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Mamora BAR

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Everything posted by Mamora BAR

  1. Mamora BAR


    and whats wrong with people from the south?
  2. i just got my first medium tank and a tank destroyer...but i like m medium tank better. Sucks i cant turn the head on my jager fuckin stupid thing lol. but ya im getting the hang of it finally. I need a bigger tank tho bleh X_X
  3. Mamora BAR


    yes it was the sniper i was using : P but lately ive been sucking cause i havnt played in a month heh.
  4. Mamora BAR


    I got kicked from a german server once for "hacking" lol. They were bitching alot in german cause they couldnt kill me.
  5. Thanks Costa, i went ahead and di that and now im dling the client
  6. I just applied for the beta and waiting for confirmation. i am definately excited to play this. Gives me a break from company of heros online beta
  7. It never ceases to amaze me how people think certain areas are inbred .....Saskatchewan for canada is labeled as inbred....some of the eastern states such as Tennessee and alabama are labeled to be inbred....i wonder if europe has any lol
  8. How about this....US wins cause we have cheaper liqour prices....end of story : P
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQBtVQ0TxWA
  10. Lol. States, provinces...same diff. Canada just tries to be different from US : P good example...CFL
  11. Australia has provinces?...jeez i didnt even know canada had provinces till i was 20
  12. i played MOHAA...the end : P
  13. post number...wait i cant see mine..i think its 160?
  14. Happy birthday yama!
  15. Mamora BAR


    Lvl 80 Hunter Horde server Bonechewer. Ive seen as far as LK right hand man and thats about it...quit in the middle of WOTLK. Got tired of all the grinding. Lvl 70 Rogue and Mage Alliance bonechewer ( had 2 accounts) my rogue was my first character whom i arena'd with alot and got full gear of season 3.
  16. Critics these days are so off the ball that i dont even pay attention to them anymore since they said The Mist was bad but i thought it was awsome and had a perfect ending. I've watched many movies that have gotten bad reviews by critics lately and theyve actually turned out to be great movies.
  17. WOOOT! so i figured i should be the first to tell yall taht DLC is coming in august! And here is the link for details. Enjoy! http://www.gamespot.com/news/6268692.html?...nes%3Btitle%3B5
  18. Pacific filled the role for best action but lacked alot of story and plot since most of them were just brought together and ordered to go to war. Band of brothers was excellent for its story but i found its action lacking at times since i would just see flashes of rifles and hardly any germans shootin at them or showing the battle from the germans side. Although yes they did a few episodes but not enough in my opinion. Overall i tihnk their good in their own right but the pacific kinda lost me since the story was absent.
  19. I think this is not real butter!
  20. After all this time we/ve finally made the top 20...next is rank 1!
  21. AND its the first day of the CFL. GO BLUE BOMBERS!
  22. I like the part where "i finally woke up and decided to shoot people". I took the perfect moment with patience so bite me : P Other then that great newsletter. Very engaging and informative.
  23. Xbox Live: SoraHimura
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