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Mamora BAR

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Everything posted by Mamora BAR

  1. I'd win it hands down... : P thats if i was nominated
  2. I dont even know what to say.....except that i stopped reading the RDR review after the whole redemption is through god blah blah blah...and i wanted those last 5 seconds of my life back.
  3. I woulda won this poll if i was a candidate....no contest : P
  4. Team fortress 2 has become nothing but a fashion show. The aim of the game shifted from total destruction and mayhem to who has the prettiest character. By far i think TF2 is a huge let down because it used to be such a fantastic game. It went downhill when that online store thing where you buy in game items was implemented. Then people just bought shit and made themselves look better and also gave them an edge in game. Might as well call it Team Fashion 2.
  5. My favorite time was when the server had the hide and seek mod and during one match engle was trying to find me on Flash extended and i was a can, in the field next to the airplane and i kept killing him whenever he got close. He got so pissed lmao. THE CAN IS KILLING YOU ENGLE! : P
  6. Oo i shall definaly try this out. I havnt played a tiger woods game since that one that had that Nelly Song I am Number 1 as the theme song (dont know which one that is). That one was my favorite. havnt played a tiger woods game since tho V_V
  7. BF3....no contest
  8. Happy B-day!!!!
  9. The NHL would lose tons of money if they do change the name. I mean not like it would matter but still i think winnipegers want to keep the jets name. Not much else they could call them.
  10. HELLZ YA!!!!!!!! GO JETS! Gonnaz gets me a jersey!
  11. we will never forget...Zachmeow...WAHHHHHH.....WAHHHHH!!!!!
  12. You think youve pissed him off? You haven't seen him play me and watch him get knifed in mid air while hes jumping out the window : P
  13. Happy B-day Buddy! : D
  14. Well goodwin gots GoodBurger, but gooderham hmmmm.....tough one. Goodersteak......Gooderbeef......Gooderhamsammy. Ya this is a tough one. The betterbacon one seems good to me.
  15. happy b-day wells! : D
  16. Snythol was kicked a few times by myself for intentionally tking/team wounding and of course mic spamming.
  17. There has been an increase of mic spammers and trolls and im finding myself getting heavily annoyed. Its hard at times to decipher with all the banter usually going on whos trolling and what not and also when their so many admins around at times people think others will handle it or think that if they dont do something then they must not be breaking the rules. As for dealing out justice to these annoyances sometimes the people who are being annoying are socializing with other 1stmrb and or BAR members which makes it again hard to determine at times. Warnings are necessary and admins must be strict but not kill joys. If its getting too loud and theirs like 6-7 people talking at once tell them to tone it down. Not talk at all, just keep it to a manageable state. Sometimes admins get caught up with talking to others or playing the game which happens. I think the way we handle things is good in regards to warning them and if people dont listen then the powers come into play, But i agree there has been an increase of annoyingness from lots of people lately. We are vigilant. Have faith in us! : P
  18. Someones very bitter
  19. Im sure alot of you are excited about this. I know i am. I played nonstop hours of Battlefield 2 and it was one of the most memorable games ive ever played. This game is the sole reason why im getting a new computer in a few months (with help from no arms computer knowing skills : P). http://www.ea.com/battlefield3/blog/bf3-12...tes-of-gameplay They just released the full video which is a mesh of other videos that have already been released but with extra gameplay showing....im speechless at how beautiful this game is and DICE has already said their releasing the game in november to battle against Modernwarfare 3. Battlefield 3 all the fucking way!
  20. Ill be celebrating the end of school/finals...with a good ol glass of whiskey...no pot...not now not ever : P
  21. Please adress issues over steam PMs, not in public threads. Thank you
  22. my idea of respect is throwing cats at no arms and making him watch sad kittens cause hes a dirty fat homosexual
  23. Ummm...might i suggest if your having some problems you could talk to one of the officers like Gooderham or Goodwin. Ya know.....ya just a suggestion. And if this isnt a sign that there is a problem then disregard what i say lol.
  24. I propose a new poll...unit carebear...GO! : P
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