I wouldn't go quite as far to say we are all bleeding heart progressives. My main concern is for my Wife and how such a blatantly masagonistic man may hinder her ability to be treated and seen as my, as well as any other man's, equal. Not to mention how his tendancy to make blanket statements about demographics based solely on their nationality/descent. But then again, he very nearly won the popular vote as well which just tells me that I was born in the wrong country and my fellow Americans are uninterested in advancing the work started in the 50's and 60's, but instead would like to "Make America Great Again" by returning to the cut and dry view of the world held before we started realizing that a black man is indeed a full human being, not 3/5's of one, and that a woman is entitled to her own opinion, and earnings.
But hey, I agree with the man in regards to the fact that we need to get the economy back up to what it should be, I just don't like the fact that his only outlined plan appears to be tax cuts for corporations. he has provided no other details to this magical plan... I'm hoping he surprises those of us who are skeptical and delivers on his promises about the economy.
Additionally as Trump hasn't demonstrated the greatest control of his tongue/temper in the past I would hope that his cabinet keeps his interactions with foreign leaders to a minimum so he can't say something inflammatory to them, example given "You know Putin, I would love to grab your wife right by the pussy and fuck her raw."