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Marsden 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Marsden 1st MRB

  1. still makes me unwilling to give the game any more time of day than my free trial 4 hours on Xbox One But I'm glad that they aren't like candy and that the end game is difficult to attain in that one. I have LiF:YO if you wanna play. Haven't been on in a long time so would be down to start a new toon but don't know if I have the time to dedicate to DoD:S, DayZ, LiF:YO, and my Wife lol
  2. Samuels and I have shifted to the DayZ Underground first person only private hive We have already encountered multiple player groups and survived. Downside as always with full pop hive, long queue time. One guy we ended up holding up and letting live in a mil base after tying him up and taking what we wanted, I was planning to drop some things in trade but ended u forgetting to drop them. Hope it doesn't screw me over in the future. Luckily I was streaming however so you can watch it all on twitch.tv/strakervolusen!
  3. Down for nwaf fight. Im with the stary sobor team atm As far as your question Turner, because we like DayZ better for the most part, ark is conceptually flawed in an unredeamable way from my viewpoint, lasers and dinosaurs = plot failure
  4. Additionally right click the speaker icon on your taskbar and select recording devices. Open you Mics properties and under the listen section select the box that says listen to this device and see if you can heat u or not. Will determine if you PC even recognizes the mic as there
  5. I'm down, couple of the other DayZ community peeps I've talked to say Bluewaffle is pretty stable. However I would say we need to slam this DayZ admin hard on his chosen medium of Twitter. His vote said no to switching games, his reasoning for switching games is he is impatient, and he needs to know that he has now alienated his player base. I personally will never go back to D.M.Z. even if they put the server back up.
  6. Owners of the server are a bunch of whiney "I've lost faith in the dev team" shits. https://twitter.com/DMZDAYZ They are closing the server on April 21st. We will have to find a new hive to play on because apparently their server being full population at almost all times of the day is not sufficient. https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ But hey, what do I know. Only 59% of their vocal population on twitter voted against it. the community has no forum presence to speak of, and yet what little feedback they can manage to get on twitter they ignore. Sorry that I picked a wrong server for us to base out of gentlemen. Being the 3rd most populated private hive in the world doesn't mean anything to the server owner. Good news is that for those of you with ARMA III you will be able to play Exiles with the D.M.Z. server still. fucking bullshit ass cop out quitters should go blow themselves fkldafjlkdfjlkdfjdlakfj
  7. Problem cited is no longer ongoing yay Photobucket gave us our ribbons back XD
  8. More rare than maces, less rare than Winchester's
  9. Swords are pretty common, you just have to go to castles to get them and we usually have higher priority targets
  10. I would be fine with setting up civilian tents there but any of the other tents would be too much work to get them there and the limited size of the island makes a full base pretty high risk. But we could make it our hold out point for calling in a pvp challenge to the admins
  11. Does your laptop have a solid state drive or a hard disk drive? Because it sounds like your storage may be having trouble keeping up on read writes atm which would be explained by running a defrag on an ssd, whereas if you have an hdd that wouldn't be the issue.
  12. Skalitsy is a dope spawn imo. And I would love to set out some civilian tents to lot cycle it with all for a bit. Skalitsy had a pretty high spawn chance for .308 and Winchester's. Not to mention all its boat spawn for netting and a mid sized fishing village for burlap We could just make that our home and shoot people that run up and down the far coast
  13. agreed. To be safe a trade would require all of us online and working together
  14. Alright lets get erryone back toward base. I feel like maybe we should stay in those valleys watching from the rock walls for a bit, see if we can find our mystery visitors.. and IDK, exact some retribution. Also as I have no desire to keep the FAL I say we work to make contact with another of the servers groups to initiate a trade on the NEAF. I would love to have another Winchester for the group, or an SVD, so we can have an efficient sniper team to work with, as it stands now we have sufficient automatics and the .22 for mid/close range support during a trade off and I would be able to provide long/mid range support from cover with my Winnie. So what I was thinking is as our netting was robbed we could offer the FAL on my back in exchange for 2 stacks of netting, and maybe the UMP .45 for one of the long rifles? I would like input on this from the rest of the squad before I work to get in touch with heads of other groups about working to facilitate the trade. Additionally we would want to practice dispersal patterns, sector assignment and establish our ranges before working to set this up. I say NEAF because it has a very nice open space with availability to both squads involved to have overwatch and eyes on one another up to the rendez vouz itself.
  15. correction, lagesse has no aug
  16. alright well over the mountains and threw the woods to abandoned research facilities we went. And ooh how th payout was grand. We now have two full spare kits on us, a new spson tortila bag, a hunting bag, not to mention the FAL, Aug, and M4, and Winchester we found. Found Ammo for Sanborne when we link back up. Sanborned - Located in Stary Yar at present. LaGesse - En route to base from Zeleno with AKM, Aug, AK-74U; exact location unknown Marsden, Samuels, Armstrong - South and East of the Tisy Military Research Facility, at the top of a hill across from a pond and the bordering access road. Samuels has - Aug, many many many mags, most our 5.56 ammo. Armstrong has - M4, Trumpet [with hunting scope] and many rounds for both Marsden has - Winchester with 40 rounds, FAL [no mags, no rounds]. We will be working to return to base tomorrow, and hopefully pick Sanborne up on the way, if we miss the window we can grab Sanborne on the way back through the northern loot line from base we established today.
