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Mamora BAR

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Everything posted by Mamora BAR

  1. So i used to play CS alot but not so much anymore and i was wondering if this game is gonna be worth the price. Anyone purchasing it or have anymore info in regards to it? Any thoughts? Opinions?
  2. happy b-day!
  3. Doan to the jets please and thank you
  4. why would you want short term conracts though? Wouldnt that be a big fuck you to the fans? All the people who spend money on named jerseys and 5 years later that player may leave or a better offer? hence why my jets jerseys are blank, but still. Whats the big deal though? Why should contracts be short?
  5. saints are gonna suck this year anyways...aint gonna matter
  6. ill buy it for the singleplayer...probably not the MP...its all the same to be honest and dont feel like forking over an extra 50 to have xbox live gold.
  7. i cant believe the wild have the money to get those two....now i want Shane Doan to go to the jets and we just got Montoya from the islanders....who wants evander kane? cause we dont!
  8. Not sure how i feel about that. I'm all for Canada and the US uniting due to various similarities BUT...both countries are run very differently and honestly i prefer Canada's system. Call me a traitor, but i enjoy how things are run in Canada and if both countries ever did unite i would hope canada would maintain its system and not let outside sources try to change it or try and make it similar to the US system. It would be nice if people from both countries were capable of being citizens in eachothers countries or getting jobs more easily compared to other ones. I find that Canada's system doesnt even give preference to US citizens in regards to coming to work and live. Its more like fill this paperwork out.....now wait a few years and we will get back to you on whether or not you can stay here, work, study, or live. Its depressing at times but im hoping at some point since were practically right fucking next door that immigration laws would be alot more relaxed in between Canada and the US. Uniting is fine with me but giving up Alaska? naw. People out there needs guns lol.
  9. Lose Schultz and get parise?....o God....please dont let this happen. If parise didnt have such a high price tag the jets would be all over him. Doesnt seem likely that Parise is gonna stay with NJ and with all that money from pits?....next season is going to get crazy
  10. Jets lost Glass to the penguins...go figure...there goes the "GST" line.... feel sorry for all the people who bought jerseys of him. Hence why i got a blank one...cause you never know who the fuck is gonna jump ship..... O and jets lost Mason to the Preds. Not sure if we still have gustav from the leafs but least we signed pav.
  11. Maybe jets will give them Mason. Keep Gustav and send mason to them since we just signed a deal with pav. Now lets get rid of Evander Kane then were getting somewhere.
  12. You were only banned for an hour and we were telling you to change your name and explain it to you (me and other 1stMRB and BAR members), but you kept asking why. Next time just do it then we will explain it to you. Just cause your part of the Steam group for the 1stMRB does not mean your in the Unit. (1stMRB is a Unit not a clan). If you look at this website there is information in regards to joining the 1stMRB by enlisting and JOINING them. THEN you can wear the tags and bunches of other stuff. You can find all the information on how to join the 1stMRB on this website. Aside from that DO NOT wear the 1stMRB tags if your not in the unit. FYI Legend imposed the ban and i believe it was only for an hour. America was wearing the 1stMRB tags in his name and we kept telling him to take them off.
  13. Toronto needs an goalie and its possible they may get Pavelec, unless the jets give him a better contract or he leaves and joins the KHL for 5 million a year.....jets made enough money through tickets and memorbillia and im sure they can make him a better contract...added to the fact that they need to throw money Evander Kanes way....we cant lose Pavelec or him...bleh The fact is im not sure where the line should be drawn in regards to overpaying players. Pavelec let in some soft goals this year BUT he was a very good goalie this year. Again this is only based on one year. Seems that jets are in a bind and why the fuck do i keep hearing that jets might draft pick Subban?....that guy annoys the hell out of me
  14. Mamora BAR


    Well that depends on how physical i am cause im 6 ft 3 and weigh around 245 bleh. I've been working since the age of 16 and i am now 24 and have held many jobs already. Gots lots of skills so hopefully ill find the right area.
  15. Mamora BAR


    I has an Associates degree and a Bachelors degree
  16. Mamora BAR


    ya i plan on taking it when i get home. Not sure what route i will take since i have a degree...either enlist or go in as an officer...not sure whats available to me air force wise
  17. Mamora BAR


    ya ima buy ASVAB for dummies
  18. Mamora BAR


    So im returning home and considering joining the airforce since jobs are hard to come by. I got a bachelors degree, im 24, 6 ft 3 and weigh around 245 which of course im going to lose weight to qualify but im wondering about the ASVAB. Has anyone taken it? Is it hard? any tips?
  19. so that was you that invited me to a platoon! lmao i was like...who the fuck is this guy? he trying to stalk me??? lmao XD
  20. once french arty and TDs out...im all for that
  21. This fight sounds like the end of the movie Real Steel
  22. Mamora59 thats meh name on World of tanks. Been playing alot lately.
  23. Dont watch soccer, but go germany....since im german...hehe
  24. That goalie went to put himself in time out..was like all ima go stare at the wall...woopsie
  25. Thats parkers territory. Better ask him.
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