well they do have penis parades (no joke, they make a penis float and wear hats) and they have already taken over the robotics industry and will be partnering with Skynet so that must me big for them
now if they could add more people to the chain creating a super tractor or harvestor if you will, then India might rule the world and harvest minerals and jewels
u are granted this wish but u can only kick their asses and thus do no special moves or combos and you lose every game
-i wish i had a '63 ford a/c cobra in great and working condition
X-Men (5)
Fantastic 4 (5)
The A-Team (10)
The band coldplay (0)
Batman and Robin (10)
62 Truck crew (Rescue Me) (0)
The 7 Dwarfs (Snow White) (0)
Team America (Team America: world police) (10)
Ace and Gary (the ambiguously gay duo from SNL) (10)
Mermaid man and Barnacle boy (Spongebob squarepants) (0)
Wyatt, Morgan, and Virgil Earp with Doc Holliday (Tombstone) (10)
Rudolph, Sam the snowman, Herbie, and Yukon Cornelius (Rudolph the red nosed Reindeer) (0)
Never Done it
I have jumped out of a moving vehicle-not sure how fast it was going- just to see if i could run and not fall, it didn't work and i fell and started rolling. I was sore for a couple days