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Marsden 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Marsden 1st MRB

  1. as i said, master gunny. yes i am a smart ass lol heres the link to the source image, i did not make it btw the forum is by marines for marines
  2. kk well i'll see what i can do, have to get my first paycheck first
  3. 50 Canadian translates to how much USD? 50 Canadian translates to how much USD?
  4. Name: Eazy Steam I.D: "Eazy" STEAM_0:1:8828165 1:02:56 113 0 active Reasons for the Ban: Multiple team killings after having been warned repeatedly, he at no ploint apologized or acknowledged having heard any warnings or gave any indication that he cared. Recomended duration of ban: 5 days to a week Demo Provided?: N
  5. dude that is great. pure pwnage
  6. Happy birthday Hall! Have a good one and avoid old men by the looks of things lol
  7. i actually figured out what it was, my interp_ratio was too high so i couldnt up my rates
  8. this song makes my chest feel like extacy, which equates to love for me sadly enough lol
  9. but i was able to set it to 101 yesterday T.T alright then, thanks miller
  10. so my cmdrate and updaterate won't go up beyond 67 now, and my lerp won't drop bellow 29.9, any info on why that may be, i have yet to see if it is server related, would be much appreciated. It may or may not be because i installed the new beta for counter strike last night but i'm not sure why it would effect DoD:S. anyone know whats up with this?
  11. wow that guy is a fuckin nut. and if you want to get technical you can be arrested in the united states for refusing to turn over ID to a police officer. It can be classified as interfearing with a police investigation, that being said what the fuck is the big deal, you were asked to show ID. just fuckin do it and be done with it
  12. O.O too many servers.....
  13. well theres some portable cover for ya lol
  14. Thats fuckin hillarious, not gonna keep kids safe thats for sure, although honestly if u cant tell that the girl isnt moving u shouldnt be driving at all
  15. how much you want for your old gpu so i can save up to buy it off ya?
  16. McDowell to be honest your guess is as good as mine lol. I'm just figuring it out as i go
  17. Aww Dude u fuckin win. I am so hungry after reading that dillon. i get my money tomorow and guess what i'm makin for dinner next week lol
  18. lol this is the same deal as when i bought them like almost a year ago now
  19. "We Are Smenquin, Prepare to be Ass-simulated." "Ummm don't you mean assimilated?" "No Ass-simulated. Resistance is futile." "SQUEEEEEKOOOOO!!!" -Austin Rowan and friends it would seem my nerdy uncle was correct about the direction that earth's society would head lol
  20. Well then I think an investment into a pole in your room should be made lol.
  21. glad your happy with the trade mamora
  22. i was signed up but missed the draft cuz my girly was here.... urgh so any picks i got were just cuz i flagged them ahead of time, sorry guys
  23. psssh you try and phase my mouse out without offering me someting that doesnt give me a way larger and easier range of control and i'm gonna laugh at you and go buy a shit ton of gaming mice at discount
  24. Om Nom Lol i just googled it for shits and giggles.
  25. Lol i have family in Australia but no idea there names or what part just that they there, maybe i should get in contact with them, I loves me some Italian lol. But on a more serious note I'm glad to here that you enjoy the servers so much and hope to continue to see you in game, you're an incredible amount of fun to play with XD
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