been permanently banned unless a higher ranking officer or senior MP/MP Chief decides otherwise.
  13. yerrr Raiders! Good luck and lets get this contest popping!
  14. Upon review of users connection information there are no users with ban history exceeding a one day from his connection location, so his comment about IP may have simply been trolling. User averages about 1/3rd of shots hit, less than 1/5th head shots. User has alias' on the public server starting in late 2017; review of account history does not present sufficient grounds for a ban without some form of a demo to review. While Demo's recorded within the server using the game client are still crashing, a demo recorded utilizing 3rd party software is sufficient for the Command Staff and Military Police to review evidence presented against a user. I personally recommend either OBS or the Windows 10 built in recording suite as they both have minimal footprints in regards to resource utilization. At this time the user will not be banned unless a higher ranked officer or senior MP is able to determine what account this user is circumventing a ban for, or a demo is able to be reviewed to determine use of aim-bot.
  15. Name: Allah Akbar Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:30719865 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Team Killing on a mass scale in conjunction with Racism Demo Provided?: N Comments: Accrual of over 400 team kills in only 8 connections. Name: Borgia70 Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:26787376 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Team Killing on a mass scale in conjunction with Racism Demo Provided?: N Comments: Accrual of over 200 team kills in only 9 connections. Name: jihadi johnson Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:19466658 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Team Killing on a mass scale Demo Provided?: N Comments: Has twice as many Team Kills as Kills on the server. Name: G9-Guest Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:177681393 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Team Killing on a mass scale Demo Provided?: N Comments: In 3 connections has amassed 30 Team Kills and 4 times as many TK's than kills in general.
  16. Both users have been permanently banned. In the future please make use of the Ban Request Form Additionally the 2 other users included in your screenshot have been banned as has one other perpetrator the logs revealed upon review. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
  17. Name: I_Hate_Jews_And_Nigs Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:1133725 Duration of Ban: 6 months Reasons for the Ban: Racism Demo Provided?: N Comments: Blatantly racist name, only 6 month ban giving the benefit of the doubt that didn't know we had a rule against racism given no prior ban history.
  18. Name: Saw Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:9664562 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Use of Racial Slurs Demo Provided?: N Comments: 0 Tolerance on use of racial slurs. If you cannot respect the concept of other peoples ethnicity we don't want to play with you.
  19. Please post a ban request in the format listed here. The links to gametracker are of no use for admin review, what we need are steam ID's to locate actionable data. This topic will be closed an you may open a new topic utilizing the correct format in order to get these users banned.
  20. Please post a ban request in the format listed here. The links to gametracker are of no use for admin review, what we need are steam ID's to locate actionable data. This topic will be closed an you may open a new topic utilizing the correct format in order to get these users banned.
  21. See? There it is!
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