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Mamora BAR

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Everything posted by Mamora BAR

  1. Hey engle....thanks for all the fish! AAAHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/sports/ho...-214434551.html Jets trade up pick in 2014 for Seto. WOOO!!!! This just made my day.
  2. I think I can see galaxies in those eyes. I'm Jelly. A galaxy far far away?
  3. -1/10 I'll give this a go....
  4. The day anyone on this planet can strictly define love, feelings, emotion, and attraction down to its bare bones and tell me how it all works will be the one person who can say being gay is a choice. You have no control over how you feel or whom you're attracted to. There are so many definitions and attempts to decipher attraction, lust, love and so on. What do people say about meeting "the one" person? It just happens and you know it when you see her/him. I have many gay/lesbian friends. Not once do i ever believe they chose to be that way. Thats who they are. They are attracted to whomever they are because that is a huge part of themselves. They cant just choose it like a fucking flavor over at Baskin Robbins. You dont just wake up and say I'm gonna choose to be gay tonight. Thats not how it works. Its all about feelings and emotions of being human that have yet to be explained. Everyone is attracted to some form of person. Me? I adore the female anatomy. I may have gay friends and they are people just like everyone else, but I'm attracted to women. I didnt choose it, its just how i feel. I dont get all giddy around men or when i see men walking in the street. I dont feel attraction or lust towards them. Now when i see a women what do you think happens? You think i choose to be turned on? Like theres a switch i just magically flip on? O look a women! Mega boner activate! Being gay is not a choice. Everyone is different and they cant help whom they are attracted to. Course you can manipulate the feelings and emotions of a person, but it wont feel right to them. It wont feel natural to them as who they are. My philosophy even though im straight, if thats what your attracted to, go for it. Do what makes you happy. You cant help how a person feels.
  5. I'm confused...the best marine movie I ever hear? I would have to give my vote to BLAMBLAMBLAMBLAM DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA! WEE WOO WEE WOO PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW. NEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOOO.......BOOM!....merica!
  6. Never saw this coming. I bet Luongo is gonna clash with Tortillini big time. I just dont see very good chemistry between the canucks players and tort. Got a bad feeling, but i maybe wrong. Tort new head coach of the canucks. Maybe hes just what the canucks need to give them some organization and make the sedin twins into men. http://www.nhl.com/ice/news.htm?id=675147&...id=nhl:topheads
  7. I'm excited for this movie not only for the action, but they chose the perfect actors. Charlie hunnam and ron perlman. I cannot wait.
  8. Fuck dude. Thats painful to see. Poor calgary. Thoughts out for the people of Calgary. Been to that place once. It was so beautiful.
  9. Whaaaa? http://www.nhl.com/ice/news.htm?id=674909&...vid=DL|NHL|home Benier will be good for Toronto...least i hope so.
  10. Having been an Xbox fan boy for years and never touching a PS3 until recently, I would have to agree with Kirk. I'm not sure what is going on within Microsoft to convince them to say the stuff they said, but its downright poor what they did at their conference prior to E3 and during E3. "You want to play games offline? We have a system for that. Its called a 360." "People who want backwards compatibility are just backwards." " Let the people decide when we release our system." Translation lets vote with our wallets. You cannot tell me that you weren't the least bit rubbed wrong by what Microsoft was doing. They practically went up on stage and gave the finger to everyone that was there. Their aim was to appeal to the masses. Hence why the whole TV TV TV SPORTS SPORTS thing launched into crazyness. They made a media center box. Their goal was not to appeal to gamers, but to appeal to everyone and that alone pissed gamers off because it shows that their resources were not fully committed to gaming from the beginning. PS3 had a bad start. Everyone knows, but its obvious that gamers and game developers are flocking to the PS4 because its catered to gamers. They listened and did things gamers wanted. Sony already has F2P games lined up that are exclusive such as Planetside 2, Warframe and War Thunder. I'm happy that Microsoft finally pulled their heads out of eachothers asses because now it will be a real console war. Now it will be an incentive for both companies to strive and become better. I'm sticking with PS4 because its more powerful, the exclusives seem ALOT better even though Xboner does have a few interesting ones even though their mostly going to be Kinect exclusives. I dont have to buy a freakin camera. Its cheaper and with Sony establishing such good relations with developers already will most likely bring forth more exclusives and goodies for PS4 owners. Lastly, theres nothing keeping MS from switching back to the old formula a year or 2 after xbox release. MS only changed its policies because of sony, not because of gamers. It aint an apology, its MS surrendering.
  11. No chance in hell here either. Already preordered my ps4 from amazon with Killzone, watch dogs, and ac4. I'm set.
  12. Ladies and gentlemen..i give you...the Xbox 180. http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/06/19/mic...d-game-policies I think its too little too late. They showed their true colors at E3.
  13. LMAO!!! i will never look at them the same way ever again.
  14. I have it too! If the stanley cup wasnt on i'de be playing it. I'm really enjoying it so far. It pulls you in and makes you feel attached to the characters. Its a great game so far!
  15. Mamora BAR


