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Mamora BAR

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Everything posted by Mamora BAR

  1. all spiders must die...end of story...and i am never going to australia now >.<
  2. fuck the cookies. where are dem brownies!
  3. insert wtf comment here
  4. lonnie5942@hotmail.com Mamora finally got this game today hehe : D
  5. According to a few people days ago, they said parker said that blocking pathways with the furniture which was exactly what these guys were doing is against the rules. They were warned exstensively to cease doing so.
  6. its simple yet brilliant
  7. Name: zato.1.ds Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:194937 Reason for the Ban: Verbally abusing BAR members and pubbers. Recomended duration of ban: 1 week Demo: N
  8. ya im thinking im gonna roll into russian tanks at launch maybe....or cant wait to try out the americans. I just want the full version to get out alraedy so i can play! lol i dont play anymore cause i know my stuff is gonna get wiped anyways X_X its disappointing.
  9. is it out of beta yet? and which are better tanks? russia or nazi. I did nazi in the beta...their ok.
  10. i am hijacking this thread to show how we do things in America : P http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBocef6iQps
  11. im contemplating whether to wait for this or get starcraft 2...but yes it definatly looks excellent. I just hope its different from all the other halos.
  12. I dont think this is an MMO tho. After reading about it on gamespot they said its an rpg. From the look of the videos thats all it looks like is a third person rpg where you can shoot people. I could be wrong maybe it is an MMO..but it sure as hell didnt look like one lol....or was i looking at a different game..o ya i was...called warhammer 40k space marine....so their making a regular rpg with singleplayer...and a huge mmo...wierd.
  13. yes their gonna create expansions. Although they havnt figured out if its gonna be monthly or not it depends. Nothing is set in stone. After finding out that a jedi guardian is a tanking class i think im gonna go with the other class with dual lightsabers muahahaha! for the republic! I signed up to be considered for testing but i havnt herd anything yet : (. I would kill just to test the game. Recent videos are just looking so good especially the jedi knight video. This is a game i will definatly devote alot of time too. Especially after the announcment of space battles and how tehy said their gonna make them really epic and huge like the space battle in episode 3. Like youll travel between planets on your ship and while your traveling you will either navagate through asteroid fields or engage in huge space battles to get to your destination. I am so effin excited! love star wars!!!! i wanna test it already dammit!
  14. Anyone thinkin about getting it? Im patiently waiting for this awsome game that keeps getting better and better. Although i may get this and also Guild Wars 2 when they come out. They are both looking to be pretty revolutionary and awsome. For SWTOR specifically im goin jedi knight guardian hehe. I herd that testing started in july and their sending out emails to registered users to test it so im crossing my fingers hoping i get selected. The release date is march 2011 and their are space battles! where you get your own ship and stuff! PC gamer is releasing a magazine with further details but so far everything ive herd about this game is amazing. Any comments? anyone plan on buying this? cause i definately am!
  15. this map will be godly! nice job ford
  16. the server has been jumpy and kinda laggy at times for me for awhile. The registry is also a bit off as evo said. Like i could be shooting someone in the head at times then it slightly lags and they kill me..kinda wierd.
  17. indeed and i just bought volumes 1-3 of beavis and butthead mike judges collection hehe..sucks it doesnt include all the episodes but it does have alot. Ya i read the report about new episodes about a few weeks ago. Said the creator wants new eps and their gonna air them on MTV of course. http://www.nypost.com/p/entertainment/tv/t...KHQYVIYx3xAJRtM
  18. For the record...stargate sucks...ide rather watch american idol then watch stargate cause its utterly annoying as God forsaken hell. Invader zim was good but thats considered a classic already since no one airs it anymore sadly. Aqua teen hunger force is good, but most cartoons nowadays are either real anime from japan or revamped stupid anime made in the US which sucks. Although ive herd rumors tehy are making 30 new episodes of beavis and butthead.
  19. i mean cmon...i feel sorry for the people who have ferdinands and maus's...all that dam time spent. Gotta give us somethin!
  20. what i dont like is all the time ive put into it already and their gonna wipe all that out upon release lol. Its like dont we get compensatino for it?
  21. i completely agree with ford. space ghost coast to coast with zorak was one of the best shows of all time.
  22. Airbourne- Raise the Flag Dropkick Murphys- Flannigans Ball AC/DC- For Those About To Rock Flogging Molly- Seven Deadly Sins AC/DC- Rock N Roll Train
  23. now those were the classics....johnny bravo, angry beavers, cow and chicken
  24. The vagina will always reign supreme >.<...especially after seeing Zack and Miri make a porno
  25. when cartoons were actually good...and not this pathetic stupid crap thats on now
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