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Marsden 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Marsden 1st MRB

  1. BITCHES. So fucking drunk right now. Let's get the forums popping fast like facebook since we have status feeds and shit
  2. ..... curse you and your valid logic Major....
  3. Still all his fault. I am mad as such will not see reason lol. #SoSalty
  4. So this is my stance on the current affairs of Westeros and the rest of that there world. I hate Brandon Stark; Rickon has never been developed as a viable character (show or books TMK) as such anything goes there, one can hope that baby Rickon will seize Winterfell back and kill not just Ramsey but all of the Bolton's. Reason I hate Brandon Stark: Had he listened to his fucking parents in the first three chapters of the series House Stark would not have been as hyper focused on House Lannister, fewer tensions and hostilities on the road to Kings Landing, there fore more Direwolves. That's right Direwolves dying/banished= Bran's fucking fault. Now in this new world I have made where it's all fucking sunshine and rainbows because Brandon Stark is not a stuck up little shit who won't listen to his Lord and Lady parents; instead of Lancil Lannister being King Roberts Squire we have Bran; why you ask? Well because he listened to his fucking parents and is now not a cripple. Now King Robert doesn't get mortally wounded on hunt, and Lord Eddard Stark doesn't die, the North never rises, and so House Stark doesn't loose power (let alone half so many lives) or money. As such current affairs of Westeros are in better (seemingly) working order than anything we have seen to date. But shit, now there is a problem with space time continuity. Bran was never a cripple as such Bran never gave William a brain melting seizure where the only thing he was sure of was the need to hold the door so Bran's useless ass can live a bit longer... aah but fuck isn't that a better world line anyway? Where the boy who was normal didn't grow up into a vegetable? TL;DR: Brandon Stark is a conceited shitbag, all the fucked up ness of the series can be traced to start with his refusal not to climb for 4 days.
  5. I have not been as active of late but have noticed the same problem with late nights in the pub for a long time. When I do hop on late at night I honestly spend more time typing out warnings; repeating them on voice and then in my admin console and notepad tracking which of the asshats I have already kicked and what not..... I believe that may be a part of why I don't play as much late night anymore. I basically have to open a spread sheet for my admin actions, however if the public server is currently being plagued by higher than normal amounts of assbaggery then you can expect to see me join up for a bit each evening between 2-4 AM EST. As Warrant Office Candy has pointed out; we have plenty of members with admin [SSgt.+] so Muppet shouldn't be alone or even reliant on one or two other admins, even if it's just for a map, admin presence is noticed in the pub and appreciated by the players worth keeping. Now of course when it gets past midnight here my time [PST] I know there is pretty much no hope for civil interactions within the public server. I believe this to be part of the more lenientness that Vranic has noticed. When it gets to be actually late nights for me, I maintain my strictness on TK'ing and the like, but when it comes to chattering on the mic and things like that, if no one complains and I don't see a mass of people leaving I leave it be. If it get's the point that it annoys me or any of the pubbers ask them to stop then it's on to warn/mute, but up to that point I take a more passive stance to hopefully get more people into the server and thus bolster our ranks further. There have been a few nights where just by letting the people that during daytime hours would be classified as spammer BS with one another that I've gotten the pub up to about 28-30 players at 2AM PST [5 EST] all just joking back and fourth at one another and minimal hostilities or offensive shit being said. The reason I point this out is because with the late night crew, we unfortunately have to come to a bit of a compromise, if we can do that we will maintain the server as a fun and respectful place to play even far into the evening. But one thing to keep in mind is that who is playing does change the definition of "fun" within the server. It does not however change the definition of respect. TW'ers and TK'ers however need to be handled in the same manner regardless of what time it is. In regards to people not apologizing for TK's, if you don't say anything they assume you don't care that they TK'd you. As such why would they apologize for something that neither party cares about? I know it doesn't make too much sense from our perspective as for most members it is an automatic reflex to hit the PTT and apologize immediately on a TK, but we are not normal within the DoD:S community; or honestly the online gaming community in general. And this is a good thing XD
  6. Name: "ıllıllı sσηιккυ ıllı" Steam I.D: [U:1:311760627] Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Mic Spamming music into server on my entree. Was immediately notified of him TK'ing TW'ing and of having aimbot. Demo Provided?: N; blatant Aimbot/No-Recoil Hack Comments: I joined spec and watched him just run around sparying in front of axis spawn hitting people through the rubble pile and house.
