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Azilla last won the day on March 9

Azilla had the most liked content!

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    Mauser Karbiner 98k

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  1. Name: Azilla / azi11a Steam I.D: [U:1:79659286] Date & Time of ban: 7/17/13 Admin who banned you: Yamagata Reason we should Unban: I am a very active member of the community in both realism and competitive (6v6). I am older now, so I have learned from my mistakes and unwarranted behavior from when I was younger. The 1st MRB server has always been my favorite public server to play on when I have had the opportunity. I hope you forgive me for my past mistakes and allow me another opportunity to prove I have changed for the better. Thank you and I wish the 1st MRB all the best! -azi11a
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  2. Name: Azi11a Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:39829643 Date & Time of ban: 2-15-23 02:17 Admin who banned you: Not sure Reason we should Unban: I am a long-term upstanding community member that has always looked in the best interest of everyone around me. I have been DoD:s Pub, Realism and Competitive admin so I know how stressful things can be and how things can be misconstrued, I am not sure why I was banned as I was not on the server when I was banned nor know why as I don't recall doing anything warranting of a kick or ban during my time played recently on the server. Hopefully this gets investigated as I look forward to pubbing on your server once more!
  3. Name: Azilla Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:39829643 Date & Time of ban: 7/17/13 Admin who banned you: Yamagata Reason we should Unban: I was young and stupid several years ago (9). If I were allowed back into your servers I would treat everyone with the respect and dignity. Either way, thanks for keeping DoDS alive for so long!
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