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Mamora BAR

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Everything posted by Mamora BAR

  1. Before it starts the game one of those Ubisoft digital screens come up in a small box where you have to press play again. Did you notice any of that pop up? Its like a ubisoft summary of your account and it has a play button so that could be somewhere in the background.
  2. Why in the hell would EA do that....i mean really?
  3. This year would be so much better if hockey was on. They need to bring it back so i can go watch the jets play in Anaheim in feburary...-sigh- if a deal isnt reached by tomorrow then bettmans going to pull the plug on the whole season from what im hearing. This isnt looking good. Btw if the season does come back does that mean all the players who jumped ship to KHL will come back? was curious about that.
  4. I dont sweat but i drink and fart while i game
  5. happy b-day!
  6. i think he meant pull a carmen sandiego
  7. Tits or GTFO....if we find out your lying i swear we will all find you and hurt you in ways unimaginable.
  8. i hate...french scout tanks...you can tell im usually a TD guy...GRRR
  9. Well i would put in my opinion, but then i would be regurgitating what Kirk and Ford have already explained. I wasnt registered to vote during the last election cause of being out of country. I wouldve voted Obama at the time. Now that im back in the US, i am a registered voter, Green party, and i'm voting for Romney. Government needs to stop spending money we dont have.
  10. Happy b-day goodburger!
  11. You come anywhere near Lompoc California you let me know! Congrats dude! : D
  12. Hat fortress 2. Game will never be the same and its really saddening.
  13. Ya the first season of Key and peele wasnt that great but this season is awesome. I'm glad their improving.
  14. I bought wings of mediocrity. Played the campaign...played 2 MP games where team mates left early and said fuck it. Threw the game into the fire during the holidays. Dont plan on ever playing anything that relates to SC ever again. Kirk i remember that trailer...and that was an awesome game. From God...to Kane...to Seth....i am is right hand...and i have a mission for you.... Btw kirk i raise your awesome trailer...with a better one and no i dont know how to embed the dam thing to the thread. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABDm2JcnTPs
  15. Happy b-day porker!
  16. It wasnt until i was 21 years old...did i finally learn that Canada had provinces...no joke. They didnt teach us jack shit in school and it really depends on which state your in. Think of each state as its own country pretty much. Everyones different.....people from california are not the same as people from Montana. Once you get into university/college courses then teachers start to lift the barriers and tell you more about the world. Agree with evo, the school system nowadays is a joke. Again what is taught to us depends on what state your in and of course the teacher.
  17. happy b-day!
  18. lmao dawson now thats how this game should be! I witnessed an arty trying to avoid a light tank and he ended up rolling right off the edge into water. It was hilarious.
  19. Enjoy the early winter bitches. Its 70 and sunny here! : P lmao
  20. Ya this whole week has been sucky....extremely sucky
  21. Told you goodwin! lol i knew i wasnt crazy. Its not just the flying thing but other exploits in regards to killing lords and getting orbs really fast. I agree with what Stone is saying but anet needs to step it up further before people stop going into WvW all together cause of these exploits.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9kd1bdojio
  23. Its like a whole new game. Everything looks more realistic and the physics is the icing on the cake. Nothing looks the same anymore and you can customize sooooo many things now. I dont like the new tech tree viewing though. Its hard to get used to. I wish there was a choice between the old one and new one. Aside from that the game is stunning I'm contemplating getting a 6 month premium for this with my b-day money. This game has reallllly turned around. Its beautiful and they've even changed the sounds. I cannot wait for the british line.
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