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Marsden 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Marsden 1st MRB

  1. (jones can reads) And I haven't played this but have seen a couple of vids an SS's of it looks good, might pick it up
  2. Last night we did get a lil rowdy in the server, I will admit that I was one of the people spamming but cut back as it was getting to the point it was hard to follow the game itself. I would like to apologize if my actions took away from your experience in the server.
  3. New Found Glory holes Rofl rofl rofl. Have been to an NFG show, no such holes. At least not when i was there. And to be honest if I was a good lil christian girl and read that I'd be like, ok who's first?
  4. Name: Chapatin™ Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:29287422 Reasons for the Ban: Intentional Team Wounding over the course of several maps. Had been given out several warnings over the course of his time in the server and continued to TW and then after I gave out a final warning to adifferent pubber and reminded him that he was on his last warning the other pubbers informed me he was continuing to TW as he was on his way out of spawn. Recommended duration of ban: 2-3 Weeks as he had been warned at least 5 times over the last three maps. Demo Provided?: N The following members can attest to my various warnings to this pubber to cease and desist. Cpl. Grant, Cpl. Marchase and Pfc. Lyons were in the server when i warned this guy at various times.
  5. yerrr gogogogogogogogogogogo we needz number one here we come.
  6. Thanks for the suggestion Cutts, I'm gonna be upgrading my Traktor to full version before I buy any other software (pirated software while works isn't so good when you trynna build a tracklist as internet searches are disabled) bt I will definatly look into it. And i'm working on a few samples to use that are going to be all my own, might work to produce a full track of my own in a few months or so, as for if it not so great for performing it will prolly be a bit back, and the beat matched segments that were off i was trying to transition from like 80 to 160 and missed my scratch queues lol
  7. rofl fer real that exactly what happen to me
  8. And finally a new one Same Swagg Different Day!
  9. No screen but here ya go. Damage Given to "LazLo" - ( life ID 379914 ) - 110 in 1 hit\ Damage Given to "JF" - ( life ID 379890 ) - 110 in 1 hit \ Damage Given to "GySgt Highway" - ( life ID 379934 ) - 124 in 1 hit > all one rifle grenade rofl rofl rofl Damage Given to "OatSquid" - ( life ID 379931 ) - 130 in 1 hit / Damage Given to "Nahapet" - ( life ID 379935 ) - 115 in 1 hit/ Damage Given to "M e r c" - ( life ID 379932 ) - 112 in 1 hit/ Yerrrrr made me so happy.
  10. Yerrrr push it real good!!!! lets show those fools it doesn't pay to have just a 24/7 server!!!!! Rotations for the Win!!!
  11. Lol yes, I thought that went with the pic, and my random whoop whoop's in forum and pub server. p.s. I fixed your spelling for you.
  12. So my nose paint is missin at this point cuz i was havin some bad alergies at the time (my work sits next to a wetlands preserve) so i didn't want to not be able to wipe my nose with tissues till it were done running lol
  13. Epic man, that was a great vid, specially likeded the grenade follows.
  14. Will post pics of meh in der facepaint yerrrrrrrrrrr p.s. am at work can't see der pic T.T
  15. So I won't be online at all tonight headed to the concert downtown PDX. I already got my hear up in spider legs (google it if you don't know what is) except with 17 segments instead of eight. Gonna paint my face before I leave work yerrrrrr
  16. Name: vkcf* Fei Hung ☭ Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:17965639 Reasons for the Ban: Intentional Team Killing in spawn. Fei hung had been warned not 2 minutes before by Harding for the same thing. Recommended duration of ban: 2-3 weeks as he was warned and then near immidietly repeated the behavior. Demo Provided?: N Harding and Grenoble were both present in the server however.
  17. Sorry don't need another LoL/HoN/DoTA. Lemme know when diablo gets its RPG elements back and maybe i'll consider playing again. As it stands with the auto scaling stats, very few options for your abilities and all I just feel there is a much better use for 60 bucks.
  18. Has it on android loves it, never goes anywhere without y'all.
  19. sign me up will be home by 2100 EST
  20. Thought you'd like it tate, am so gonna incorporate this track into a mix next week.
  21. Don't know if you like techno but this some savage electro that remind me of you and brown. Enjoy!
  22. Fast download server is down. Download the map packs from the ordnance office, all of the maps on both servers are in them and they work every time as long as installed properly. If you have any questions about how to install the map packs let me know.
  23. Glad to hear you are interested Mr. Palmer, (I'm an NCIS nerd this shall forever be j00r name) so long as you pass your BCT and your application to the office accepted we would be glad to have you.
  24. wtf.... needs to watch on acid then maybe i understands
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