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Marsden 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Marsden 1st MRB

  1. I would rather see our fellow Americans use their constitutional rights and powers to impeach the man over a civil war/unrest scenario but all the flags are flying and the level of discontent among Americans (left or right) is starting to bubble over. I fear for the way things have been moving of late in this country and hope that the Electoral College doesn't end up screwing the pooch in how it represents the will of the voters... all I can hear is calls for "recount!!!!"
  2. Yeah that may be so, unfortunately I don't see a way of America being great with either outcome of this election year.
  3. Name: Kimo112/Cpl. R. Porter [1st MRB] Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:24969296 Reasons for the Ban: Already permanently banned from the public server. Was invited to the open realism this evening some how and proceeded to TeamKill on the wall during defensive set up and weapons assignment. Recommended duration of ban: If not already needs upgrade to permanent on the Private Server Demo Provided?: N Warrant Officer Rather, Staff Sergeant Turner, Gunnery Sergeant Gilmore, and I were present during the incident. Gilmore has applied a ban but I am unsure if permanent.
  4. Don't subject an infant to our trolling... they have no facility to defend yet
  5. Additionally after the restart command went through I noticed no real change to the telemetry reported from my fat packet ping tests.
  6. Love you Blue. Additional traces from my side appear to confirm the problem is with the hosts second server/hub in line from us as that is where the spikes are starting My Snapshot also shows a massive spike across all of the servers tested on the last 6 steps of the trace, no related ping increase reported to my client while the spike occurred. I wish I could have gotten more images across the .ibone. routes to determine if it is just an issue with the Comcast Backbone at this time and not the svc host. I have new tests running currently and will allow them to run for a half hour, I am no longer in the server.
  7. Nice Necro-post boss
  8. Thank you both Sir's Anyone still encountering issues with lag please let us know and post the information the Lt. Col. requested as well. For those not familiar with running a trace route it is fairly simple and you don't need admin access to your PC. Windows: Open command prompt [Win+R "cmd" hit enter] type "tracert" and hit enter. Post results here. Mac: Open Terminal [hit search icon at top taskbar; type terminal] type "traceroute" Post results here.
  9. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I will be home in approx. 4.5 hours, if another Officer has not addressed the issue at that time I will see what I can do for you all.
  10. This thread is very educational. I'm a dick and have been saying so many names wrong....
  11. Mine was basic enough not to need converting, given my family still has 2 townships and a marsh/reservoir/forest with my family name in England it doesn't surprise me that the INS didn't have my Grandfather change the spelling lol
  12. Name: 7 Раз Убей Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:20492620 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Repeat offender, fourth ban since September same reason. Shows no inclination of adapting to basic rules of server Demo Provided?: N Comments: Repeat offenses show user has absolutely no desire to play productively on our server.
  13. Name: Mini Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:120832474 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Fourth ban since the beginning of October. Demo Provided?: Y/N Comments: Repeat infractions of same basic rules indicate user has no intention of respecting server rules.
  14. Hah! See I knew he told me to just say it yo-tay because my American Tongue is retarded as fuck.
  15. Lol so I wasn't the only one saying it wrong bwohahahahahahahahaha
  16. Recent article exposes Trumps tendency to delete emails and other forms of documentation in direct violation of court orders. This coupled with his Felony level Tax Evasion makes me question why his candidacy is still even an option..... I personally don't have an issue with the deletion of emails even if it does contain Government data as if it has sensitive information I would rather it be fully deleted and gone instead of being broadcast all over the media; because you know the nightly news is where state secrets belong after all e.e I find this more laughable than anything as the main argument Trump has against Clinton is her deleted emails and refusal to provide information.
  17. O my, that song is ridiculous if I remember it correctly; I'm at work so can't play the video at the moment.
  18. English has as many colloquialisms as we do because of the complexity of the language itself. With the advent of the internet these terms get more evenly distributed across English speakers/readers. The sad part is when people rely solely on colloquialisms instead of speaking the language, things get lost or confused at that point.
  19. Yeah I'll wait for him to weigh in on that one because I can't make the sounds google made there lol. My silly American tongue gets confused.
  20. On another note I feel this is the most active I have seen the forums in the morning in a long time. Is a pleasant change as it keeps me occupied during downtimes lol
  21. Hmm then I have been saying it wrong forever T.T I'm sorry bout that
  22. I believe the phonetic breakdown would be yo-tay from how I have heard him say his name
  23. Mars (the planet) den (the room)
  24. That is definitely an idea, but then again it would require every member to actively review potentially hundreds of posts if say every member were to get online and make the posting, and there are the peeps who never sign into the forums T.T But overall this thread has been super productive XD
  25. Well just know gentleman that this is a pain that all in the unit have felt at some point. I've gotten Madsen and Marzipan and a few others in my time. Now that I know your name has the emphasis on may though I will keep that in mind for you in game/vent Almeida.
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