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Marsden 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Marsden 1st MRB

  1. Wasn't able to cover bills as well as anticipated this month, will post to let y'all know when I can buys der games and who's gettin them
  2. I think I will be joining Cast in the gifting due to the mass of responses here. I will post who gets what when I buy it for them XD
  3. Marsden, watch. All of us who voted for the Captain and going to disappear and wind up in a shallow grave somewhere in the middle of nowhere. But its worth it +1 And he would he to find me again as i'm not in Cali no more mwuahahahaha, o wait my ip fuck.
  4. You should all vote the captain, he doesn't like pesto pizza. I mean if that's not Reh-Tard worthy idk what is lol
  5. C. Marsden: Bioshock Infinite
  6. What exactly is wrong with how we talk? I mean like man all we try and do is right by each other lol Nah he sounds totally smashed. and he said don't get obsessed aboot this.
  7. Englebretson wins by the merit of what he said about Pizza, theres nothing wrong with pesto pizza.
  8. Name: Makina Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:48325417 Duration of Ban: 1 Week; 1 month to perm upon review of demo. Reasons for the Ban: No Recoil, did see a bit of twitch on a few shots but overall the screen was not moving. Demo Provided?: Y Comments: Specced him after a pubber specced this player and called him out on it. Found the no recoil to be fairly self evident.
  9. Hey! you dissapeared again Percy.
  10. The officers have been informed of the issue and are working to get the update pushed through for us. Be patient and we will get that pub filled back up in no time.
  11. That is great
  12. +1 was a great video and pretty much sums sony up in a nuttshell
  13. Name: ITryHard Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:11656300 Duration of Ban: 60 Minutes Reasons for the Ban: Demo Provided?: N Comments: Sprayed a pornographic spray in Axis Spawn twice while on donner. The first time I warned the player and advised the next time it happened he would be removed from the server. Afterwards I asked TSgt. Gardiner to keep an eye out for it and he told me not 5 minutes later that the spray was up again. I only banned him for an hour as I am not certain if the spray warrants a perma ban, it was a .gif of a guy slapping a girl in the face with his junk, so I am posting this to leave the decision of if this player will be returning up to the Command Staff.
  14. yerrrrr can't wait man XD
  15. guy was making sense till like prolly 2 thirds through, then he lost it. LAPD has always been trash.
  16. more..... shall we scheduale a time that we all get together and make an adventure of it lol
  17. Elder Scrolls Online Closed Beta?
  18. fuck everyone and everything. so close. all of our perfection based records thrown away. it hurts to be a 49ers fan today.
  19. Hey Irish man glad to hear your interested in the unit! As Gio has mentioned if you have questions feel free to add any of us and ask, we are happy to help you out with the enlistment process. As mentioned if your schedule doesn't allow for attendance with some of the events you wouldn't be penalized so long as you keep your squad leader or platoon staff informed. If it is a situation were you don't feel that you would be able to make practices and such for an extended period of time we have an "inactive" section in our roster for people who are unable to make official practices and such. Fell free to add me if you have more questions XD
  20. Name: taser Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:27142607 04:58 Reasons for the Ban: TK'ed three people in axis spawn and then disconnected from the server immediatly to avoid getting banned. Recommended duration of ban: One week for attempting to flee. Had he stuck it out I prolly only woulda banned him for the day. Demo Provided?: N Avila was present for the incident.
  21. holy fuck it's steiner, in the pub again and now back on the forums, you should come back for real bro And I was completely honest on my application and still had exellent chance of getting in lol
  22. It's disney is an invalid argument. Marvel is owned by Disney now and they have not done too much heinous bastardization to those franchises which is better than can be said of Lucas himself
  23. Thank you holland; if the issue persists I will submit my own ticket. this one should be closed as ultra's issue is resolved (am a customer support agent and a bit ocd bout stuffs like that)
  24. acton launch from in the SixLauncher after you verify. CA 25 is a good server to play on. hop on into vent with me. BTW's me and some buddies from work are setting up a server so ya i'll keep y'all informed.
  25. I too am experiencing this issue. I have attempted all of the Troubleshooting listed here (including full re-install after deleting everything steam) and the issue persists. Any furhter suggestions would be greatly appreciated. -I know this is ultra's ticket but I steals it for has same issue.-
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