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Mamora BAR

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Everything posted by Mamora BAR

  1. You must properly fill out an unban request form. Then we can address this. http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/index.php?showtopic=1917
  2. Jones all the fucking way
  3. in the rear
  4. Mamora BAR


    i third viks comment and with a disappointing shake of the head...
  5. I have also had sketchy run ins with a few 506th PIR. Although, i do not have my own videos to back it up. Nonetheless i do support a review of this for clarification.
  6. There have been instances where no demo is necessary because at times its obviouse.
  7. My condolensces : (. I spoke to him briefly while he was here and it this is very tragic to hear this saddening news My thoughts and prayers are with you. Blessed be
  8. Let the force of this annoying awsome song flow through you!
  9. let the music get stuck in your head forever!.....GARD GARD GARD GARD!!
  10. My goal in life is to disturb you kirky in any way shape or form to the fullest extent of my abilities. I feel as though i have done so. I am victorious : P
  12. lol ya i usually keep the short beard but i get the mexican mustache rockin at times when i dont shave lol.
  13. thats actually my 25 inch flat screen tv : P my laptop is how i took the picture hehe
  14. And for the first time ever....Mams will post his pic.....meow and no thats not my room. Just renting atm. Will be home in june hehe : P
  15. screw teh snitch i want to find the golden snatch...giggity giggity!
  16. 50 points from Gryffindor.....
  17. Lend me your attention! As of course lots of us are diving into Shogun 2 and indeed it is a very awsome game. If some of you remember playing empire there was a certain mod that made Empire 100X better then vanila. This mod is known as DarthMod It tweaked and altered so many things that it made Empire a much more enjoyable experience. Well now that experience is beginning to develop with Shogun 2. IF you have experience playing Darthmod in empire then you cant even imagine the greatness that is about to be bestowed onto shogun 2 with a Darthmod for shogun 2. http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?t=437591 feel free to check it out. The guy is practically a genius and has earned so many awards for Darthmod Empire and Darthmod Ultimate Commander Empire. I can imagine that Darthmod for Shogun 2 will be just as great and if not better and give players a much better feel for the game. Enjoy! Hes already released a version of Darthmod for shogun 2 and keeps updating it so give it a shot.
  18. Hmm...arnt there better things to argue about and pass bills on? lol
  19. you just arnt fruity enough gooder : P
  20. Shogun 2 Total war
  21. wow its been that long? o_o yikes lol time flies. Happy 2 years!
  22. Might as well call it World Heat Cup cause everyone thar is gonna be bakin and passing out in the sun especially the players.
  23. Mamora BAR


    For some reason im tempted to reactivate my account. I am hoping that this xpac eliminates grinding and i am very interested in how many battlegrounds and pvp stuff is being implimented which is why its catching my interest. Whether im going to activate my horde hunter or alliance rogue or even my account at all im still debating...i want variety! lol i dont wanna get easily bored with grinding.
  24. Mamora BAR

    Oh Hai :D

    The only gay porn allowed is when it involves Parker, Ford, and engle with some banana pudding and whip cream.
  25. Total war games are alright. Napoleon was kind of a let down but hopefully ill get a new machine to run shogun 2. There are some games that have come out that are just awsome ;like of course Brotherhood and Need for speed hot pursuit. If yall want to be savy concious gamers then ide recommend IGN reviews. I always check reviews before i buy games. And i agree with the whole hyped up label. Halo has succumb to that as well but the thing that redeems it is its popular multiplayer. I will never touch blackops becasue for 1 i do not trust Treyarch ever since tehy ruined COD 3 and Modernwarfail 2's multiplayer was atrocious, laggy, hacker ridden, and most of all...no destructible enviornments or ragdoll physics. THat being said i love the multiplayer for bad company 2. I dont buy a game unless it has a long lasting multiplayer experience and bad company 2 + the xpac vietnam thats coming out for it in my opinion will wipe the floor with black cops. Just like brotherhoods MP is already gaining massive glory for its uniquness.
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