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Marsden 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Marsden 1st MRB

  1. I prefer MCMAP but it falls under the realm of MMA as it takes concepts from Muay Thai, Judo, and BJJ among others and combines them in the most efficient means for the moment to eliminate the threat.
  2. Fixed it up for you there Boone; now you have one topic XD
  3. I have seen this before; usually occurs when there is a game update and the server hasn't received it yet. However I was just able to join the Public server a few minutes ago without issue. If there is an update it should have been applied to the server now. If you are still unable to join I would check Steam to verify the integrity of your game files and make sure auto-updates are on.
  4. Name: Cody Marsden Rank: First Sergeant Type of issue: Hardware Brief Description of Issue: Issue description and first question: So my secondary monitor went out on me a few months back and I moved on; no probs I have two monitors for a reason. How I mean the monitor went out is that it lost it's color saturation; would ghost previous image across whn things would change and at times would only display what I can only describe as a sunburst pattern. Sad day to be sure but it was a POS monitor that lasted me for about 4 years, can't be that mad. Last week I booted my computer up and my primary monitor had now started to show signs of going out. II woke the computer up; monitor attempted to initialize and instead of my Win10 sign in screen I see a snowscape with and even horizon line a third of the way up the screen. Super pretty to be sure but not what I want lol. I was able to reboot it and have it work just fine for a while but this morning when I tried to turn it on; it showed me that oh so pretty white and grey sunburst with some pixilation across the previous mentioned horizon; shut off and won't even initialize tto the point of washed oud pixelated crapness of my old secondary monitor. So I am pretty certain I just need to purchase new monitors at this point. Thee question I have is this occurred in pretty much the exact same manner on two monitors; I have never actually had monitors burn out on me so I don't know if this is normal or something I did. Any clarification would be appreciated. Follow up, GPU information, and second question: My set up is DVI based to an Nvidia GeForce 560 with an Nvidia GeForce GT8800 running my PhysiX engine on the back end. The monitors haven't been connected to the 8800 ports at any point since I constructed this computer as it is literally only good for lifting a bit of strain from my main card. My 560 has one microHDMI port and two DVI ports; I am looking for a reasonably priced set up to accommodate these ports that will give me a very nice and crisp primary screen. My concern for a primary monitor is realistically color ratio; Pixel density and Resolution over size; If I wanted to play on a Television I'd just do what I'm doing to post this on a daily basis. PC is a 2-3 foot experience for my games not an 8-15 foot like console and my reaction times are off on a screen this large as I tend to look in the wrong place (using a 60" Vizio). For secondary/Tertiary monitors decent resolution is still a must; however as they are going to be running on my DVI ports they need not be capable of as high resolution as my primary; nor will they need the higher color ratio and pixel density. So my second question is has anyone in the unit found a mid range quality monitor that is good priced and DVI supporting. And does anyone have any suggestions as to were to start in regards to HDMI compatible high quality monitors that aren't egregiously priced. ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Researching Pending Reply Resolved Unresolved Main Technician: Supporting Technician:
  5. We have realism practice today and tomorrow that you could play with the roster team and help us be ready to stomp the 6th Rangers. You never know what you may be doing to help prep for a realism XD Practices are great times to get some use of a weapon outside of your Rank Restrictions and have some time away from just pubbing it up. Always keep an eye on the War Department for upcoming official realism's and see if you can get on the roster. It does take a fair amount of time to be dedicate that week but it is well worth it.
  6. He had flesh balls; but he replaced them with brass.
  7. Commonly you can indeed get the Humble Bundle content onto Steam. Usually the purchase goes and then you get a Steam code to redeem it into your library (In my experience)
  8. ROFLMAO. Suprisingly not at all; I'm actually clean now a days
  9. Parker is always the one rebuffing my attentions T.T
  10. No one was on this morning and it made me sad
  11. Aah ping plotter. Not familiar with this mystical program, but I like it thus far.
  12. Ping Plotter still showing 33% packet loss for him. ISP may need to fix something on their back end. And I always run with 1400 instead of defaults. Full fat packet or go home lol
  13. We bridged his Hitron and the Packet loss seems to have gone away for now. Running the fancy graphical ping test now instead of through CMD (I like CMD; it doesn't lie to me) Additionally while ICMP is low priority; 90% packet loss I not due to high traffic and would indicate either a line or service issue with the ISP unless his Gateway is not operating properly
  14. Currently working with him to try and cut down on the double routing to see if any improvement to ping times and packet loss. Will update the thread as we get results.
  15. Wtf cannon. were did you find that gif?
  16. Is they are forums so conversations are.......Long and take a while to complete lol
  17. Long and take a while to complete lol. I'm like o hey words wit hfriends! Waiting now because normal people are working or asleep right now...... djkfladjflkdfj
  18. Through the course of my traces and fat packet tests to the servers reporting packet loss on your connection I did not see any packet loss indicating it would not be a server based issue but possibly and issue with your base lines or just how your ISP is routing your traffic.
  19. You are double routing through your Hitron CGN model and whatever router you are connecting with. In addition to that I am thinking your third hop (first clearly outside of the home network) is appearing to be a Private IP address meaning that MidcoConn has another router between you and the internet. Given that you are seeing averages of 20 mil to that 3rd router on your connection and highs of 71 MS one hop outside of your network can easily explain the extra 20-60 MS you have been seeing in your average ping time. Do me a favor and hit me up on steam. I would like to check on a few things with you about your IP address that we shall not be posting into a forum XD. Additionally something else that is screaming at me is the 40 percent packet loss on hop 12 to IP (excluding the other instances of packet loss; this one just spikes as high as 90 and saw loss on all of your posted tests); if you could do me a favor run a test to an unrelated server and let me know if that is a persistent member to your connection. All in all this appears to be an ISP issue in relation to packet loss as none of this loss is coming from within your home network (hops one or 2) and so you will need to work with Midco to resolve it in full but there are a few steps we can try to mitigate it first. For testing unrelated networks (this test is not as detailed for you as this magical 3rd party software you use) open command prompt and just run the following command "tracert" (it will trace your route to google) and then see if the IP address rears it's head between hops 11-16 out of your home network. I am currently running some fat packet ping tests and traces to the offending servers in your screens.
  20. Anyone still playing? I'm getting an account from a co-worker today and gonna start up; wanted to know if anyone here still plays or not.
  21. O_o worst shit ever is right.
  22. Hmmmmm on top of this speak of tables... makes me think I could reformat the attendance code for 1st platoon to have a little bit more info without being uber cluttered up..... Let the experimentation begin lol. Thanks for the idea Brault.
  23. Gougeon you can stick around so long as you don't keep wrecking my face in the pub and realism's. If you keep just insta killing me tho we gonna have words
  24. Lol that was pretty entertaining. Talk about getting wrecked at the end
  25. Spartan was beta; Microsoft Edge is now and sounds o so much lamer. However Cortana and Edge work really well. The odd thing is that I too have FireFox and Thunderbird and have 0 issue's with my resource usage.
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