  17. I believe this is going to boil down to a difference in opinion. I believe this type of situation is best decided upon by the parent themselves. If a parent wishes to allow their child to handle/own firearms then the state should mandate gun safety training for parent and child. If the parent doesn't want their child handling/owning firearms, well the child is still unable to purchase a firearm until they reach the age of 18 here in the states so is a moot point. However the point that Turner and I are illustrating is the child who never had weapons safety training is more likely to be the violent offender that you hear about on the news so often, even if it doesn't occur till they are an adult. Last statistic I saw on it was close to 85% of gun violence in the states is committed by individuals who have never had a gun safety course, whearas only about 12% of people who have completed a gun safety course commit a violent crime involving a firearm, accidental or otherwise.
  18. I believe that so long as the children are being taught properly and are being provided appropriate caliber weapons for their body type. This Army Veteran had it spot on the head. Training a child how to safely and appropriately handle a Firearm is the best form of gun safety. The most common instances of children hurting other children with firearms is when they are not allowed near the weapons, and not taught about them. Then it is some mystical and exotic thing that needs to be shown off. Children who are taught gun safety and are around firearms from a young age view it as a tool, albeit a very dangerous one, and there is no need to show off your toolbox to the friends. However on the liberal side of the fence, I feel that in the event that a parent is intending to purchase a firearm for their child that certain gun safety training requirements should be in place, outlining that you have to have passed a state certified gun safety course to be able to purchase a firearm for, or shoot a firearm with a child under 10 on a firing range... (damn having been raised by a bunch of Californian hippies...)
  19. Okay good. One thing I want to stress is that while we are in the vicinity of the base we should be very careful of if people see us in Mil gear or not. If you see a fresh spawn near to the base and they don't see you, kill them before they see you. It's a very very hostile approach, and kind of player negative experience, but ultimately will keep our base safe. If other players outinely spot fully geared players in this area they will begin searching for a base, with as large as we have grown we cannot afford that. It will be easy for a well managed squad (like ours XD) to find our base without even having to drop into the valley bellow us. They can crest the ridge line, and scan the horizon before the debug plain to find the tents. We can't afford to keep a sentry at the base at all times, let alone afford to have our scavengers to be able to be close enough to recall to prevent being looted. Our best defense is simply anonymity; if they don't know a squad is operating out of the area, they won't think to look for a base, and our base won't be found. Any player traps we work to initiate will need to be at Bere or further south to avoid attention being drawn to our base. And large scale squad combat should not be sought after until we pass black mountain/Nagrone (I know Nagrone is pretty far from us but that's the point. If we engage in large scale squad combat there it will seem more like a chance encounter for the mil base to the west than anything). I feel that at this point we have a pretty good access path to the loot runs across the northern segments of the map, but we are looking at pretty long stretched time dedications. Once we get another tent or two I feel we should begin expanding our base outward into a checkpoint system. If anyone has suggestions for placement of these checkpoints/resupply points that would be well appreciated. I want us to be able to supply ourselves up and down the spawn points without having to rely on high player trafficked loot points to get geared up and able to provide a support role to the squad in the event of player death.
  20. did samuels get killeded then?
  21. Update, we have expanded the base. So much so that I was comfortably simply offloading every last part of my kit except my boots and high capacity vest and venture forth. And venture I did. I planned for a 7 KM minimum strike and believe I made 4 before needing to return to base camp. The route through the north toward North base and Tisy is relatively easilly navigated, and minimizes the wolf spawn chances severely, will be a great run to take people on to get them fully geared s well as hitting players. We can easilly work from camp, to north/tisy, down through NWAF and back to base. This will allow us to outfit you, and then loot up so as to facilitate your replacement of the goods provided. In which we allow ourselves the possibilty of A) easy respawns and re-gear and ability to facilitate trades with other player groups on the server.... Lemme know if we wanna start trying to build into that. Additionally I hopped on and stole another tent in the wee hours of the morning off the server in the middle of my naked jaunt. Found the tent just west of Novo on the northern slope. Came with a free car battery and not much else telling me that another player set it up there after hitting the north base. The camp now consists of the following: One: Car Tent Three: Civilian Tents Three: Big Military Tents Watch live video from strakervolusen on www.twitch.tv
  22. 100% confirmation that server restarts occur at 4:04/7:04/10:04/1:04 (Times in EST/PST)
  23. Alright new base camp is set up. If you are not already in the locations conversation just post here and we will get you in. Sadly we have no video to share as the goal tonight was to build our base out. But you can see the fruits of our labor XD Which by the way, yes that is the same character that I had written about in the February edition of the Newsletter. still alive and kicking, with Samuels also alive for about 3 weeks now. Armstrong is in the middle of us and I think he has about a month of overall survival, but fewer hours into the character, although he's got to be getting close by now XD Feel free to hop on in and join us! We can meet up and guide you in from any of the spawn locations north of Solichny (if you don't know where that is we can help teach you XD)
  24. *Sniffles* I miss you Tolomeo!!!! Come back to us BB

  25. For those who were unable to make it out to us today we are basically back in our old base of operations on the north eastern mountain range. Sadly our tent got deleted or stolen but we were able to acquire an ungodly amount of netting for it. So now as long as you bring burlap we can make you a ghillie gunwrap. BTW, And how I feel when we trynna find eachother and having to learn to read Cyrillic Start of the action viewable here, this ended just prior to the first server reset of the evening. Watch live video from strakervolusen on www.twitch.tv
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