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Marsden 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Marsden 1st MRB

  1. Alrighty then. So we have begun to scatter a little bit again since the demise of the D.M.Z. Server. It is currently attempting to be revived; I personally don't want to play on that server anylonger after the server owner yanked the server down without worrying about the input of his community until after no one followed him to other games. To give a sample of the mobile base that I have started on a server here are some pictures XD. My inventor without backpack contents. Truck inventory consists of spare food and assorted optics. Backpack Contents Stashed Truck (AKA Mobile Base)
  2. Yerrr Welcome back and thank you for attending Able Companies First and Second Platoon Practices today XD

    1. Hull


      thanks very much :)............ that`s not a problem at all  glad to help 

  3. Name: .[-_=]..World Peace 420 Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:17330005 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Repeat Team Killer. Recent One month ban just expired and player is back to Team Killing. Demo Provided?: N Comments: See Initial Ban Request Here
  4. User has been permanently banned due to ban history and repeated warnings. His last ban expired a week ago and he is right back at it. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
  5. Name: Privacy Pirate Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:22117719 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Racism Demo Provided?: N Comments:
  6. Banned two weeks along with those who sunk to retaliatory team kills consecutively after he began.
  7. Sounds like best stream ever
  8. Clothes don't get viewers
  9. Well im in California for the week so ill be on once I can
  10. Also navigatingtheforests will be much more of a risk with the denser undergrowth
  11. I would imagine. Good news is that .62 is now available on Experimental Servers. I'm playing there for a time but intend to keep our home characters ready on stable version until the wipe comes.
  12. Aaah damn I thought the only way to play this game was 10 hours at a time?
  13. Also as a heads up, Makarov takes .380, the P1 takes 9mm
  14. I swapped our for a P1 instead of makarov
  15. Free slots will become irrelevant as long as we harvest correctly. One improvised courier bag per garden plot on the ground (Raw component rope, burlap sack) and we can empty the plots into the apartment fairly quickly. the reason we need coverage is that the bag is in our hands the whole time. So having the group available to cover is imperative.
  16. yeah 4 or 5 would be ideal. Only one really needs to maintain the farm while scouts are away. Scouts just have to be back to help harvest
  17. O I still go loot around and have the next most Confirmed Kills next to you. If we get this set up right we will be able to loot the Gorka Checkpoint while the peppers grow. Will just need to leave one person behind to protect and disinfect. I believe once we have a few more people joining us we will be able to achieve much more in our chosen base. I'm honestly surprised we never tried something like this before.
  18. Translated more accurately: We were playing on the number one ranked server in the world. Had full persistence with minimal wipes. Server owner; and I quote "Lost faith in the title and could no longer support it." and then proceeded to shut down the server, inspite of it being the number one server in the world. Now our new server has no Persistence, so fuck tents, let's grow squash.
  19. Yeah we have now gotten to the point that the mountain man/spec-ops life doesn't appeal as much. We are now Simple Men. With a Simple Farm.
  20. If u KOS how can u know if has tribute? Your statement is self defeating.
  21. We will sometimes attack first. Sometimes not. Depends on the needs of the homefront. As we are staying coastal and not venturing forth to the inland it is a different kind of combat than most are practiced at. .22's, bows and blunt objects more often than not are our armament. Also it does mean our encounters tend to come in clusters as people get wiped elsewhere. We are noticing a disturbing trend already forming of individuals not really traveling this part of berezino without weapons, and people usually only come with friends in tow so our low caliber weaponry adds an extra challenge. More people will only aid in the survival of our community. We no longer travel further inland than Gorka/Staroye/Dubrovka and no further north than Dubrovka. South is free game but really we are just down there to work our way back Home. Not enough of us to risk extended patrols yet.
  23. ^Samuels likes to make things go boom. Avila and I played for 3 hours and didn't take a shot. Avila did get shot however.
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