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Marsden 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Marsden 1st MRB

  1. the volume switches you guys here are me fading in and out from one song to the other, and depending on the levels i have to fine tune here and there so as not to end up with overmuch distortion and I use beat matching throughout and fine tune by ear it's just that several of the songs through it are from different genre's of techno so it makes matching up errytime a bit more difficult cuz the Electro is bussyer than the dubstep so it sounds faster admitidly i do need to start compensating for that, and i think on at least one of the songs i forgot to beat match it And thank you guys for given me a bit o feedback
  2. This is the SHORT version of my mix that I did while in ventrilo last night, I know that Tate and Niblet were interested in getting a link so heres the link and here is the full 16 minute mix! STFU and Shuffle, shit Where My Keys? BTW if you hate techno you have no need to follow the links, it's an Electro House/Dubstep mix and I know your opinion will be that it utter crap lol But if you wanna open your mind to new music then I would appreciate it.
  3. well good for you grant, but really knob? why knob? is it cuz everybody gets a turn?
  4. Show was greatness, I watched it with my grandparents towards the end of the series and then have since watched through several times as it is a great show and i have no life
  5. Cribari if they don't try and kill you in your sleep weres the fun? oooooh what i wouldn't do to taste your blood lol jk jk, those are pretty good rules to live by
  6. Name: Pfc. H. Barnes [9th AD] Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:18332973 Reasons for the Ban: Fired a rocket in allied spawn killing two people and then imediatly disconnected Recommended duration of ban: Two weeks to one month as he is a member of the Realism community and has played in our server more than enough to know better. Demo Provided?: Y/N
  7. why erryone say meh irish lassies and dem scandanavian beauties are crazy? they not crazy, just don't fuck with their emotions or they will kill you....... ooooooh i see now.
  8. All you tall peeps are bastards, IMO just because I got robbed by the gene pool, have been taller than my dad for at least 5 years and only just surpassed my mom like when i was 18
  9. rofl rofl rofl, trimmed at least, i don't want a fro in meh face
  10. yerrr all about the milky white skin
  11. Enjoy your 20th B-day man don't do anything too foolish
  12. So i can't go to link at work, but just curious has no one smelt the smell of hair on fire? It is terribad, that enough make it bad idea so i fear the unddeniable evidence you has provided in the form of the interwebz
  13. Woot lets do it! I didn't expect this to get going near as fast as it has lol
  14. McDowell you are crazy tall.... I'm only 5'9" and lucky to be so given that I started drinkin coffee at like 9 years old lol
  15. lol your welcome mckenzie, and you back home yet? and mcdowell is nommed for full enemy team dying by his nads.
  16. I is not the greatest at judgment on my nades, But when i get my nades correct I am a boss at killin the jerries.
  17. Lol primed a nade up into axis sniper on donner, bounced off the balcony fence, killed myself and 3 pubbers, or the other day on husky the nade that I tried to prime over a wall i didn't know had an invisible wall during a realism, wounding half my team, and killing one XD
  18. Hoo-Rah. How do you distinguish a marine from other armed service members? On a hike other service members look for soft points for camp, Marines see a rock and say, "Damn, that's the perfect size for my pillow tonight; not to mention the position won't get my brothers flanked." JK JK of course all the service members look for easily defended locals for camp.
  19. you would have to beat me first breh, I am constantly killin myself with nades. I either get shot anddrop the damn thing at my feet or panick and miss the window lol
  20. Alright so current nominies are as follows (so far) 1. Parker 2. Engle 3. Jones 4. Hall 5. Dillon 6. Richards 7. Maines 8. Stone And of course this is all theoretical atm
  21. +1 for percy, girls are pretty
  22. lol +1 for: Parker Engle Jones Hall Dillon Richards Maines because they are BA, and I nominate McKenzie.
  23. YERRRRRRRRRRR Fiery Redheads Have more Fun! My old manager had that sign on her cube wall lol
  24. So i was just thinking we could have the unit Rehtard and the unit Badass of the month, Unit badass would have to have the most badass streak of destruction in the pub that month and the unit rehtard would just have to be the silliest member of the month still, and/or have the most spectacular nade fail in the pub of the month. Thoughts?
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