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Marsden 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Marsden 1st MRB

  1. no mckenzie, but he will try to wear it as a boot.
  2. no do drugs, just not as many as him. and idk who's sig it was if it wasn't yama, i was all fuckered off from some edibles when i made the post
  3. am off lol. gotta wait till my gf is on lunch so she can come pick me up though, so will just be chillin here on the forums, no media based interwebz fer me though
  4. yay another slow day of work, it is not looking good for my hours this week, but then again I have already picked up around 2 hours of overtime because at the end of my shift i keep getting long complicated calls
  5. Have you ever just sat and read the whole update message Maj. Yamagata's signature says? It's hillarious because it's true. Or maybe that's just my opinion, does seem to be how every second steam update tends to work
  6. yessir. 18004myxbox
  7. break your shit and clal me for help. I am stuck here untill 6PM EST with like 5 minute gaps between phone calls, makes the day go by gruesomly slow please break your acct/console. press 3 for Marsden.
  8. lol well unfourtunately since my interwebz here is filtered i has no idea what you do when your bored at work tate T.T And as far as looking into mapping and stuffs like i said filtered interwebz, was suprised i could even get to the forums lol
  9. So yet again i am bored between calls..... anyone got some forum work that needs doin? I am thinking that I am going to be sent home soonish so i should be seeing all of y'all in ventrilo and the pub within like the next 3 hours
  10. well right now i am running on a laptop with a i3 proccessor 2.53 GHz with 3gb ram, aside from that idk my rig is in the shop getting the motherboard remanufactured but when i get it bak i can post up some info on it. I just bought a 26 dollar desk mic to keep me voiced for now but i would rather get my clipp mic back up and running then constantly have to lean over lol. And as far as which drivers it was installing and uninstalling i'm not positive, i believe they were just some stock drivers the device had loaded onto it but it never really told me which drivers were failing and which were successfull during install
  11. So I have this USB microphone that I bought just cheap at radioshack so that could be the problem but I grabbed because i broke off the damn 8.5mm prong for the mic into the port on my rig *facepalm*. The cheap little mic I bought worked just fine for quite a while (the time before my last long silent spell) and then my mother board on my rig started taking a shit on me and the mic stopped working because for whatever reason it started installing and unstalling the drivers like mad on me, like i said prollybecause the motherboard was malfunctioning. So I have since sent my comp in for repair and started using my GF's laptop again, plugged the mic in and it worked fine. Now all of a sudden litterally 30 seconds after i finish talking with someone in vent and i switch channels ventrilo informs me that my mic has stopped sending input to the software. I was planning on rebooting any how because i had had the computer on since about 11 this morning PST so I rebooted it up (mind you the entire time was not spent with the mic in use or even in-game) and the light on the mic did not even light up, unplugged it again plugged it back in still not lighting up tried the other two ports on the laptop which i know are working as they are powering my mouse and keyboard, the port the mic initially was in works for both of those as well, so i looked through my recording devices, my device list and even my sound devices (the mic has a port for headphones on it) and it didn't show up anywhere when it was plugged in or removed and re-inserted. Attempted another re-boot, still nothing. WTF man?
  12. "DO NOT FUCK ME!!!!!" my favorite part next to "I gotta go home baby"
  13. Video was almost as savage as if kaba's noscoping met Tates knifing and had a baby to gether.
  14. lol thats exactly what i'm used to doing. So lately i'v been trying to break that damned habit
  15. ya fer me its more just the habbit of on my breaks i go smoke than the nicotine itself, most of the time i just smoke cuz thats what your break is for isnt it lol
  16. when i get my computer back from the repair place (my fuckin motherboard took a shit on me and it was inwarranty so i just got it remanufactured) I intend to patch the updates and play for a few days straight. I have a character on the Shadow Hand server and the Shadowlands server (been so long since I played I am unsure of which is my main anymore lol) But I will probably be making a new character aswell so if there is a server the majority of y'all play on let me know so I can make it on that one. Also if there is a specific role you guys feel that we don't have enough of in the 1st MRB group on TOR let me know and I'll go ahead and build for it since I am going to make a new character anyhow. Hit it up y'all and zobreanos you can set it up with longer subs that are cheaper anyhow, I'm getting ready to switch off the month to month one pretty soon here.
  17. And I am trying to quit smoking so I figured wth just post up in the forums for a bit instead of going downstairs and smoking with my nicotine patch on my arm lol. BTW I end up with a fair amount of down time here at my job during week days and so if there is ever any need for assistance here with forum work send me a PM over the forum so I can see if I have the time to do it while here and if not I will get to it when I get home before hopping in game and all that jazz.
  18. lol turns out me and petri used to live about 30-40 miles from eachother...... if you moved to pdx i think i may begin to fear for my life lol Longest Death Streak: 29 Deaths and that is incorrect. I have gone 46 deaths without a kill in the pub before. It just happened to be when we were on the old pub server; but i would still put money on it that I am the one who had that death streak
  19. Would be down to do this. I remember filming a few different things back in the early days of the unit, it was fun. I have work from 6AM-3PM PST (or so my scheduale says, usually am home by 1130, low call volume break your Xbox in the early morning plz) on wednesday through sundays I have mon teus free all day.
  20. Name: Filipe CEARAMOR Steam I.D: # 61 "Filipe CEARAMOR" STEAM_0:0:11660056 1:28:39 149 0 active Reasons for the Ban: Multiple TK's and Team Wounds over the course of two maps this morning. This user started out by TKing myself and then behaved for the remainder of the first map. After switching over to a new map he proceeded to TK and team wound pushing one of the pubbers near to the point of retaliation. He continued after being warned a second time and never once did he post an appology or anything even resembling one. Upon calling an admin into the server, I PM'ed SSgt. J Takel to have the user removed from the server and informed the pubbers that it would be handled shortly and to calm down, Filipe proceeded to disconnect once he saw that Takel was entering the server. Recommended duration of ban: 2 weeks Demo Provided?: N
  21. My world was <here> now is <there>
  22. If you think about it it is pretty friggin accurate, well maybe not the airforce part, they would send the Army corps of engineers to see if it was worth the investment first lol.
  23. thats such a bs ban. so they banned you for being good enough at the game to survive a lvl 50 zone prior to being lvl50, so gay
  24. Song for all my friends here in the unit. Shana-na-nana Oh and Kill them with Lasers
  25. try extacy, it's more fun that way
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