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Everything posted by Litzau

  1. Litzau

    Garry's Mod

    what server is this in?
  2. 3:36 we could'v got higher but i sucked it up lol
  3. Clay Matthews!!!!!
  4. Saints Vs Packers
  5. that is one of my goals in life to help come out with a very popular game and not be a hated member of that team hah. like your at home saying wow who programmed this why is my guy stuck in the wall wtF!?
  6. Hello I'm currently making a 2D Online Role Playing Game its coded using sad script the engine it self that used to make the game isn't made by me but I'm one scripting my game into it.I do take this very seriously since I have been working on it for over a year now.The website has some information on It regarding the game so ya check it out. Check out my website,game info has most of the info there. http://www.cardothonline.com Heres a peek at one of the maps as you can see its blah but im currently working the design aspect cause a game with crappy design mapping vise Isn't very excting to play.(once i have the map complety done i'll put it up) you may ask why is it 2D,well I can code using C++ but that is very complicated and requires alot of time and effort and doing it by my self would a pain. I'm going to college for Game programming and or software programming. But the code i'm using sadscript its pretty easy but self very effective. and also alot of people who dont like hitech games they like the old fanished atari or computer rpg's which indeed were 2D. also you may ask if you been working on this for a year how come more isn't done.Well i worked on it on and off since i couldn't find a host for it without paying outragous prices i finally found one a month ago for 2.50$ a month for this since the server doesn't require a ton of bandwith and the max players online being like 50-60 it came pretty cheap so that now i have the host i can start working on it full time now. the blank spots are where "Cardoth Online" should be but when the host put my server up he accidently put another server name on there which that server name is copy righted so i do not wanna claim it as my. The interface around it was stock and i think it sucks so i'm customly making one on PS. Any other questions please post. 0.bmp
  7. haha thats was funny.
  8. well i wasnt worried about it from the start i know its just the media hyping it.i got my results today im postive for swine flu but i get to go back to school friday since all my symptoms are pretty much gone.
  9. i got tested today ill know next week wensday/thursday.
  10. Well ever since the beginning of this week i had some syptoms and today my school nurse told me to get tested i have prob have swine flu yayayay =(. it sucks..anyway anyone got this wonderful disease?in 4 days i'll know if i have it..
  11. here is me from last year at our lsat football meeting. -> football coach <- Me
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