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Mamora BAR

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Everything posted by Mamora BAR

  1. IF toronto doesnt end up playing the habs, i will be deeply disappointed. Thats the one matchup everyone is looking forward to....even more then the caps playing the rangers. People want the battle of Canada!
  2. If i'm not mistaken, if the bruins lose tomorrow wont they play toronto? If they win, Toronto will play montreal? Cause if boston wins then they get the second seed over montreal and they get bumped back down to play toronto.
  3. When jets tickets came out they were about $1,000-$10k and their home games are sold out for the next 5-6 years. There aint no way for you to get tickets to a home game unless you win a contest or rob someone who has them. Better for me to just watch them in Anaheim where hockey tickets are like $30 lmao.
  4. Were not a clan. Were a bunch of crazy jackasses....get it right click. We support the 1st Marine Leafs battalion by rooting for the Toronto Maple leafs.
  5. why he so angry lol
  6. Like parker said, if there is one matchup that i am most excited about for the playoffs is the leafs and the habs. The battle for Canada. I cannot wait to watch this series. Go leafs!
  7. The 1st Marine Leafs Battalion?
  8. Jets wish list....o how i can dream. I'de be happy enough if they made it to the playoffs and thats it. Not expecting them to go all the way, but getting into the playoffs would be awesome. As for who would win i would have to agree with parker. Penguins seem like they have it down. LA is looking impressive, but shaky. THe only other team that i can think of who would stand a chance getting to the cup would be the rangers. They've been extremely sharp as of late. My 3 guesses would be Pens, Rangers, or even the Blackhawks. What i would like to happen is if Toronto made it to the cup and played the kings, or if any team got to play the kings again for the cup so i can drive down to LA and watch. I get free kings tickets for playoff games and even cup games if the kings are playing so would be awesome to finally experience a playoff game or a cup game since i moved back to cali. I dont like the kings, but hey if they make it that far ill go see them with my jets jersey proud as ever lmao. BTW i didnt make the picture, i saw it on facebook and thought it was funny lmao.
  9. I could play in my M4 all day. Best money maker in the game in my opinion and its fun driving, especially when you have the gold shells.
  10. M3 Lee is just as bad as the french heavy tree aka the BDR. Both tanks are fuckin horrible. Once you get to the T29 your golden. Its a great money maker.
  11. I could think of a few dallas cowboy plays that just had me gasping for air....but the most memorable moment for me would have to be the day i graduated from the University of Manitoba. On that day which was June 1st of 2011, i graduated and got my bachelors degree. On that same day i found myself along with my parents who flew up from california in a sea of hockey crazyness in downtown Winnipeg. They were staying at a hotel at The Forks in downtown and we walked over and witnessed the NHL officially announce that the jets were coming back. We all celebrated and after spending 5 years in Canada and growing to love hockey i always wanted Winnipeg to have a team and to get their team back. It came true that day and i never saw a city light up with such crazyness and excitment. Streets were closed down, people were running around downtown partying and i even joined in on playing a huge ass street hockey game in a giant crowd of thousands of people at the intersection of Portage and Main in downtown Winnipeg. It was like the city just came alive with nothing but hockey and booze! lol It was a crazy inspiring day. Hands down the most memorable favorite sports moment i have ever been apart of. I will live and die a jets fan. I was in the video at 1:12 standing in the background watching them play and was in the crowd at 2:48.
  12. Looks like phoenix and san jose players were getting intimate.
  13. They have some kid who was there on a visitors visa who was seen running from the blast with burns under guard.
  14. om nom nom
  15. I think your reading too much into the whole end of the world portion....its just stating that why would anyone go out of there way to do something like this. Lets not ignite a debate over misinterpretation of peoples statements.
  16. I know im gonna hate saying this parker, but your leafs better annihilate washington tomorrow. I mean cmon its the capitals....BEAT THEM just like you did montreal.
  17. This is saddening....thoughts and prayers out to those involved. Bruins and senators game postponed because of the event. No suspects as of yet.
  18. Well today is an interesting day. Sitting in my step dads garage was this lithograph that hes had for years that he bought from a friend back in the 90s. Its been wrapped up and stored away until now. When i saw it i was speechless because 1 it had gretzky's signature 2 it came with all the documents of authenticity and 3 an actual picture of gretzky signing the exact lithograph himself that my step dads friend took. The picture is crazy cause gretzky looks so young so of course it was probably taken while he was still playing. I plan on getting it re-framed so it includes the certificates and the photo of him in a giant all in one customized frame. I never thought i would be able to own such a thing. I'm astonished.
  19. ott is crazy dude....he jerks off to thinking about himself getting into fights and hitting other players. Has the highest hits in the league if im not mistaken.
  20. Btw my buddy has a pair of these. Their $100 and very good and sweet lookin. Their called afterglows.
  21. Many people still enjoy it and have subs to it, but like I said its only my opinion. I tend to be overcritical of that game and have come to the conclusion that I'm just fed up with MMO's in general. The lore behind it all and the atmosphere in itself along with the millions of dollars pumped into the voice acting are superb I admit. Doesnt hurt to play something you havent tried, especially when its free.
  22. I subbed to SWTOR for 3 months and wasted the last one. The game itself was horrible and the way the game was described pre-launch doesnt even compare to what was released. Not worth the time in my opinion unless you havent tried it. LucasArts made so many great games years ago. With what they had on the horizon it looked as if they were going to make a comeback with 1313 and first assault. Its disappointing unless some other company picks up where they left off. Still sad to see a company that has made some pretty iconic games over the years disappear like that.
  23. annnndddd lupul is hurt again....jeez is he made of glass or something. Datsyuk expressway lmao. That picture is pure gold. The green men better be there if the canucks make the playoffs.
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