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Marsden 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Marsden 1st MRB

  1. We were able to install his new PSU and GPU, I helped him through it on vent the other night. From what I have heard and seen he is not having any issues in Days of War anylonger and should be good to go. I'll poke him next time I see him on steam to confirm here in the thread for you Shank.
  2. Pics or it didn't happen
  3. Yes Larson, you did it, now do it while the Server is full.
  4. the respect is there, we just don't want anything to do with the ponies nor their enthusiasts.
  5. So also, on an unrelated note, anyone else getting driven insane by the no icons on scoreboard/inability to show full tags in game?
  6. damn nicely done Pardo!
  7. lol right? Brown is going to get finished packing except his computer and then not move for like 20 hours before he has to pack the rig up too
  8. All I see is crab cakes lol
  9. I'll get some of the pictures of my wife and I hiking the Cascades and Columbia River Gorge up tonight, then it will be MRB 4 Mountains 0
  10. lol that's one interpretation.
  11. Well that is awesome to see that you are getting an opportunity to go teach outside of Bejing, that is super awesome. However I forbid you from going as then who will I talk shit with in the pub? No one else has quite the level of thick skin you've got Brown XD jk jk jk Once you get there if you can get in vent I can see about helping you get a VPN set up to see about neutralizing some of the ping issue, obviously won't fix it all but may be able to get you to a playable state, no promises.
  12. wait no more ability to type crabcakes?
  13. I want crab cake in my in my cake shaped like a crab with crab frosting
  14. bwohahahahahahahah I must get in touch with Bryant. He must know that his rage of crabcakes is being taken up by other crabcake enthusiasts here on the forums... then you will learn why crabcakes not ponies.
  15. Best spot on omaha is with the MG undeployed axis side down in the bunker after they blow the generator to open the door to the beach. Just ask Candy, he knows.
  16. Oooh it's my permissions. I'm allowed to say Brony/Pony/Ponies/Bronies now yay!! I never realized the crabcakes and crabcake enthusiast filter was set as profanity filter Not that I'll have use of those words after this thread dies out lol
  17. And it would appear that the wrath of crabcakes has ended as I was just able to type the words without issue.
  18. Actually Bryant is still around, just hasn't played for a while and I haven't seen him on steam for a long time. He is however still a pony enthusiast and will take a moment to talk ponies at any time you want to be edified in the glory that is pony.
  19. Can add me. I'll usually be online pretty late thursdays and fridays.
  20. So still got the three of us on the public servers up west of Severograd from what I know. If anyone wants to meet up tomorrow night and play I'm down for a binge session. Additionally Samuels and I have a stash built on "The D.M.Z." server's Private hive. The stash consists of two barrels, and ALOT of wolf meat with a spare SKS, 7.62x39mm rounds, MP5, 9mm rounds, Skorpion, no rounds (need .380), no mags for either SMG, and I think we have .357 rounds. Also we have a range finder but need a battery for it. If anyone wants to join Samuels, Harvey, and I on the server. The stash is located on the south western edge of the town of Gvozdno. The first barrel is a green barrel hidden in the brush line at the edge of the trees at the top of the hill, the second is about 100 meters away, further back away from the town, red and white barrel, stashed in orange bushes across from a patch of berry bushes. At last check both barrels were full so we could really use a 3rd if not to get some tents set up. Unfourtunately the three of us died the last time we played on that server but went down pretty gloriously after making a fair run of the day. If you want the details keep an eye on the newsletter XD
  21. the DOW is strong this year.....
  22. Your ban duration has been lowered already. You were not banned for not understanding English. You were banned as you have been told repeatedly that our server you are expected to communicate in VoIP in English only. You are not as you claim "Innocent" of this infraction. You know you are not supposed to use any language in our server than English and you willfully decide not to follow that rule. One who is presenting and handling themselves honorably do not willfully disregard rules and regulations that they have been made aware of and acknowledged to intend to follow. Nor do they make accusations and dispertions onto others honor simply for adhering to regulation. You will be able to play on our server in one months time. In that time I recommend you rethink your use of VoIP privelleges on our server. Thank you for your time and loyalty to our server, but you need to understand these rules are for us to ensure no one is saying anything overly vulgar/derogatory to one another. Chief Warrant Officer Cody J. Marsden Translation Sua duração proibição já foi reduzida. Você não foram banido por não compreender o inglês. Você foi banido como você tem dito repetidamente que nosso servidor, você deve comunicar-se somente em VoIP em inglês. Você não é o que você alega "Inocente" Essa infração. Sabe que não é suposto para usar qualquer linguagem em nosso servidor que inglês e voluntariamente decidir não seguem essa regra. Aquele que está apresentando e manipulando-se honradamente não despreze deliberadamente regras e regulamentos que foram feitos conscientes e reconhecido que pretendo seguir. Nem eles fazem acusações e dispertions nos outros honra simplesmente por aderir ao regulamento. Você será capaz de jogar no nosso servidor, em vez de meses. Nesse tempo, eu recomendo que você repensar sua utilização de VoIP privelleges no nosso servidor. Obrigado pelo seu tempo e lealdade para com o nosso servidor, mas você precisa entender que essas regras são para nos assegurar que ninguém está dizendo nada excessivamente vulgar/depreciativo para o outro. Primeiro subtenente Cody J. Marsden
  23. yerrrrr happy birfdee booher. Don't get too trashed
  24. Well done everyone! And thank you for the Smoke Shop Segment; I've been looking to find some good Cigars to smoke at my local cigar bar. Also want to find ones that I can buy for the day my future chilluns are born lol
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