  7. Lieutenant Colonel; you are the best XD
  8. I hope none of you trusted Sony with any of your Personal information. They have demonstrated time and again a marked resistance to updating their server security protocols when blatant flaws were pointed out to them and only deemed fit to institute a change after loosing thousands of their customers credit card information in 2009 and again in 2012.
  9. Additionally with Windows 10 being updated from a pre-existing OS I have seen a few instances of corrupt update files from your Old OS updates causing issues with the new entries in the registry; check on this by running an SFC /scannow and see if you receive any errors at the end of that process. Dependent on if that completes without errors and what error is received if any, you may need to rewrite your registry. I would also like to ask that you attempt to play with M. Vranic's HDD in your rig and yours in hers to determine if the HDD itself is the issue or not. If the issue persists at that time on your tower [her HDD] move on to checking of your RAM and further review of temperature based issues.
  10. I can edit title names there as well now and on additional sub forums such as the MOS subforum. It would appear the issue to be resolved. And in regards to your question Woz, yes I could edit the thread title from in this page for the entire time but it was selecting the edit button on the OP.
  11. Wow amazingly done guys! That is a huge amount of content there
  12. Also in regards to your question sir; that snippet of Java Script was from this Thread which I do have the ability to edit the title but only from within edit of the original posting and not as we had done in the past by clicking the title.
  13. I found a direct reference in the source code to the "editingTitle: False" being set when I dug through. I'm going to be honest and admit though that I am not super familiar with HTML coding. ips.controller.register('core.front.core.moderation', { _editTimeout : , _editingTitle : false, initialize : function () { this.on('submit', '[data-role="moderationTools"]', this.moderationSubmit); this.on('mousedown', 'a[data-role="editableTitle"]', this.editTitleMousedown); this.on('mouseup mouseleave', 'a[data-role="editableTitle"]', this.editTitleMouseup); this.on('click', 'a[data-role="editableTitle"]', this.editTitleMouseclick); }, editTitleMousedown : function (e) { var self = this; this._editTimeout = setTimeout(function () { self._editingTitle = true; clearTimeout(this._editTimeout); var anchor = $(e.currentTarget); anchor.hide(); var inputNode = $('<input/>').attr({ type : 'text' }).attr('data-role', 'editTitleField').val(anchor.text().trim()); anchor.after(inputNode); inputNode.focus(); inputNode.on('blur', function () { inputNode.addClass('ipsField_loading'); ips.getAjax()(anchor.attr('href'), { data : { do : 'ajaxEditTitle', newTitle : inputNode.val() } }).done(function (response) { anchor.text(inputNode.val()); }).fail(function (response) { ips.ui.alert.show({ type : 'alert', icon : 'warn', message : response.responseJSON, }); }).always(function () { inputNode.remove(); anchor.show(); self._editingTitle = false; }); }); inputNode.on('keypress', function (e) { if (e.keyCode == ips.ui.key.ENTER) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); inputNode.blur(); return false; } }); }, 1000); }, editTitleMouseup : function (e) { clearTimeout(this._editTimeout); }, editTitleMouseclick : function (e) { if (this._editingTitle) { e.preventDefault(); } } }
  14. Name: SARGENTO:DE1GUALTTER Steam I.D: Unique ID:STEAM_0:0:21501378 Steam IDv3:[U:1:43002756] Reasons for the Ban: Rage quit from the server after being muted for non-english VoIP usage. Unmuted him after a few minutes in the hope of him being civil and mature. User then decided it would be pertinant to cuss us out in spanish and disconnect from the server. Recommended duration of ban: Due to the disrespectful nature of his outburst I am requesting this user be banned for 24-72 hours. Demo Provided?: N GySgt. R. Vicari, TSgt. J. Gougeon, TSgt. S. Larson were present.
  15. You have been banned several times before. Please fill out an Unban Request properly and we will review the Ban and see if it will stand.
  16. I like the factor of multiplayer editing for maps. Will help speed things up and make maps styled to what the community wants/needs
  17. LT why you downvotes Englebretson's beautiful ass? Also "We could shoot better. We could throw Grenades further. We could do more with less, because we had less." That's a bad ass right there.
  18. I think rank and community insignia would be cool but I hope that it doesn't just become another CoD where all the focus is on "customizing your toon" in the barraks and just spray and pray/spam grenades no skill chaos with squeekers everywhere. The reason I still play Day of Defeat Source is simply for the fact that it is not Call of Duty in any aspect of it's gameplay beyond the fact that it is an arena style first person shooter based in a time period that the original (and only good ones I might add) Call of Duty's took place in.
  19. Yay thank you for re-enabling the signatures.
  20. Dafug we have a facebook feed now too?

