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Mamora BAR

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Everything posted by Mamora BAR

  1. Preorders have now opened! The game will be released on Sept 3rd. If you preorder it on steam, you get the Greek cities DLC that includes athens, sparta, and Epirus. I'm definitely preordering this when i get home from work!
  2. Their also having discounts on premium so im tempted to buy some gold and get premium for a few months. I think a week is discounted about 15% I just bought my VKs and heading into the panther line. Gonna get my hands on a panther and a tiger. Just researched a KV-4 and almost to the Black prince.
  3. Want some water for that burn? In other news, Gionta is out for the season and the penguins wont name whose starting goalie for game 5.
  4. I completely agree parker. Canucks were terrible in the playoffs, but that last penalty was just irksome you have to admit. A good clean hit from Sedin leading to a penalty? You see that hit allllll the time. Mind you i didnt expect the canucks to make it far. They've been playing like crap the past games so the sharks deserve to go to the next round thats for sure. I'm rushing home to watch the Toronto game tonight after work. The senators comeback was awesome, yet unexpected. I'm shocked that the Islanders are holding their own against the penguins. Its been a crazy scoring series. Wonder if their going to sit Fluery for the next game.
  5. And the Canucks get eliminated by a referee.....
  6. I havent played arty in a long time. I started the other day and they already feel as though they've been nerfed. Now another nerf coming to them? Are they even worth play still?
  7. Imagine battlefield 3s gameplay + star wars= HOLY SHIT. Make it happen. I want space battles too! I mean cmon how epic would that be with what they did with on Battlefront 2 and added in frostbite 3? Epic space battles and ground battles. Please DICE dont fuck this up.
  8. http://covervote.nhl.com/#/ballot be sure to vote for the NHL 14 cover so we dont have to deal with Engle bitching if Sharp ends up on the cover. Kane, Datsyuk, Lupul, Malkin, or Riemsdyk would be good. I've never bought an NHL game before, but i tried the demo for 12 and it was pretty good. I herd 14 is gonna be awesome so im definitely gonna give it a shot for PS3.
  9. Best quote I've ever herd from an NHL announcer. " looks like the walrus is outsmarting the canadiens."-Kieth Jones. Fuckin awesome.
  10. No kidding Parker. The entire game was Montreal attempting to injure Ottawa players. The head hit, the slap shot, subban was cussing out peccoriety, whoever did the slap shot to hit the ottawa player cussed out the referee too. Ottawa had it out for Montreal as well. The fights were completely one sided and Ottawa made a fool out of the Montreal players until Subban got pissed and knocked the crap out of someone. I've never seen a more unique and entertaining game than that one by far. This has definitely been a great weekend of hockey. Best goal ive ever seen, Remsdyke....best game ever...ottawa and montreal lmao. Btw didnt Gonchar get hit in the head too? I've lost track through all the crazyness. The post game interview with the Montreal coach was funny. He was like "ive never seen something like this before" in regards to the entire game and the timeout at the end. I was laughing so hard.
  11. I guess your kane in a box sort of worked lol. Now you just need toews in a can. btw greatest game i ever saw....Ottawa vs Montreal....today. It was freakin hilarious. Subban was yelling at his team mates. Everyone was fighting. Like 8-10 players got ejected. One of the montreal players at the end slap shots the puck attempting to hit one of the ottawa players....this game was just unique and funny as all can be. Watch it if you ever get a chance.
  12. Behold!.....theres life in the Wild! Amazing.
  13. Bra fucking vo on remsdyke for that 4th goal. It started looking scary with the Bruins catching back up, but dam what a great shot.
  14. Now Pacioretty and Gionta are out with upper body injuries. I guess the "dirty" team was Ottawa not toronto cause dam. Losing 3 of their top guys to injury in just the first game. I didnt see Gyba give a hitting motion is what astounds me. It looks like he was just skating and they collided. What was Gyba supposed to do, jump over the guy? Think im missing something.
  15. Crosby is back tonight. Islanders should start looking for the lube.
  16. Having tier 8s and non premium your losing money almost every battle even though you win. I sold my ISU 152 cause i got sick of losing so much credits. My T32 same story. Dont get me wrong those tanks are great, especially if they are fully researched, but the cost to upkeep them after every battle is horrendous without premium.
  17. A stone age to get anywhere, but everyone bounces you. Those AT tanks annoy the hell out of me.
  18. I will end this thread by stating all Canadians give free hugs and doughnuts if you bump into them and they all play hockey in their underwear....and they say aye alot. Boom.
  19. Oh yeah, definately. For those who are not aware of what the media is does, or rather what various outlets of the media are doing in terms of manipulating information to suit particular interests during certain times, people can be heavily influenced by the media. There is so much information out there in the world that the media has the ability to pick and choose which stories get the most attention, and its an incredible amount of power. This is why I'm a huge supporter of critical thinking in education, because learning to see that there is more than one way to look at what we see and hear is probably one of the most important things that an individual can ever learn. Questioning why stereotypes are the way they are, questioning why certain things are portrayed in certain lights, and thinking of why things are shown a certain way are just a few things I think people should do when coming across information. Then why are you endorsing the stereotype that Americans dont know how to handle guns and that we are just a bunch of ignorant rednecks who give our guns to children? You may not say it outright, but your statement reflects that just because of a few bad examples that the media chooses to highlight that we should have better gun control. Why not take into consideration the stories that the top media doesnt take into account? What about the second theatre shooting that occurred in texas shortly after the Sandy hook shooting. Guy walks into a restaurant and starts shooting at people. People run into theatre next door, he follows, goes into theatre attempting to shoot up the place and an off duty sheriff pulls out her magnum and blows the guy away. http://houston.culturemap.com/news/city_li...guard-steps-in/ Your not taking into consideration the other side. Your only going to hear what the media wants you to hear. Btw your not questioning the stereotype...you just endorsed it without substantial facts. Were not the only country who has incidents with guns. Dont take one single isolated incident and think that everyone is exactly like those poor retards. Your not going to get far.
  20. lundy shit the bed for the rangers. I'm shocked they didnt step up and hand it to the capitals. Backstrom and Ovechkin are dominating. I do hope Eller is ok. It was a very rough hit. Seems like these playoff games are more deadly then last year. Refs are actually allowing fights now in playoff games. Heres to hoping toronto steps up tomorrow. Fuck....watching the replay of that hit. Its like Ellers body was going the opposite direction that his head was going. Poor guy. Its like gyb hit him in the chest/shoulder and part of the head while he was going full speed and spinned him.
  21. Its like hating Tom brady but you love the patriots......like parker said. Crosby IS the penguins lol. When people think of penguins they think of CROSBY...or Malkin...i prefer malkin. Eller got knocked the fuck out btw. Rangers caps game is awesome right now.
  22. Toronto and the islanders got massacred....jeez
  23. Ive been playing mostly with my M4 and SU-14. Plus ive been enjoying the Tier 6 churchill. I got tired of the cromwell and decided to start grinding the german heavies to get a panther and a tiger.
  24. Happy B-day yall!!!
  25. And the habs play like angels while Subban is the cleanest/friendliest person on the team, who often attempts to dance and form a duet with players of the opposing team. Either toronto will eliminate the habs in the first round or someone else will. Of course everyone wants to see Toronto and Montreal have at it. I for one cant think of a better matchup going into the 1st round of the playoffs. Orr is going to be a nightmare for whoever plays them.
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