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Everything posted by Jasko

  2. I don't how you can listen to Anal Cunt, all their songs are a few seconds long.
  3. Happy Birthday Cohrazo. BELGICON.
  4. I don't know, ICP is just aweful to me, and juggalos are the people that worship their feet and kill people in the name of ICP. If you like their music, and that's it, and you call yourself a juggalo you fail even more just for trying to negate yourself to that level.
  5. Name:rimgym" Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:23819181 Reasons for the Ban:teamkilling and leaving Recomended duration of ban:your discretion. Demo Provided?: N
  6. Idk, if you could up the server's refresh rate that would be awesome, but i'm getting better reg after deleting my autoexec.
  7. Avast lets sooo many trojans through its not even funny, and avg is retarded because their free edition isn't nearly as good as it used to be, not to mention avg themselves does not offer their free version anymore. The only two antiviruses i would pay for are kaspersky and NOD 32, but I don't really see a point in buying an antivirus. Another good free one is Avira, but it can cause game crashes.
  8. Also Microsoft Security essentials is probably the best free antivirus I've ever used and only uses a running 4.5 megs on my machine.
  9. I Agree, but c'mon "fuckin magnets, how do they work?"
  10. C Cleaner is another great program to use for cleaning your registry as well as uninstalling prgrams. I use Mydefrag for disk defragging and optimization. Mydefrag can also consolidate free space as well as flash memory drizes like a SSD.
  11. Marsden you epic fail for lack of vision and/or reading skills. My name doesn't have an N in it.
  12. If you listen to ICP you fail.
  13. It's Japan, it will never make sense.
  14. Dillon, are you in this office? If not you should apply. You may want to check your temperatures out, but it's the fact that you are running a GTX 295 and DoD:S hates that.
  15. Are the logs being deleted?
  16. You put your graphics card in the post topic and you first post sorry, but that is what's fucking your game up, a GTX 295, St. Denis had to switch cards just to keep playing.
  17. Whats your graphics card?
  18. The easter bunny is the devil and those are his demons trying to get chillens for dinner.
  19. Jasko

    Can't play

    Reset your internet modem or try looking at settings in steam.
  20. penis alotta
  21. I'm not gonna lie, when the ball bleeder started yelling and the other kids did nothing, it seemed like one of those "retard friend" situations. You know, when a bunch of kids have the friend around only to get him to do stupid shit and laugh at him.
  22. I really didn't read any hate comments or insult comments when i skimmed them, mostly "fuck the haters" comments. I mean if you are going post a video of yourself on youtube you better prepare yourself for the trolls that are everywhere. You can feel bad all you want, but it's a harsh internet reality.
  23. I've been on every retard vote since the first one, I'm starting to feel like I can count to potato.
  24. I saw the one where they got his mom on the phone convincing her a robot was hacking their account and credit card, these guys are awesome.
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