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Everything posted by Marsden 1st MRB
My current grid coordinates are 058052 if anyone is able to get near there tonight i would be stoked. I know cast and grenoble will most likely be sleeping but maybe watkis or someone else can come be my savior; btw somone looted my bloodpack this morning when i loged in to check my grid coordinates; left me live though
I just got off work will be in game within the hour if anyone still on. I still need a transfusion BTW's
Thanks for the headsup there. I'll set that up sunday morning
watkis you still going to be on around midnight mountain time?
ROFL uber derp moment y'all
I will be late to the draft; have dog training untill 7 PM PST (which is when the draft starts)
can you give me grids so i can work my way over there slowly. i'll take my 900 blood ass all the way there. my leg shoudn't be bothering me anymore lol and watch me find the UAC on my way lol; would shit bricks.
what you mean the UAC gone T.T I took it away from the camp towards grishino; is it no where near there either? alghadoifjdklfghg; i fail. well I hope not to have to respawn but if I do I'll meet up with y'all next weekednd when i has time to play as I really can't do anything with 932 blood on my own lol
hence why i'm aborted and not connecting up again till I has y'all in vent with me so I can guide you to my actual spot in grishino but yes it is a great oppurtunity. we have an extra GPS and map in the UAC aswell. if someone finds that they gonna wet themselves.
oh ya; and morphine would be nice so i can walk. I have the grid cordinates to the UAC saved to my desktop if someone needs it; there is a morphine injector there. I really would prefer to not have this character die as he has like everything i need except morphine on him; guns ammo gear (GPS; Map; Range Finder; Night Vision) and food and matches; all in all I have what I need to survive if I can get a little bit of help for my injuries. Also on Saturday night (as in night time server wise; like ass crack of the morning night time) i vote that those of us who have gotten/maintained their night vision make a hospital raid. grab a helo and a couple of UAC's and have the helo team land on the roof and get into the stash and then call in the UAC/'s to come and help with offloading the people and gear. Have one person drive each vehicle in; a person in the helo the whole time the raid is going and as many ppls as neccessarry for getting as much as we could possibly need. I think that if we can get a good enough run going we may be able to just form a deep woods camp with a couple of quick vehicles for picking people up when they have no gear because as we all know the hardest part of the game is finding friendlies and avoiding pk'ers. I think that as long as we put the camp far enough back and don't make it ovious (fencing and wire all over the place) we should be more than ok. Me and takel did a hell of a job hiding the start of a camp in the woods near grishino. Had the UAC completely invisible to the air; relatively invisible from foot traffic and well away from any roads. When I took it into town I did a pretty good job stashing it but the tree cover wasn't as kind to me as it was at the original position I hope it is not goneded.
I broke my leg out west of the camp. I am in grishino and the UAC is east of me Takel. if anyone can find me please let me know. I need a blod transfusion; has the blood pack in my backpack for it. please help me lol
anyone still plannin on playing tonight?
Wow thanks for the building guide there cast; very helpful. although i never go to cities
you don't lay down while they are still rushing you; if you weave through the trees right they will loose sight of you; if you then go prone they don't know were you are and loose agro; however they will stay in the generalized area you last were and thats why i suggesst rolling away (q or e while prone) while they are not agro'd
lol i've gotten so good at getting rid of zombie agro it's not even funny; Make them loose their direct line of sight on you (forests are your friend) and then hit the dirt as soon as they stop running; roll away making sure never to actively approach the zombie. Also there are only certain buildings that are enterable at the moment; most of them are sheds off of main buildings. I have yet to see anything but empty cans near vehicles and the only gun that I have found was an Enfield with no ammo and I was dead about 20 minutes later by a zombie horde lol. Warehouses are a good bet aswell; most of them are enterable, another pointer is that good players close doors behind them so you will then be able to know if the building has been raided yet.
True enough; except not first day takel; i been playing for a month and unless i'm rolling iwth y'all thats howthe game goes. Oh and i have only ever been spotted by one player
is still on sale or is it to full price again?
I play as well but pretty much only on weekends (Sunday Monday) as I work during the time they are normally playing.
worst part is steam is one of the more reliable PC gaming platforms T.T
That I am a blow up doll according to the forums. what shinnanigans is this?
ya if you pre-order the game you get into beta on the 14th
Realisms all day in the private on saturday anyone?
Marsden 1st MRB replied to Quarterman 1st MRB's topic in Mess Hall
Would totally be down. I don't get off until late still so I hope to see y'all in the private ith the pub running strong on saturday night/sunday morning yerrr -
I did not seem to receive the email; i'm resending you my email address parker; idk which one i sent you earlier lol
I have been working 20 hours a day the last week so I havent checked my email so I'll respond when i get home tonight cuz i don't work till 1 PM PST tommorow (sweet sweet sleep awaits me)
Best time for me would be on a sunday or monday as those are my days off; I know sunday's are already rather crowded so ya