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Faraj last won the day on January 30 2023

Faraj had the most liked content!


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    Colt .45 1911

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Forum Connoisseur

Forum Connoisseur (29/91)



  1. Name: WO. Fielding Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:50384215 Reasons for the Ban: Encouraging Trolling, Racism. Recommended duration of ban: Up to CS. Demo Provided?: ------Y-------- This is not the first time this kind of behavior happened, Moments before this demo was recorded another admin muted him but Fielding proceeded to unmute himself and continued the drunken ramblings. When this happened I pinged the other admin that was present at the time but my message got ignored. It's clear that this guy is unhinged, how many times should this happen before someone takes an action?
  2. Name: Gloria Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:653788681 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Multi-hack Demo Provided?: yup Comments: Reinstated ban,*This player was unbanned during the sourceban provider transition earlier this week*.
  3. Name: !DurdenΣ Steam I.D: [U:1:1260740265] Duration of Ban: Perma Reasons for the Ban: Aimbotting, Wallhacking. Demo Provided?: N Comments: This player was unbanned during the sourceban provider transition earlier this week, He decided to make the best of it by joining again and go on an Aimbot, Wallhacking frenzy.
  4. Name: !DurdenΣ Steam I.D:[U:1:1260740265] Reasons for the Ban: Aimbot + Teamkilling. Recommended duration of ban: Permanent Demo Provided?: N
  5. Name: } DOGG { Steam I.D:[U:1:1403109059] Reasons for the Ban: I believe that this player is the same guy as "*YES U DO HACK*" and is using an alternate account, he consonantly harasses players when there aren't any admins around. Recommended duration of ban: Up to MP. Demo Provided?: http://gm.1stmarineraiders.com/player_histories/chat/323683



      I remember when this came out ahahaha good nostalgic find! #MaliciousMallards

  7. Name: avenger Steam I.D: [U:1:1005454936] Reasons for the Ban: Player was permanently banned until recently, When he was unintentionally unbanned. He made the best of it by TK'ing in the server today and getting himself banned again. Recommended duration of ban: Upped to Permanent. Demo Provided?: ---Ye---
  8. Name: Mr.Pink Steam I.D: [U:1:122155526] Reasons for the Ban: This fella pops into the server for a couple of minutes, Teamkills/Teamwounds and leaves almost immediately. Recommended duration of ban: 7 days Demo Provided?: N
  9. Name: JBEASTGAMER Steam I.D: [U:1:1420330351] Reasons for the Ban: Blatant Aimbotting Recommended duration of ban: He was given a week, need it up'd to a perma. Demo Provided?: Y https://www.mediafire.com/file/6re1iynv3ndbp16/jest.dem/file
  10. Name: been had Steam I.D: [U:1:1415186574] Reasons for the Ban: No-Recoil & Wall hacks. Recommended duration of ban: Perma. Demo Provided?: Y https://www.mediafire.com/file/zmkcv56l1wqmlnn/been_had.zip/file https://www.mediafire.com/file/fuqlx9g5qjngrq7/been.dem/file
  11. Name: [PoC] PVT Reynolds 28TH.DIV Steam I.D: [U:1:1310501604] Reasons for the Ban: Aimbot & Wallhack Recommended duration of ban: Permanent Demo Provided?: Yes https://www.mediafire.com/file/7cg2h1wfo9t0e6r/hacker.dem/file
  12. Name: The Samson Investment Steam I.D: [U:1:355054134] Reasons for the Ban: No Recoil & Wall Hacks. Recommended duration of ban: Perma. Demo Provided?: Yes https://www.mediafire.com/file/bkk6mo4x6pwv9fr/The_Samson_Investment.zip/file
  13. @RaFFiii BAR my real setup
  14. Name: AngerTomCatnzl Steam I.D: [U:1:13707237] Recommended Duration of Mute/Gag/Silence: 1 Month. Reasons for the Mute/Gag/Silence: This fella has an unrelenting will to come back to the server and continue to spam the mic & disrespect players even after being banned 11+ times. Witnesses present?: N
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