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Marsden 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Marsden 1st MRB

  1. Well lets see what we can do with it yerrrrr
  2. I have it. Am Installing now, who else got into the beta?
  3. Yes McDonalds has health insurance. It's not the greatest but it is something. If you don't use it constantly then it's not too expesive but if you need it and don't have it you really feel the pain. The co-pays are the killer really.
  4. yerrr happy birthday you sexy beast. get drunk for me, at like 11PM PST i will join u if you still concious.
  5. No alaska for you. It will be my future home. It's like canada but i still can just by my rifles and shotguns without aquiring a license first. Oh and there would be no neighbors for days so i could make a greenhouse and grow my own food and other crops...... for clothing eh
  6. FORD LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hows life treatin ya man?
  7. It might end up being free, but it may not they haven't announced it yet. The reason it wouldn't be free is that like he said it is a full animation suite and companies love to charge for those
  8. I know what i'm getting for myself for christmas, if it's out. And if the vid techs haven't picked it up yet by then I will possibly by some extra copies for them, funds allowing.
  9. We could even do video filming sessions for the "mini series" idea that was being kicked around with this software, I think we could make it truly epic.
  10. We needs to film a couple of realisms using this thing and have people recording like the orders and voice em on into the video with proper lip animation and shit, all of a sudden we can put out a vid series about combat in the 1st MRB, teh possibilities tehy are endless......
  11. Of course, I should have known
  12. I take it that in the background is one of our pubbers lol
  13. Oh that was great, is so the pub in the afternoon
  14. woot thanks jablonski
  15. Can this by my sig?
  16. Just bought an acct off my coworker for hundred bucks, D3 SC2 and a year of WoW. prolly won't use the wow but am dl'in d3 now and stuffs
  17. Took it back in 09 with nothing more than an Alternative High School Diploma. Scored a 92 on it (high enough to qual for any job in the Corps). I didn't study much but I tend not to do well on tests when i study. It trully is an all around apptitude test and there is no way to be sure which version of it you will get when you take the test. It has stuff ranging from high level math to mechanichs and Literature. My suggestion is to take a couple of the practice ASVAB's in order to prepare and talk with your recruiter about it as well.
  18. Lol nah i already got my raise this year, and as it stands they have done away with anual raises at this point there are bonuses though, which I should be getting alot of shortly as my stats are all good.
  19. 30 minute lunches suck.
  20. rofl rofl rofl thanks guys, the raise realistically wasn't the goal, just the semi-advancement. sure it's a lateral move but it still a better postition then were I at atm
  21. Yerrrrr I got the spot on the specialty team I applied to. Super stoked. Unfourtunatly it takes away one of my days off (olll well no more 3 days off but shorter work days) And I'll be technically a supervisor so that is a good thing. No pay raise either
  22. So no one has been able to join the server for about 45 minutes now due to this issue and the server currently has 10 ppl online because we haven't left the server proper. Was there a steam update or something? Or does the server just need to be reset?
  23. Name: Free Syrian Army #Swag Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:26790108 Reasons for the Ban: Excessive team killing in the pub on Jagd. In the last 5 minutes of the map he wracked up -30 score. Recommended duration of ban: Permanent. Demo Provided?: N No but SSgt. Louge was in the server with me.
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