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Marsden 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Marsden 1st MRB

  1. "Rip off" is an interesting stance for Day Of Defeat community members to take. Our game is merely a "rip off" and "re-skin" of Counter Strike as it's merely a mod. Has some new maps that Counter Strike didn't have and that is the extent of "new things" that came to Day of Defeat or Day of Defeat Source. Days of War is ultimately going to be more of the same, but with an updated engine (Unreal engine). To my knowledge, just like Day of Defeat has no campaign, story line, or character development, neither will Days of War. It is an arena shooter based in WWII with the goal of taking FPS gaming back to it's roots and away from the extra's that have become mandatory that take away from the classic competitive play of arena shooters.
  2. I'd be the one guy with a thompson who tossed a smoke out in front of us as soon as the boat started to slow down so those MG42's might not fuck my day up. So yeah I'd get mortared.... curse you and your accurate predictions Shank. Will be playing the shit out of this the day it is available XD
  3. Joint Training Operations will commence again on December the 11th, 2016. This Operation will occur on Dod_Hillside_1944 at 18:00 EST. Any and all Raiders are welcome to join us for the operation and we will hold a standard realism style draft to fill out the ranks of each 1st and Second Platoons before the Operation commences. We hope to see you all in the Private server come Sunday. This training may take as much as 2.5 hours to complete. If you are currently in Baker Company please do not hesitate to attend as these Joint Training Operations are for the entirety of the unit not just 1st or 2nd platoons XD
  4. Alright so Grenoble, Samuels and I are all logged off in a treeline up north and west of Elektro right now. Grid reference 9300 by 3400 We will most likely be back onto DayZ Experimental through the week, if you are interested in joining us on the Experimental hive post up here so we know to hit you up. I'll post our end grid reference each night to help facilitate people being able to meet up with us a bit better and more fluidly. I know that Harvey is currently up at 13400 by 12900 at the moment and that Duff (non member) is up near to him. The three of us down by Elektro are rocking .22's so magazines and rounds would be appreciated if anyone can help us out. Next time we know for certain able to play together will be this upcoming friday but may change, not sure.
  5. Oooh that's pretty. Nice grab there, now just need to get ur hands on a c96. Then you can be a rocket man
  6. Please don't eat raw chicken.... that's really not good for you lol, if your chicken still resembles venison after cooking, cook it more lol
  7. I set my FPS cap out at 65 as the human eye cannot detect a difference much beyond that even with the best of training. Makes it less work on my GPU; therefore longer lifespan But it is nice to see so many frames of death and beating people in the face with the shovel makes it better
  8. Player is currently banned for 4 days. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Additionally I merged the three threads that got posted for this, in the future avoid spamming the "Submit" button repeatedly as sometimes it just takes some time.
  9. Yerrrr let's get this going and that way we can all have moar realisms through the week, more people = more we can get events going for everyone XD
  10. I think the captain just nominated himself as well as britton lol
  11. It was originally created in reference to the scene that Parker posted and meant as a jovial joke, however if people are offended that much by the concept of the nomination made in good hjmor, I am happy to see this fade back into the nether that is the forum back end.
  12. Japan (35) USA (86) Canada (52) Germany (65)
  13. Follow-up question, in game do you have "Boost microphone gain" enabled?
  14. That is totally who I thought I was Larson XD. And I'd happily take the Nomination. It's not like I have never been in the running for Reh-Tard of the month before.
  15. Japan (35) USA (85) Canada (52) Germany (66)
  16. So I feel like it's been way to long since this was a thing. How bout y'all? Also thank Larson for the necro posts. It really grinds his gears.
  17. Japan (35) USA (84) Canada (54) Germany (67)
  18. "I don't wanna hear these bullshit excuses. The devs are just lazy and don't wanna finish the game" - Paraphrase from 90% of DayZ threads and sums up my impatience at acquiring a key for the game.... although I would rather have to wait and have functioning things; just want to not wait as long as I have to to play this game.
  19. De nada boss
  20. login at steampowered.com>select your account name at the top of the page>purchases/history/whatever their name for it is>select the purchase for Day of Infamy>I purchased this on accident>Less than 2 hours played, money back in your pocket within 72 hours
  21. T.T why you have to tease me like that Gilmore?
  22. Didn't know Days of War was available for purchase yet... MUST HAS NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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