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Marsden 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Marsden 1st MRB

  1. We are alive and well on DayZ Standalone. We have recently moved to a non-persistence based server. Meaning you have a 6 hour window with which to amass your fortune and if you wanna keep it when server reset comes around, it has to be in your hands! This helps a lot for some more high paced interactions; but does to an extent encourage a direct kill or be killed mentality across the server, yet with a little bit of patience and caution player interaction is not a pipe dream! We talk to and work with more people than we fight, and have accrued 10 kills from our current location. Today Avila and I were farmers defending our homestead, had quite a bit of fun as well. We are the Pepper farmers of Berezino at your service XD
  2. The wife and i in the beautiful Columbia River Gorge, Oregon side. Also my dog. Cuz she is awesome too
  3. Yerrr happy birfday Jank!!!!
  4. Well Im not positive what happened but the error appears to be gone for me now. At least from my phone. Will confirm this evening if gone from my PC as well
  5. What if we export the ban list to cut the total data in the form of comments? Then import the raw data for bans in sans comments and leave a copy of the export on the forum? If it is a volume of data issue then this should at least buy us time.
  6. I two am encountering this error. My HTML isn't strong enough to diagnose/repair the issue
  7. To confirm, dod_donner_tank5 is the map where allies are tasked with progressive objective destruction allowing the Sherman tank to move forward to axis spawn correct? If it is I know this is a map we had used previously for platoon practices to help foster more in depth communication on defense when having to rally back during an unexpected retreat, think it could maybe be a good pub map but don't know how well the general pubber is going to react to such a purely objective styled map. Link to Gamebanana for the map: http://gamebanana.com/maps/166894 Additionally this map is not on the Raider Approved listing. I will work on rectifying that this weekend if I can.
  8. *Sniffles* It's been so long...... You say still around and yet I no see you on forum in 4 years... you know like 3 days after your resignation T.T Hit me up if you ever see this

  9. We need at least one person who is playing it to let us know if we should buy it. So keep us posted Holquist
  10. Well even if infinity ward is closed you're still talking out your ass They pass between Sledgehammer Games and Infinity Ward. Activision is a publisher. They don't make games, they just fund them.
  11. We have already seen the begginings of pay for a game now and get it later, what do you call Days of War and other Early Access Titles? Some do it well. Others do it poorly. Hopefully Activision will never even be able to get into that funderfull little "market"
  12. I believe that about 70% of the gaming world is praying for the day that Call of Duty will no longer be a franchise that is being produced. However that 30% of the gaming world still foaming at the mouth for more Call of Duty is the demographic ranging from 10-19 and have access to mommy and daddies credit cards in order to purchase all that they want. Until Activision fails to exploit that younger demographic (of which I believe most of us who miss the old CoD'S and are holding a tiny bit of breath for the return to WWII where in during the release) I don't believe we will ever see it end. Then there are things like Angry Joe Show that pump up the "value" of such a "great" title like Call of Duty because "you get so much, you know a campaign, multiplayer, and zombies," of which AFTER purchasing DLC you have like 3 different zombie maps, a campaign; that wasn't expanded by your DLC purchase, and maybe 6-10 more maps available to play online..... after you just spent 40-80$ extra into the game, fucking bullshit market structure; the growth of massive publishing houses for the software and the decline of publishers making their own hardware has killed the creativity and spirit of the gaming world IMO. Turned it into almost 100% the bottom line instead of making a good and involving game. When did I get old....
  13. I would like to point out that this is litterally Call of Duty 2: Big Red One being re-made and re-released just illustrating a little bit more of the fighting in France as opposed to the previous title which was a little bit more spread out. But hey what do I know, I'm only old enough to remember the last time they used this exact company for the basis of their game.....
  14. Name: /§Ҝ\ Toothfairy Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:63952933 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: User has been banned a total of 5 times in the past including one permanent ban. All bans are for Mic Spam and or Disrespect and it has been brought to my attention that after having been banned again for a month in January after having a permanent ban lifted previously this individual has not learned how to play the game in a mature and respectful manner. Demo Provided?: N; Citation of Ban History; Prior Ban Request; Prior Ban Request Comments: Repeat claims of admin abuse when we have a history of having to moderate and control this players behaviour in game over the last 3 years does not constitute admin abuse. It constitutes this player being willfully disrespectful of our rules and community. It is unclear as to why this Permanent Ban was lifted in the first place.
  15. Nah ARAM just reinforces bad habits that people should never encourage in league. It aids in the propagation of the "go mid, lane phase is over" mentality that fosters poor gamesense and trying to force plays. All of these actions usually result in a loss outside of the howling abyss.
  16. I think you meant friends don't let friends play ARAM Captain.
  17. You want myCarhart beanie? I think not sir, is like a $60 hat and also apparently like one of the hardest patterns to find
  18. Marsden at his new job XD Life is good
  19. Ban is under review by the Command Staff. Topic closed
  20. They have register ed factions and color coded armbands corespond
  21. Samuels and I have started playing on DayZ underground, but it's first person only. They seem to have an in depth combat system in place though
  22. Yerrr; also a breakdown for the color scheme of those ports should be: Green = Line Out Blue = Line In Pink = Mic In
  23. his headset uses a single 3.5mm cable whereas the board he has has multiple input/output jacks (e.g. Dedicated mic, dedicated speaker/headphone, dedicated line in, and possibly dedicated subwoofer) as any board that I have encountered with dedicated in/output jacks do not facilitate dual channel input/output we have found the problem. Most likely fixes: Splitter to make his single 3.5mm input/output cable into two cables, one input, one output Purchase new headset that has split input output cable Purchase new headset that utilizes USB instead of 3.5mm audio jack So I can confirm if this is 100% the case can you post your Motherboards make model number please? I believe you listed the following: Manufacturer Gigabyte Part # GA-Z270P-D3 From the listings I was able to find off of Gigabyte's website is that it does indeed have seperate input output for audio: 4 x USB 3.1 Gen 1 ports 2 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports 3 x audio jacks (Line In, Line Out, Mic In)
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