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Mamora BAR

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Everything posted by Mamora BAR

  1. V for Vendetta Tombstone Young Guns Gettysburg Glory Dumb and Dumber The Rock Star Wars SPR Harry Potter ( not the first few which are kiddish and retarded but the later/darker ones)
  2. Nice job Ford. Very excellent work. I've been meaning to try beer pong but haven't had the chance yet.
  3. Would you care to elaborate more on that Yama? Does the game not offer you much for the price tag or what exactly are you lookin for? Like what would the game have that would raise your interest to spend the money on it?
  4. Since now the preorder is up i figured ide post about it hehe. I just preordered it and have been watching this game for some time. It looks amazing. I didnt play the 1st one but i must say that so far from what I've seen that i am deeply impressed. Anyone else getting it? What are your thoughts about it?
  5. o o o one chick with a 1st marine raiders bra...and the other with a BAR bra...DOO EET Lmao XD
  6. Yay for wingate! : D
  7. Watch the Napoleon one....its biased, rigged, and a travesty. The joan of Arc one was pretty good cause yes Joan had the tech, but ya the show has lost my respect cause of the Napoleon one.
  8. Mamora BAR

    bf3 alpha

    I thought that people who bought Medal of Honor got a free ticket or something into B3 beta...thats what the hype was all about.
  9. Mamora BAR

    bf3 alpha

    The only legit way i know of is buying Medal of honor. Aside from that not really sure...hmmm
  10. Mamora BAR

    bf3 alpha

    how does one get invited?
  11. If the rangers dont win this one then i will never watch the show again. Still pissed about the Napoleon battle but was amused by the Joan of arc one.
  12. Maybe theres a mouse setting i need to turn on? Cause i have nothing enabled cause its all at default.
  13. I havnt touched the mouse settings in DOD at all. They are all default. The only settings i have messed with are graphics settings.
  14. No matter what mouse i use in DOD it seems to...kinda freak out at times. Like i cant look around smoothly cause it stops and lags a little or something. Not like game lag but mouse Lag. For example, ill start turning right and it wont be smooth itll stop then keep going. Like my mouse movements arnt smooth. But when im not in DOD its perfectly fine. In TF2 its fine, on my desktop its fine and all other games its nice and smooth but jittery as fuck in DOD. Any solutions or things i could fix? maybe its something in the DOD settigns thats causing a fuckup.
  15. i agree kirkendall. This special case should have been handled with a more....strategic touch? The X factors they brought in were useless because like you said they were just 5 man squads. Now if it was army vs army THEN the X factors wouldve been more significant. Yes we know that napoleon failed at times, yes we know washington became victorious BUT the entire show all they complained about was Napoleons defeat in russia. Not once did i ever hear about Washingtons defeats at...or the fact that victory was barely achieved in the long run. It doesnt matter what Napoleon and you can keep listing all his defeats all you want, but the matter of fact is the show ignored Washingtons folly's and defeats and therefore made a majority of the statistics bias making it seem like omg washingtons tactics were fanfreakin tastic when in fact he was on his heels the entire revolutionary war and suffered many defeats before he started actually WINNING. If their gonna bitch and moan about Napoleons defeats then they shouldve took into account Washingtons defeats as well.
  16. completely agree engle. I enjoy watching it no doubt but i do feel a huge bias at times. Like when that indian tribe defeated the Mongols....what the ever fucking hell. That i will never understand.
  17. i hate to say it but this episode seemed really biased. All they complained about was how Napoleon failed in Russia. They never took into consideration how many battles Washington lost if their gonna keep bitching just about napoleons defeat......accurate historical facts ftw.
  18. Washington won...
  19. I agree with McKenzie. I will be uber surprised if Napoleon doesnt take this by a land slide.
  20. Its back! and tonights episode is gonna be amazing. Napoleon Bonaparte vs George Washington. Im leaning towards Napoleon even though i want George washington to win. Who else is watching!?!??! Im sure this season is going to be amazing!!
  21. happy birthday!
  22. happy birthday!
  23. Happy Birthday jonesy!
  24. ...your all forgeting something...... this thread is now complete and for the record no i did not watch it. But cmon...the title automatically makes this the worst movie ever. Dont tell me yall would watch this over all the other movies youve just listed
  25. Happy birthday!!!
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