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Marsden 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Marsden 1st MRB

  1. He didn't say Puny he said Demi-God i.e. he was proving his point lol But ya fuckin dope ass movie.
  2. One of the biggest arguments I have noticed for anti-abortion legislature is that it is wrong and goes against god. That in and of itself makes the concept of the legislature illegal, seperation of church and state. As for your points Ultra I respect you and your points becasue they are logical reasons based on oyur personal feelings, not what ppl tell you to believe. Whats funny about most the ppls who drive around with the pro-life bumper stickers and shit are so ignorant to the fact that actual pro-life is for abolishment of the death-penalty even though it's the "god-damn liberals" who want to get rid of the death penalty (worst idea ever in my opinion. because if there is no need for me to worry about them killing me for it I prolly would roll in and "advise" a few hundred of the richest ppl in the states of the opinions of the lower Middle class, just sayin [disclaimer i do not actually plan to comitt mass homicide just stating that if not for the death penalty i would.]). My discombobulated two cents.
  3. Got fixxed with phone activation thing, after i did that the stupid IVR kept trying to get me to do it again and i was just like I'm finished 6 times and then hung up.
  4. Will try when i get home ty for the info holland, hopefully they give me some viable options.
  5. Name: Cody Marsden Rank: Sergeant Type of issue: OS no longer genuine? Brief Description of Issue: So i finally got my computer repaired and finaly got it back with a new motherboard and all, and the second time i boot it up it informs me that my copy of windows is not genuine, I tried re-validating it online and backing it up to before this issue happened which fixed it when it happened to me one time before, cleary did not work this time. I am completely lost as to wtf is going on, there is only one instance of pirated software on my computer and it was added after the issue presented. Should I go back to the shop that repaired and built the rig and demand a new windows key or is there a fix? ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Main Technician: N. Holland Supporting Technician:
  6. Happy Birthday Lalonde, enjoy it and be sure to rape extra face in game and destroy ppls concepts of reality IRL.
  7. Marsden 1st MRB


    Pendulum another planet, prolly my favorite song by them and ty cutts
  8. Marsden 1st MRB


    darkpsy trance is win, havent listened to a lot of just psytrance though All vids are NSFW for me as media sites are blocked. Although would you mind sending me a track list with a few good tracks you like and would like to hear mixxed? I am trying to broaden my library and mixing ability so send me a pm with a like 6-14 song playlist if you down for it.
  9. Marsden 1st MRB


    IDM and Happy Hardcore for the win. and skrillex is alright but broaden your horizons from just dubstep and start thinking what song would be dope with a dubstep drop in place of its onw standard drop? now your raving
  10. lol ty wells, I will prolly be doin some drunk gamin tonight at some point, after i get up to meh madres cuz she wants to see me around my b-day of course And that pick is epic, shots shots shots!!!
  11. Thanks guys. I think I got more happy birthdays from y'all than anyone IRL this year. had a lot of fun like immeiatly after work and then errythin just stalled, none of my friends were even down to consider heading downtown with me or anything, wouldn't even stop by the local bar with me; it was totally lame i ended up going to bed at like 1030..... best 21st ever
  12. anyone got suggestions on good beer? I has drank a lot of the common beers (domestic and some imports am in the states) but don't really know what beers are good and what arent. Guiness is a gimme of course lol
  13. very much booze, no whores though, been with my girly for 7 years and i fucked it up once in that time so i'm not gonna run that route again lol grrr work and stuffs makes this whole birthday thing harder than it need be.
  14. am already buzzin yerrrrr. And ty guys XD
  15. 5 minutes early but wtf. If i get carded i'll wait the 5 mins lol
  16. totally saw this as Miss fourtune
  17. rofl rofl Glad you like our slang
  18. So first of all Top Ramen is when you call into a phone support center and ask for a supervisor straight away (i.e. Soup out of the box, Instant Soup, or like stated top ramen) So I get this call from an internet relay service, I'm already at a state of WTF right, then guy insists on talking to my supervisor and refuses to do anything with me except verify the acct. Did I mention that I am talking to some guy in BFN who is reading the deaf guys IM's back to me and then IM'ing my response....... I so cannot touch his swagg.
  19. Ya I'm gonna pick up a coppy of wobble so that I can throw in that nice grimey bass in places without fully conforming to a true dubstep form, I'm more of a 4 on the floor kinda guy
  20. ty branem, my big thing is that the vast majority of my track list atm is all over the place genre wise lol
  21. Todays mix, Different Bag, Same Swagg gents. Because all of you know you can't touch my Swagg. Lemme know what you think
  22. doesnt work gives me ome bullshit steam user id ticket failure.
  23. First time I heard archers release was when the god damned normans decided to try and take meh marsh (f.y.i. my last name essentialy means defenders of the marsh, was granted to one of my great-great grandfathers for services rendered during one of the norman invasions way back of forever ago)
  24. lol i didn't make any of this, just used virtual DJ to mix it all together. At any given time their are two different songs goin at once, and if you want i can do a semi hardcore set, I have a lot of happy hardcore so it not so hard for me to get some hard kickin fast paced shit together, it just that it happy hardcore and there fore a lil girly
  25. Wow that is crazy. Glad to hear your ok though and that your place wasn't damaged (or so I hope)
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