    You dropped those balls microsoft....and we took those balls! Lmao. On a side note i have Pre-ordered my PS4 from Amazon with prime! Muahahaha! Got AC4, Killzone Shadows fall, and Destiny. Now...i must wait.
  16. Mamora BAR


    I'm contemplating preordering the PS4 tomorrow when i pick up Last of Us from Gamestop. First game im getting is AC4 hands down. I mostly like my shooters on PC and will be getting BF4 for PC. As for Destiny, Killzone shadows fall, Division, Watch Dogs, Kingdom hearts 3.....especially KH3...when they announced that i was like SOLD! Immediately. Division sort of reminds me of a better looking borderlands. How you can team up with your friends and stuff and conquer objectives. I hope its more complicated then that, but after watching Destiny and Divisions gameplay i was floored. Once september rolls around its going to be a hell of a year for gamers. Rome 2 is coming out in september, followed by the epic releases of PS4 and all those games. Best fall/winter ever. Divisions level of detail was astounding. I dont know what made me cream my pants more....either watching that skyscrapper fall in bf4 or watching Division and all the prettyness it had to offer.
  17. I wonder who out of the retailers will have the best preorder offers. I mean what will be the difference when it comes to preordering from amazon, best buy, or gamestop? I'm already considering preordering it, but not sure from where. Maybe they will have extra goodies to convince people to preorder from them.
  18. Mamora BAR


    http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2013/06/ps4-...ne-multiplayer/ Hmmm, it is a bit cheaper and maybe this will bring in money to fund a more efficient online experience with better protection and connection stuff. While im not fond of how they were trying to slip this one by, i will however agree that i hope this will bring better quality.
  19. PS4....they did nearly everything microsoft did, but the opposite and microsoft will pay for it in the end. So many great games coming out for console that i cant help but bet excited and get a PS4 ASAP. Kingdom Hearts 3 was the kicker! Star Wars battlefront 3 Destiny Watch Dogs Assassins Creed 4 Killzone Shadows Fall Battlefield 4 Microsoft gave a huge finger to gamers and all Sony had to do was prove that their consoles was for gamers and they did so. It was an amazing conference. Last i remember being this excited for something was when i got a PS2. I had a freakin blast on that thing. Seeing KH3 being brought onto PS4 brings back so many fond memories of gaming. Plus the price is pretty good. Also, no paying to play games online! My jaw dropped when they were showing Destiny being played on PS4. It looked amazing.
  20. I like how the goal went off the stick of Iginla....is that poetic justice for you or what? I wanted pittsburgh to win, but what in the hell happened in this series. Btw i wish crosby and chara wouldve dropped the gloves and fight. They were at eachother the entire series.
  21. Ain't the greatest in my opinion. Looks like someone just cut a piece out of it and went vuala.
  22. What in the hell is wrong with pittsburgh...
  23. Got rid of the beard recently. At my old job on st pattys day.
  24. Well they just opened up the beta. If you play now and buy it within 60 days you get to keep your multiplayer progress.
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