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Belcher 1st MRB

Second Lieutenant
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Everything posted by Belcher 1st MRB

  1. Name: Jackson K. 2 Steam I.D: 76561198307386415 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Started arguing with an admin and proceeded to call the admin handling the situation a f*g who likes dick. Initially I did a temp ban until I was told the whole story upped to permanent. Demo Provided?: No Comments: Do better..
  2. Name: i am a gamer Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:858575454 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Saying racist remarks such as the N word. Perma issued. Demo Provided?: No Comments: Do better..
  3. Name: Adolf Niggler Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:685212511 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Racist ass Name Demo Provided?: Nope name kinda says it all. Comments: Do better......
  4. Name: AbracaDanielz3 Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:742534935 Reasons for the Ban: Player came in and typed N**** in chat. Immediately issued a perma ban. Duration of ban: Perm Demo Provided?: No
  5. Name: yumyum Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:900666733 Reasons for the Ban: Joined up and in 4 minutes time had 40 kills. Specced the player and there was blatant aimbot without question. Dude was hitting shots left and right and not missing anything. Even killed players without fully aiming on them. Perma issued. Duration of ban: Perm Demo Provided?: No Comments: Nothing else needed to say.
  6. Name: LesterTheUnlikely Steam I.D: 76561199649515156 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Guy goes and starts killing teammates including one of our own (Cpl. S. Farmer). It was reported to me to which the player in question was warned to stop teamkilling. He then Killed Farmer again and then was removed from our server. Hours later he comes back into the server when no admins were around throwing around threats of shutting down our server. Shortly after we then received admin pings from players accusing him of DDOSING our server and cheating. He proceeded to do so until our server was emptied out. Video Provided?: No but I have the logs of him stating he was going to shut down the server. Logs provided below 01:04:42 - Wed, Aug 7 DISCONNECTED LesterTheUnlikely (76561199649515156) 01:01:49 - Wed, Aug 7 VOTE STARTED Player [vandergriff] Started a vote of type (PVR_Kick_Cheating) against [LesterTheUnlikely]. VoteID: [6] 00:55:09 - Wed, Aug 7 CHAT[Allies][Team] LesterTheUnlikely: I WILL BE SHUTTTING THIS DAMMM SERVER DOWN SOON! (76561199649515156) 00:54:51 - Wed, Aug 7 TEAMSWITCH TEAMSWITCH LesterTheUnlikely (None > Allies) 00:54:49 - Wed, Aug 7 CONNECTED LesterTheUnlikely (76561199649515156)
  7. Name: DurRud Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:580889725 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Blatantly Cheating Demo Provided?: N Comments: Player had accumulated 84 kills in 4:32 into the match. Was brought to my attention by the pubber known as Biggsy.
  8. As we have discussed before your actions in the server and to our public community is not something we take lightly. As stated previously the ban stays. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you for the time being. Maybe later down the road (Not guaranteed) things can change but for now the ban will stay in place. Enjoy the rest of your evening. Signed, WO. S. Belcher Platoon Commander, 1/A-CO
  9. Well unfortunately I believe it's my time to part ways with the Unit. I want to thank each and every one of you for your hard work and dedication while under my command. Rising through the ranks and watching you all grow and develop your skills has been an absolute pleasure. Me parting is unexpected but overdue. I hope each and every one of you understand why I must go. It's not an easy decision for me to make as I love the unit and everything, we stand for but It's just my time... I love you guys and want to thank all of you who have been supportive and been there for me when I've been at my absolute low. You guys have always helped build me back up no matter what the situation is. The loyalty and the camaraderie that we possess matches no other group out there. Signed, WO. S. Belcher HLL Platoon CO P.S.
  10. Fair is giving you no joke 40+ chances to stop breaking rules. My sensitivity has nothing to do with the fact that you constantly break rules. And in turn us being nice we constantly gave you chances. I'm sorry it's not what you want to hear and by no means am I trying to be rude or insensitive, but it is the simple fact of the matter that you constantly break rules. Even after being asked nicely on multiple occasions to stop. We have rules for a reason and we as admins have to enforce them. I'm sorry Zorro. Please have a nice rest of your night man.
  11. The answer is no zorro no matter how many times you ask its no. Youve been given a MASSIVE number of chances. So, like I said the Answer to you being removed from the comm bans is a NO. Have a good day.
  12. Name: Doodles Steam I.D: 76561199274979159 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Guy accumulated 75+ kills with an M1 Garand in a matter of 8 minutes. Perma Ban Issued Video Provided?: No
  13. Name: BullBash Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:179813116 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: No recoil / Wallhacks Demo Provided?: N Comments: player was 87 and 13 at the time of this ban. I was informed by Crono the guy was suspect. Upon watching him for around 5 minutes it was apparent he was wall hacking and had a no recoil mod going as well. Was constantly firing his STG 44 and had no recoil whatsoever. Player was then permanently removed from our server
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  14. Join up and we will gladly get you in on a roster! We are always happy to welcome in new people especially those with past experience! If you need help just let me know!! I'll gladly help in any way I can as I am a recruiter!
  15. He just received a temporary ban today for his actions. Gave it to him myself. If he causes further issues, I'm sure it could be discussed but for now let's give him a chance once his ban is up tomorrow. If he doesn't learn, then we maybe take this route if he does more... Anyone oppose this decision?
  16. Name: Dababy69 Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:129756070 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Blatant aimbot and anti recoil hack. Demo Provided?: N Comments: Witnessed and watched in the pub by multiple admins dude was not hiding it at all
  17. Player has already been Perma Banned!!! Thank you for reaching out to us!!!
  18. Proud of all of you!!! What an amazing newsletter!!!! Good read as always!!!! Ooorah Raiders!!!!
  19. I Really enjoyed reading this. Well done guys lots of cool stuff!
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