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Mamora BAR

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Everything posted by Mamora BAR

  1. Crikey?
  2. Doubtful Arse, BUT i wouldnt rule it out entirely. Im waiting for farcry 3 to go on sale. Not likely but eh.
  3. Any thoughts on this game people? I've been tempted to buy it i mean i loved farcry 1...i never tried farcry 2 but this one has my attention and im debating. Any thoughts?
  4. My reaction to this due to the world ending tomorrow which means no hockey before we die.
  5. and the NHLPA submits an offer and it gets rejected and negotiations for the past few days crumbles before our eyes. Everyone back to your shanties...sigh
  6. bite me engle! lol
  7. 3 consistent days of ongoing meetings. Something is coming. Not sure on whether or not it is good cause Bettman and fehr are back at the table again.
  8. I cant believe this.... http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/...ckoffs/related/ Someone needs to get rid of this asshole. Why are there such idiots running these organizations. I swear if Bettman or Goodell ever teamed up, all sports known to mankind would simply cease to exist. This is bullshit.
  9. According to reports the talks are "good" and progressing. I hope your right parker. If hockey comes back this year would be SOOO much better. Gonna run around my fuckin town wearin my jets jersey for dam sure. I'm dieing for some hockey here.
  10. Parker, engle, zahl, and a few others when i knew them back when they are all pvts and cpls in the 6th lmao known all you jackasses for 5 years now...jeez
  11. bite me yama you knew what i meant! lol Stupid chrome auto correct. If the union does this then the NHL will be in a legal bind which will result in Bettman going to jail.
  12. Ya but when you go on for this long and everything fails that includes bringing in federal mediators AND letting the owners and players talk only to eachother and nothing is still done? Idk...what else is there?
  13. The worst is coming. Union is talking about desertification......the end of the NHL is on the horizon...-sigh-
  14. Kirk could probably weigh in alot of these games. Hes usually good with explaining that stuff lol. Torchlight 1 was fun. Typical click and kill dungeon crawler. Think of Diablo. The Witcher 2 is more of a structured rpg. Sort of reminds me of dragonage but has its own unique dark spin on things. Metro 2033..never herd of it lol
  15. Hence why i will not continue this argument because all you seem to be doing is saying your wrong your wrong im right right. You say you dont want to offend, but when your calling peoples arguments ridiculous and labeling their arguments as unlogical and "unsubstantiated opinions" it gets tiring. I've stated how i feel and how i interpret the situation through my own research. I'm not gonna claim everything i say is fact and truth and i certainly wont put down others for their own arguments that rival my own.
  16. Nearly everyones opinion or argument that puts down anothers will be seen as ridiculous and unlogical cause of course not everyone is going to agree on everything. The only solution is to accept the fact that there will be people that wont agree with you on many things. To accuse someone of not using logic will only be counterproductive due to the other party most likely assuming the samething which leads to pointless semantics. The only way to construct a good sound solid clear argument based on logic and facts that cannot be toppled would be if we were over there taking it all in with our own eyes and research. We merely construct our arguments and opinions based on media fabrication and interpretations of others. Accept the fact that others will disagree with you, but claiming that they dont use logic in regards to their argument wont be a constructive tolerant way of dealing with it. And peaker the reason they blockaded and prevented ships from entering Gaza was that they uncovered weapons on a ship that were supposedly humanitarian aid and went in to intercept the vessel, which of course the people on board fired upon them and discovered there were weapons on board. According to of course news sources. Israel claims Iran keeps shipping arms through such vessels disguised as humanitarian aide.
  17. It has...and what scares me at times is if any of those other countries gets enough balls to corner Israel, Israel wont be afraid to nuke them back to the stonage if they feel threatened.
  18. Respect wont be given to those who fire first When your going about your business wanting to be left alone and someone fires an rpg at your house im sure you wont be standing there saying hmmm think ill go over there and talk to that person and see if i can get peace. Israel already has very few people. 1 of their citizens is like a million of ours. They've always been provoked and messed with and the moment they get up to defend themselves their called war mongers and dont believe in peace. I mean hell when you have Egypt and Syria constantly fucking with you for decades along with a Palestinian regime shooting rpgs at your people how can peace ever be bargained for? Why dont they apologize to the Israelis for killing their people? This aint a one way street. Its simple. Leave Israel alone. Keep poking them and they will retaliate and honestly so far theyve been barely reacting. What occurred over the past few weeks was childs play. They know if they pounded Gaza to the ground they would be ridiculed for it. Course there are innocent people. Innocent people exist in both countries but when one keeps messing with the other i mean cmon.
  19. Israel just wants to be left alone. Plain and simple and people keep fucking with them and theres going to come a time where Israel is going to take the kiddy gloves off. I mean who would just sit there while another country lobs mortars into their neighborhood and bombs schools? Would be like if Mexico started launching mortars into Texas then a day later we'd be like...whats Mexico? lol Dont put up with other peoples shit. Israel keeps getting provoked and sooner or later someones going to regret it. I dont blame them for being against it. You keep getting attacked left and right over decades and you just learn to become cynical and devote most of your funds to Military defense....man i love their tanks.
  20. their gonna make it like the CFL where you have to watch a receiver catch the ball, wait 5 seconds, then tackle him lol : P. The new penalty will be called goal tending and result in an automatic touchdown.
  21. Company of Heroes 2
  22. bought into it. regretted it. Wont ever do it again even if i was payed to do it. Avoid it. Voice acting is amazing but its one thing to glorify the whole hey dude your about to go into a huge GIGANTOR battle prepare yourself and take on the death squad and we will come in with support HOORAH!.....kill 10 people, walk back turn in lol
  23. This year would be so much better if hockey was on. i still cant get over the fact that the winter classic is dead. If there is even hope of a season left i dont know i think just all the fans would be extremely bitter about it. Although i wouldnt mind being able to see the jets play down here in Anaheim.
  24. Might i a suggest a much safer way that me and my ex tried and it worked very well. http://www.raxmedical.com/pearly.php Expensive i know but if she gets a book to learn about her menstrual cycles and uses this device then it eliminates condoms AND birth control hence all the condomless sex you can have lol. Worked for a year and never had any problems. Course it takes some thinking power of your GF to learn more about herself in that way, but look at the bright side. NO condoms, but condoms when shes fertile. No pumping her with chemicals through birth control making her lose her sex drive. DO NOT get one of those fuckin clips that doctors put into them or anything of that sort. Those things will fuck them up and i forget what their called. Or like previous people have said. Try different condoms and lubes. Its the easiest method. Quit doing the pullout method lol.
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