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Marsden 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Marsden 1st MRB

  1. That's okay, it gets easier the more you use it. If you don't go to a thread it won't disapear off your unread unlike the old version so is less reliant on use of multiple tabs to review wassup, and in "unread content" you can select "Expanded" view to see the first 2.5 lines of a reply as a preview. Is pretty nice once you get the hang of it. Hit me up on vent some time, I'm happy to catch you up XD
  2. yeah, I have most routes to cities memorized by landmarks now, but it has taken some time for sure lol If you want help familiarizing yourself with the landmarks that have been added to the DayZ map let Samuels or I know as he is pretty good iwth the land marks nowadays. Also you will never spawn further south or west than Elektro these days
  3. nice, I have only a few hours in ARMA 2 and none in 3; but the map is the same so thats always a plus
  4. You do not need to find an engine. I believe for a Ural you need a glow plug, gas, battery
  5. lol Mottola talkin trash with his 140 hours. Get Good homie Come talk when you break 500 like Harvey and I Just playing BB. Glad to see you joined back in. Best bet for dodging zeds is to lock them in a house behind you. You will have to take a few hits most likely but it's more effective then killing them when unarmed. Once you have a melee weapon it is worthwhile to kill zeds as they will occaisionally drop loot. The only Netting I have found recently was actually on a zed corpse.
  6. foy_forrest is best map ever made. no one will convince me otherwise
  7. Happy to help guide people in from the coast to base camp if you need help. it's a fairly easy run however it is very long from any spawn point. Ideally meet ups will be be facilitated outside the center of the map [Mogilivka up to Stary and out to Vybor] so as to avoid us all congregating to meet at high traffic areas and increase the likelihood of being sited, followed, or killed. Once we have a stable infrastructure up with base and transit I think we could start working toward more aggressive PVP or possibly [more difficult IMO] work to facilitate a trade system with other groups on the server if we really wanted to.
  8. I will look into this for you and determine if it meets the standard of Raider Approved in the Ordnance Office. However you are mistaken, nothing is better than foy_forest.
  9. Samuel's and I play pretty heavily. Peaker, Armstrong, LaGesse, Donkin, Grenoble, Avila, and Small join us semi regularly and Sanborne on a blue moon will play.
  10. Welcome to the brig. Bigotry is not tolerated here, it only serves to degrade yourself and others. If you are IfLance Corporal your language also degrades the Corps. As a Marine you should conduct yourself in public in a manner that does not make the Corps look bad. A server on the internet is public domain. Citation of your bigotry that did not slip under the admins notice (as I banned you for it): 18 faggots fagginly faggotry. 1st Marine Raider Battalion | HLStatsX | FF | Medic | Feb 20, 2017 7:29:18 pm 19 fags 1st Marine Raider Battalion | HLStatsX | FF | Medic | Feb 20, 2017 7:29:07 pm http://1stmarineraiders.gameme.com/m/playerinfo/134738/chat?chat_list_show_page=2&chat_list_showrows=15&chat_list_order=eventTime&chat_list_order_type=desc&b=http://1stmarineraiders.gameme.com/m/search/dods?q=STEAM_0:0:2666198&si=uniqueid&rc=dods You will be able to rejoin the server on March 23rd.
  11. One can hope against that. Let's just hope that the reported reasoning's for massing forces within and around their boarders is accurate to what they have told us. That this is merely and exercise in preparedness so as to better defend their citizens and boarders in the face of aggression. The only concern I have is them taking and posting a permanent Garrison on that Island (Admittedly my knowledge of the geography, and oceanography of the Baltic sea is very limited) as that feels almost expansionist and upon cursory research could work as one hell of a forward operations point for movement of troops east or west across the Baltic Sea. Upon review of the mapped topography of the sea floor surrounding the location a submarine base most likely probably already exists in the area (if not a modern base than at least a remnant of WWII). Defensively establishing a garrison does make sense but I'm not sure if there is a direct need for a permanent garrison in the point of the Baltic, the land mass itself puts forces almost equidistant from Sweden and the eastern Baltic states. At this stage I'm hoping it's just a bit of Pea-cocking in the hopes of preventing further expansionist actions by Russia; but as we saw in the past structuring of rigid defensive positions and combat lines only aids in further escalating both sides of the conflict... Maybe the institutions we created after the second World War in the hopes of preventing the formation of political powder kegs, like we are seeing in recent years, would do their job and get these leaders talking about commonalities and things that would benefit both of their peoples we could see a continuation of the de-escalation of arms through the world we had begun to observe in the late nineties. But hey, I'll admit I'm an idealist and we can't try and pretend that the last decade, almost two, hasn't set the world back politically due to a degradation of trust and integrity observed in world leaders.
  12. Aaaah thanks Captain! Can't wait to get everything rolling for next months edition as well XD
  13. yerr great job everyone! awesome read and great work with the layout.
  14. This is not sounding good. I don't like to hear of countries re-instituting drafts out of fear. never a good sign .Also thread is now in the Politics? sub forum
  15. You all fucking up. It's all about Pilot Wings on the SNES and Pilot Wings 64
  16. Player permanently banned. Use of Racist slurs is zero tolerance on our servers.
  17. Player banned for a month. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
  18. I did say your name. Miss you man. When you coming back?
  19. Request denied. You have been banned from our server on four other separate occasions for team killing. We have given you ample opportunities to play as a mature adult on our servers. Due to this past behavior you are no longer welcome to play on our public servers in either Day of Defeat: Source or Days of War. You have played on our server for upwards of 3 years, you know our rules, and you still chose to disregard them and retaliate to team kills again. Another individuals actions do not excuse your own. Additionally your story does not line up with the events the Server Logs show, this information is publically available as well. Reher did indeed have too many team kills on the 6th of February, and has been banned from our server as well. Topic Closed.
  20. aah they so cute! do they always chillax and cuddle together like that? Because my families cats always were tolerable of one another but never willing to actually chill like that
  21. Yerrr let the voting begin!
  22. Thank you for putting everything together for us Candy, it looks really good
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