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Mamora BAR

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Everything posted by Mamora BAR

  1. Mamora BAR

    Halo 4

    Could you elaborate engle? What have they been through? I got tired of halo after halo 3 and reach didnt revitalize it at all. Maybe 343 will do something different.
  2. Could you tell me more about this mod and what other mods are present for COH? I have all COH games and wondering if there are other great mods for opposing fronts OR tales of valor. This one definitely interests me. I'm guessing you can play multiplayer?
  3. HE DOES SAY PUNY GOD HA!....btw do not watch this if you havent seen it.
  4. psst.......bye flyers
  5. I just saw this and this has to be one of the greatest movies ive ever seen. You owe it to yourself to see this movie for it is amazing! Anyone else seen it yet? FUCKIN AWESOME!......puny god....hahahahhaha!
  6. In other news i just got my Winnipeg Jets jersey today (new updated one) i have a classic retro one but now i gots me a home blue one WOO!! I'm thinking the kings may go all the way if they keep this up. Really hope the caps finish off the rangers and i can already see the devils wiping the floor with the flyers.
  7. That just made my day...BYE BYE GIROUX and the fucking flyers....their going down soon enough! Shows you how much class Giroux has....freaking hot headed scrub. I like how he was complaining to the ref about a little hit right before he did the illegal hit to someone...i mean really?.... Have fun watching your team burn Giroux...you deserve it.
  8. Maybe its a new sport that politicians play?....get in my vagina?.....sounds fun......lmao For the record ide like to point out how many 1stmrb members are monitoring this thread cause it has vagina in the title...INCLUDING WELLS! lmao
  9. Clean sweep for the kings, blues are goin home.
  10. That beta was amazing. Cant wait for the next beta weekend. I'm already having withdrawals.
  11. Canada VS USA starting soon. Gonna be a good game!
  12. they seemed pretty solid during the 1st and 2nd period but let the foot off the gas pedal going into the third. They seem good so far. USA put a clinic on france today so thats interesting. I'm happy because at least Ladd, Kane and Slater are gaining more experience. I'm really glad Pavelec didnt go in. He needed rest big time.
  13. SO! Just watched the first game of Canada vs Slovakia. I am deeply interested since 2 Winnipeg jets players are playing for team Canada (1 also for team USA). Just exhibition games but still interesting to watch. Canada plays USA tomorrow. Anyone else interested?
  14. Flyers can burn in hell.... I hope the kings win or anyone else besides the rangers or the flyers.
  15. What im confused is treyarch is claiming they overhauled the system, yet i dont see any huge difference lol. Its a cinematic experience, not a gameplay one. Although i will admit that im intrigued with Treyarch along with what their TRYING to do. Key word TRYING. At least their trying to change thinigs. The gameplay is interesting......giving you a little variety in regards to how the gameplay works by letting you choose what missions to go on and extra stuff like that, but will that even matter and will people arrive at the same ending regardless of what they choose? How much work is Treyarch putting into changing the formula is the question. Graphics remain the same, gameplay slightly altered with futuristic twist. From what ive seen of the trailer i just see a reskinned COD with future stuff...aint that hard to accomplish. Call me a BF3 fanboy because i am. I actually believe in effort in regards to changing the game. Not just slapping a new coat of paint, but i will admit im interested in what else Treyarch will change. Maybe they might impress or itll just be a generic COD game.
  16. DICE has already revealed that their developing 2143. Treyarch is preparing to deal with that and Ghost recon future soldier. Its obvious that the next battlefield these games will compete over is for the future. I read that Treyarch has overhauled the graphics system and after watching the trailer....im not impressed lol. It still looks the same. Mind you the interest in the overall story is still intriguing, but in regards to....fun? ...eh. I'm too much of a battlefield person. When i see an unmanned drone crash into a building and nothing happens....i get irked lol.
  17. At first i just watched them destroy everything....then i realized..o shit...i can click them!
  18. LA shouldnt have a team? Then i guess florida shouldnt have hockey teams either lol
  19. Flyers burn!....BURN I SAY!
  20. I dubbed this...Assassins creed 5...the future
  21. ANd the bruins are GONE GONE...MOTHAFUCKIN GONE! lol whos next...please let it be the devils and the hawks.
  22. And i got into Beta!!! MUAHAHAHA! beta this weekend! downloading client now! YAYS!
  23. Engle always team wounds and slaps...could make 10 videos of just those acts of aggression. This aint new! : P
  24. canucks and pens played like shit yet they both were projected to do excellent....now all i want is for the rangers, bruins, and flyers to burn and ill be happy.
  25. I have a canadian 25c coin with a killer whale on the back and its blue....booya
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