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Mamora BAR

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Everything posted by Mamora BAR

  1. Miller was freakin rawrsome!. USA USA USA!!!! im a die hard football fan and i gotta tell ya this is the first time i ever sat down and fully watched a hockey game and i tell ya i got into it lol was a great freakin game.
  2. Cheers to USA beating Canada WOOOOOOT!!!!!!!
  3. Mamora BAR


    Im mamora Gladiator hehe
  4. Well to burst your guys's bubble in which case i will, Ncsoft creator of Aion is making it to where you pay for the time you play. For example lets say you pay for 30 hours of gameplay. That time will only deplete when your online playing hte game. SO its not like if you take a break the time is going away, it will always be there until you log in and start playing. SO you can stop for a week...and come back and vuala you still have time left. None of that pay a month and you end up paying for dayas you dont play the game. Im hoping they do something like this with SWTOR.
  5. Mamora BAR


    I believe im rolling Elyos on the West coast Siel server.
  6. So todays lesson is MMO's....or the stereotypical name, a game that takes over your life (IF YOU LET IT) Now of course when people think of MMO's they think omg so much time! it takes your life! people who play it have no lives people who play it play it all the time!...k time out Just cause someone plays an MMO doesnt make them like the rest of the douchebags who choose too yes waste thier lives playing TOO MUCH. If its a fun game play and you have some time play! Its a GAME....you make the ultimate choice on whether you imbelish all your time into it or not. Play for a little then LOG OFF it aint that hard. Play it then play something else or go watch tv or eat some fucking cereal or something. Im tired of hearing about people who play certain games falling into a fucking stupid ass stereotype. A GAME...IS A FUCKING GAME no matter WHAT KIND...or What the fucking title is. THEY ARE ALL GAMES. If they are fun then who fucking cares just dotn play it TOO MUCH. (except people who play wow....sorry i make fun of wow all the time cause it deserves it and so does most of its moronic player base thats made up of little immature 13 year olds...and yes im guilty cause i played wow too so...bleh) and on that note.... incoming THE OLD REPUBLIC! WEEEEEEE www.swtor.com http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyZXXqu6eIU gameplay footage (dont judge the game on this but its actually some good footage tho...still not even in beta)
  7. Mamora BAR


    THo time is short now it may not be in future cause game no come out till 2010 anyways so blah
  8. Mamora BAR


    lies and slander! ford is gonna play with us!...dont leave me with just kirk he steals all the cookies!
  9. Mamora BAR


    Yay! and btw yama beta ended Sunday fyi. So thats why you couldnt get it : P
  10. Mamora BAR


    hey Aion is a great game! mmos get carried away because people play them too fucking long and it gives everyone else a bad name. I play it casually UNLIKE OTHERS WHO PLAY LIKE THEY HAVE NO LIVES!. So if ya wanna play with ME! cause im using this game as a time filler till SWTOR (Star Wars The Old Republic) comes out which me Kirk and Ford are rolling Sith RAWR then feel free to join cause im rolling Elyos.
  11. Ill play it only on one condition. Kirk is not alloud to be axis and have a sniper rifle : P. Other then that i love the map and yes it gets annoying being on allies but its a challenge.
  12. Mamora BAR


    So whos gettin it? anyone know about? just google aion online hehe. I got the open beta and its pretty sweet! got it preordered and everything. Anyone else thinkin about playin?
  13. mind if i play with yall?
  14. All i know is they better make ammends for their sorry excuse of Empire. A wonderful game with alot of potential but they fucked it all up. Hopefully this and hell maybe even an era of Civil war will make this game great or its just gonna die.
  15. Hmmm i am tempted to reinstall COH and opposing fronts.
  16. No Drama, no Bullshit or ill shove my foot up yer ass. Comprende?
  17. SoraHimura. Just from reading this ive gone back to playing hehe. No holds texas holdem hehe.
  18. Zahl looks like the next lead singer of a british punk band
  19. Fords face sais "i just took a dump and it felt good"
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