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Mamora BAR

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Everything posted by Mamora BAR

  1. Sorry's ive been workings @_@....didnt even get a christmas bonus bleh...douchbags...anyways! Meh name is Mamora! I would like Saints Row Third! I've herd its an amazing game and ive played both 1 and 2 and absolutely loved them! Been definitely wanting to try out the Third. Now time to sleep after working many night shifts and a 12 hour saturday shift @_@ Thank you so much Cast for doing this : ) This is very amazing and very generous of you. Thank you!!
  2. Coh2?....company of heroes 2? and wait a fucking moment.....C&C game with the Frostbite 2 engine?....am i fuckin dreaming?....PLUS rumors going around about an easter egg on the Back to Karkand pack possibly hinting at the next title/expansion Battlefield 2143?....im speechless
  3. im not convinced on whether or not i should buy it. Beta was alright but a bit cartoony for me. Then again it was beta. Maybe things improved.
  4. It is time for Fus Ro Dah! Post the funniest videos you find. Course those of you who play skyrim will know what im talking about! Ill start!
  5. i got sick of it after 5 mins....meh. Might as well just get saints row 3 lol
  6. So i'm sure some people have noticed that All Points Bulletin is back and was wondering if anyone is going to give it a shot. Installing it at the moment to see what its like but ive herd good things ever since new developers took it over. Least its free. Anyone have any thoughts or feelings on this and are going to give it a shot?
  7. Maple leafs couldnt do it, penguins couldnt do it, But the jets did! Jets bring down the Bruins. HA!
  8. I vote saints row 3 for the christmas draw! : D and grats to ya both hehe. Your gonna love the game.
  9. Happy derpday penis!
  10. This is the slope chute. There are no rules.
  11. hiphopanonymous?
  12. two mas? tuna....fish?
  13. cant freakin believe minn is in 1st. For once i dont have to hear about kessel this and kessel that, but a loss to the bruins....bleh. Unbearable. Least they didnt lose to the habs while you were goin.
  14. haha. Video pretty much sums up my feelings towards Modern Rehash 3. Really all the gameplay ive seen of MW3 makes me feel like im watching videos of MW2....sooooo "innovative".
  15. Goodluck to yall. Dont forget to thank Cast for putting on such an event for yall : )
  16. I'm an American and im living in Canada......i win
  17. Level 10. Game is amazing. Theyll probably patch it up so you can keybind. Nothing to worry about.
  18. Just got invited to Test the game out....BOOYA! installing client now and will be testing it over the weekend hehe. Wow testing out SWTOR and playing SKYRIM and BF3?....EPICNESS!
  19. Preordered mine and ill be getting it friday
  20. But what makes this game so fun? Why is this seris so popular and what will this game bring? whats so amazing/fun about it? : P
  21. Mamora BAR


    SO i know this has probably been talked about already and im sure yall have soo many good things to say about it. I'm reallllly tempted to buy it. Ive never played elder scrolls but i herd the previous versions were amazing and this one is supposed kick major ass. Im liking what im seeing so far. ANyone else got some more juicy details and input? Anyone excited? What will be so great about this game?
  22. YAY man.....uhh you go! ya!...kick ass in...w/e it is that your doing..... Wait what did he successfully do again?
  23. bf 2142 was seen as a flop and yes the MW setting is getting outdated BUT you have to admit that the engine that runs the game aka Frostbite 2 is a huge step up and think about it. This engine is going to pave the way for more additions to the battlefield games. Imagine like you said...2142 or WW2 setting with these graphics and destructibility, game mechanics ect... The new engine can be used for a variety of things. DICE put alot of work into it but over the years and within their eyes the 2142 setting wasnt popular. They had to develop something that would go toe to toe with MW3 and they did. Honestly this is only the beginning. This engine is flawless and DICE has been working on it for years. It would be criminal for them not to utilize the engine towards other settings. BTW rem some people have been reporting the same problem on the BF forums. Might i suggest seeking help thar for many have had the same issue. I use chrome and have no issues. It could be a number of things as to why its not working for you.
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