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Marsden 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Marsden 1st MRB

  1. Nope am serious, look closely XD
  2. It's the little tan blip about 3 pixels wide in the center of the video
  3. Fucking Penguins
  4. .63 hath arrived on Experimental Everyone re-install and let's see what the first publically available edition of the future Beta has to offer!
  5. Name: Overkill of ASE Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:6053185 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Review information available in users Ban Request Demo Provided?: N Comments: This user has spent over 18 days connected to our server. They know that Respect is the Word of our Unit and the only real expectation from users on our server. The volume of disrespect this user has poured out has surpassed the point of being abusive to our admins and as such I have removed them from being a further problem.
      • 1
      • Thanks
  6. I am going to up this ban to permanent. As Staff Sergeant Santiago has pointed out this user is a regular. Regular's on our server are expected to be aware of the rules they play with on a regular basis and as such do not get extra leniency, leniency is for new players who may be ignorant of server rules and cultural norms. In his 18 days 06:44:36 hours of play on our server he has had ample time hearing us enforce the rules, and educate people about the expected level of behavior on our public server. His disrespect and taunting of the admins who volunteer their time to make our server an enjoyable play space will not be tolerated. "The admins won't ban you" he seems to think. I believe this shall dissuade him of the lies he has accepted as truth. Topic closed. In the event that a higher ranking Officer or Second Lieutenant Larson feel it appropriate they may adjust the ban as they see fit.
  7. Name: Ultras 94 UN Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:45739604 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Accrual of 6 bans in lifetime on the server. Demo Provided?: N Comments: Some people are incapable of learning
  8. I said a yerrr! Happy birthday my man! I hope you have a great time XD We are gonna win a realism for you BB
  9. You are an amazing asset to us and I am sorry to read that Real Life is being unkind for you. Take the time you need to go ahead and send one right back at Life! Know that as long as we are still here, you have a place with us when you are ready.


    Be well Ucar. 

  10. I said a yerrr! Happy birthday Jankovski! I hope you have a great day
  11. If we can find the stream footage of them actively working to stir the pot and consciously working to undermine the server rules and detract from others ability to have fun then we will permanently remove them from the server. In the event they do not record their footage on the stream and only do live footage we will have to find a work around. Alternatively they will continue to accrue longer and longer ban times for 2 more instances at which time they will be permanently banned regardless of evidence and based upon the trend of blatant disregard for server rules.
  12. Well as you stated, you could be considered a regular on our server. As such you know our policy in regards to tteamkilling and team wounding. Your response upon re-entering the server to Coconut for doing the job you acknowledge is his to do can only be classified as disrespectful. Our number one rule is to play in a respectful manner. Intentionally disregarding known and established rules is not respectful. Disparaging someone tasked with enforcing the rules, and doing so without prejudice in the case of kicking you a "regular", is also not respectful. Your ban is one week. Disrespecting admins is a permanently bannable offense but I will trust Coconuts judgment to not perm you. Unban Request denied unless a higher ranking officer or the Military Police Chief have something different to say. Enjoy your time on the server come the 6th of May.
  13. Happy Birthday Yesterday Major!
  14. Unban request denied. this steam id was originally banned as a name changers account in August of 2017. Yesterday somehow this accounts steam ID was yet again playing inside of the public server. they were then subsequently re-banned as the name-changing hacking shennannigans were on again.
  15. Name: Multiple Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:435806149; STEAM_0:0:435857568; STEAM_0:1:209531157 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Ban Dodging, Multi-hack, team killing Demo Provided?: N Comments: Yet moar alts
  16. Happy birthday Ripley!
  17. Name: ANAL DESTROYER 69 Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:434796805 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Ban Dodging Demo Provided?: N Comments: Confirmed Alternate account of Danil Bagrov
  18. Player has been banned for a month. Next ban will be permanent if the behavior is repeated. 85 Team Kills in first session on our server ever tells me this is most likely a troll.
  19. what I spent my night doing


    DayZ Tourney Map.jpeg

  20. Name: Godz Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:141763742 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Teamkilling, fourth ban in 2 months. Demo Provided?: N Comments: Player has clearly no interest in obeying server rules.
  21. Miss you Hamer, come back T.T

  22. Hey there Raiders! I just wanted to thank everyone who came out today for playing. We had a blast and were able to have activities going throughout most of the day in the Private Server today! Was awesome to see especially with the Anniversary Celebrations starting tomorrow. Let's work to keep the events popping all week and get as many people in them as possible! Remember that the majority of the events throughout the week are open to the public so be sure to invite any of your friends that you know play DoD:S ever! Also remember that Retiree's are still members of our community so be sure to get invites out to them during the events this week. I will most likely be joining the events later in the evening as they start before I get off of work, so for my sake and anyone else who has to come a bit later in the evening let's get as many people in as we can so we can play for as long as possible yerrrrrrr!
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  23. *wails*

    *tears clothes*

    *smears ashes on face*

    I shall mourne forever more.

  24. Very Nice, that looks like some of the forest east of Portland near the Eagle Creek area that got burned down at the end of last summer T.T
  25. OMG IT'S JONES IT'S BEEN SO LONG!!!!! I am glad to see you again; hows life?

    1. Reis


      Welcome back Jones!

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