    1. Quarterman 1st MRB
    2. Quarterman 1st MRB
    3. Marsden 1st MRB

      Marsden 1st MRB

      Well I'm glad you found my post amusing :P. How did you spot that I made it all?

  21. I am really enjoying the new layout. Additionally I love the new quick reply box with the source option that allows for BB Code manipulation. Additionally it's nice to have quick reply not lock up the entire site if you try and do anything else while replying. My next quest will be to see about returning my signature. If needed I'll simply copy pasta it for all of my posts because of fuck you that's why. Addendum: I like the fact that announcements now are visible pretty much on any page you go to. Should help to boost MOS Sign ups when announcements are made about them being open.
  22. Well I personally hope that the rifle grenades continue on a fuse timer as that is one of the mechanics that I love over the other games I've played with Rifle grenades.
  23. Because that is a dirty word @Gilmore.
  24. From what I saw in your trailer your vision closely aligns with what I have been hoping for in the next installment of DoD:S and I love that fact that for your trailer you highlighted not only the similarities by showing your version of Donner but also expanded on the availability for drastically different points of play with the clips from the forest map in there. Once I have some funds available you have my backing XD
  25. Holy crap. Just survived what is probably the most intense solo combat CQC encounter I've had so far in my DayZ Standalone experience. Just looting around Zelno and keep hearing this infected grunting away; start moving to the next garage and boom. Shot twice from close quarters with a shotgun. Didn't bleed because of my plate carrier but took some hefty damage to my health. I berrate my attacker for missing at that kind of range with a shotgun, didn't even hit well enough to break my legs. run away, hide in a shed and patch up my shirt and plate carrier. Wait a bit, hop out of my shed and wadda you know theres a player running this way. So me being the polite non-KOS and non-bandit that I am ask "Are the stupid fuck who just shot at me and missed like it was your job?" Asshat doesn't respond. So we play the zig zag game of "he has a gun" that is DayZ "we are not in a building right now" combat. I loop around a tree and he is right in front of me, iron site put a 4 round burst in his press vest. He isn't down yet so I let him do a lil zigging and zagging, and put another fair burst into his legs. He passes out. I walk up check pulse, pulse is strong. Let him know "And this is why we use our words. It's what seperates us from fucking animals." And put a round in his head. What really kicks ass is I managed to only ruin his jacket. All of his other gear was in good order. Some damage to his 22 clips and ammo but who gives a rats ass, it's 22 rounds and I use .380 SMG's or .357/7.62x32 rifles. And what do you know. My new friend had enough food to heal me back up, and 3 times as many rounds for my gun as I had, plus his shiny magnum and rounds for it. So I go from having one working gun with 40 rounds available to 3 working guns with 210 rounds available for my PMRAK, 20 for my Carbine, and 27 shots for his magnum. All this after he tried to put four magnum rounds in my chest when I turned around. And at the low low price of 9 .380 rounds and degrading my sowing kit from "Damaged" to "Badly Damaged". No damage to my other gear, everything is still sitting at Worn except the work gloves i stole from him. Shaking so hard I had to drop out of game and post this though. My toon should be soooooo dead right now. I love plate carrier vests.I'm always down to play if anyone is interested in learning the ropes, or hopping back in to familiarize yourself with the game before .60 comes out with our beautiful new renderer and increased frame rates. Now time for some DoD:S so I can calm the fuck down. sorry for huge glory rant. Just excited. It's not common that I survive once the bullets start to fly unless I'm at range looking through my scope. I prefer to operate more as medic and support sniper than up and in the fray.
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