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Marsden 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Marsden 1st MRB

  1. Hoo-Rah Marines. Thank you all for your service and sacrifice.
  2. Banned for 2 days
  3. That sounds pretty dope to me. May try and convince my wife to go see it with me. By the way, you always seem to find the bestest of movies.
  4. I have reviewed what I can on your records for our server. As the comments were made far enough back even if they were text based the information had been archived. Due to this we will need to wait for either of the Banning Admins involved wit your two bans from the server to weigh in. I appreciate your patience with the issue and for the way in which you have addressed the Unban request. Best of Luck.
  5. That is the real question. I'm reading up on his plan now to get a bit more information. My big issue is it's so hard to find non-biased information relating to the man. No one seems to be remaining particularly objective at this point.
  6. Okay so as vengeance for your Almond milk I shall go and drink me a mimosa on lunch
  7. Name: Pilon/Mick Foley Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:78049961 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Accrual of four bans for TeamKilling and one for Mic Spa Demo Provided?: N Comments: User has shown no interest in adhering to basic server rules.
  8. Name: Potomek Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:23834293 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Accrual of 4 prior bans, 3 for TK/TW, one for inappropriate language. Demo Provided?: N Comments: This individual shows no inclination of adhering to basic server rules and has not rectified the problem behavior after multiple bans.
  9. I hate you forever now Gilmore. I love almonds, but they don't love me. They love to swell my throat shut and make me itch and swell T.T
  10. I'm so glad that the majority of our community is sane.
  11. Banned for disrespecting members and disregarding Server Rules. Banned for 2 days.
  12. *Slow clap grows to rapid clap* Amazingly worded and one of the most rational analysis' of the Political System and our populaces reactions to it I have ever seen. My big issue is just what you stated, I can't understand how he had the support to win. The difference I'm noticing between myself and a lot of the other Americans is that while I don't understand it, I have accepted it and want to see what he does before I fully condemn him as a president. As I stated above, I have concerns about where we will be being led, but only time will tell where that will actually be.
  13. Notice your points highlight separate issues than what I have brought up in regards to the double standards. I did not talk about Trumps womanizing and Hillary's counter claims against him in regards to it. Additionally while I do not support Bill's infidelities to his wife; what he has done in his personal life and in his time 16 years ago as president don't really have baring on her ability to be president. I would like to think that we live in a world where a Married Woman is not measured by what her husband's accomplishments or failings are but instead of. So if we would like to discuss a valid double standard about Hillary and her past mistakes, let's take a moment to define the word Genocide shall we? Why was this never once brought up during the campaign cycle? Hillary brought up many a time the fact that Donald has a tendency to toe the line on legalities, and doesn't follow through with promises made by him or the corporation he represents. However when Hillary was the US Representative to the UN she did not follow through the expectation to the world we had made after handling the Final Solution, instead she chose to tip-toe around the reported Genocides in Africa instead of moving to have the UN act on stopping those atrocities that continue today. So let's discuss that presented and documented double standard shall we?
  14. I wouldn't go quite as far to say we are all bleeding heart progressives. My main concern is for my Wife and how such a blatantly masagonistic man may hinder her ability to be treated and seen as my, as well as any other man's, equal. Not to mention how his tendancy to make blanket statements about demographics based solely on their nationality/descent. But then again, he very nearly won the popular vote as well which just tells me that I was born in the wrong country and my fellow Americans are uninterested in advancing the work started in the 50's and 60's, but instead would like to "Make America Great Again" by returning to the cut and dry view of the world held before we started realizing that a black man is indeed a full human being, not 3/5's of one, and that a woman is entitled to her own opinion, and earnings. But hey, I agree with the man in regards to the fact that we need to get the economy back up to what it should be, I just don't like the fact that his only outlined plan appears to be tax cuts for corporations. he has provided no other details to this magical plan... I'm hoping he surprises those of us who are skeptical and delivers on his promises about the economy. Additionally as Trump hasn't demonstrated the greatest control of his tongue/temper in the past I would hope that his cabinet keeps his interactions with foreign leaders to a minimum so he can't say something inflammatory to them, example given "You know Putin, I would love to grab your wife right by the pussy and fuck her raw."
  15. And sadly this results takes away my ability to say that my countrymen are not idiots. So looks like Parker has been right all along... I need some Maple Syrup and Bagged Milk.
  16. weeeeeeeeee 'Murica gong be da gratest agin! All y'all best look out now ye'herrr?
  17. And thus far Trump is winning the popular and Elector votes....
  18. slippery and impossible to catch?
  19. lol and the trolling begins
  20. So I was recently gifted this. I may actually install and try it out with y'all after reading through the thread.
  21. Those were awesome. That lizard was super lucky
  22. yeah but bi-partisan cooperation (you know, compromise and progress) are but a pipe dream in the American political system
  23. Sahdu. I'm spamming your not facebook feed because I can :P

  24. For sure, if we see a win with popular and elector votes; then hopefully for once people will just focus on congress and working to fix the laws themselves instead of worrying about the policy of an individual administration. Let the Executive Branch focus on foreign affairs like they are supposed to, and let the Legislative branch handle, I don't know, legislature?
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