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Nazarov 1st MRB

Private First Class
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Everything posted by Nazarov 1st MRB

  1. You will be missing out...it is going to be the most epic night of L4D2 ever. Single for life, baby! Last week, I played hockey 6 nights out of 7, came home and played games. Work sucked though. Everyone meet in Discord at 9 PM EST if you want to play. BE THERE
  2. Feb 14, lets do this. No time for Valentines.
  3. I am in. I have both L4D and L4D2 ready to go
  4. are you sure it‘s not the mobo? usually it‘s the first to go. comp should shut down automatically with overheating
  5. You mean the guild navigators? Or the guild heighliner? must be the sandworms.
  6. Jean Luc Picard has no place in Star Wars. Boo He was a great Gurney Halleck in Dune 1984. Long live the fighters
  7. Name: jaxt Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:436640197 Reasons for the Ban: No recoil hacking Recommended duration of ban: permanent Demo Provided?: Y jaxt.dem
  8. Registry and adoption costs administrative fees. Easier to delete than manage. I am not saying I like it, but I am just imagining that is how impersonal government body would view things.
  9. Name: .:₪сนҲ:.Drunken Master Steam I.D: U:1:45731853 Recommended Duration of Mute/Gag/Silence: 1 year Reasons for the Mute/Gag/Silence: Being disrespectful to other players, instigating arguments, talking about Russias greatness, and agitating people, and drunk singing (really bad) on the mic Witnesses present?: Y, TSgt. Landgren had to mute him previously. Comments: Really unpleasant to listen to.
  10. I agree, and why is it solely up to the mother? This makes no common sense to me, but again, state pays less to these people by this action. If the mother doesnt intend on raising the baby, then the baby will be abandoned at some point or will not have a great life. If the mother chooses to abort after birth, then that individual should be neutered for it.
  11. I dont believe in genes naturally selecting homosexualism as a way of limiting population or for environmental concerns. I am neutral about the depopulation schemes. COVID-19 can be a part of that effort for all I know. What I believe in is that everything is driven by money and power. Withholding care means less expense, which benefits the state. Everyone is expandable, and I think the government works on this basis. A newborn contributes nothing to state taxes and will not do so for at least 30 years that is of any significance. Economically, it is more efficient to delete them, until of course the population drops. My guess is that there are still plenty of people who are giving birth so again, no losses from the state perspective.
  12. Yes, but more of a prophylaxis against the inevitable human degeneration. I really wonder what percentage of humans are "good" and "productive". The current society encourages deceptive practices to get ahead, because nothing stops from the egocentric people from breaking the social norms and conceptual construct of these sets of expectations to achieve personal success. So more and more of these people will be in charge, accelerating the degeneration. Therefore, preventing the perpetuation of these kinds of people would be beneficial in my opinion--it is of course a generalized approach to the situation because again I do not know the proportion of people who behave this way. Not to mention the group mentality when it comes to things of this sort. The government and laws have lost the sight of their true purpose, which is to protect the people. My expectation is that the government will do what is right for itself, which in turn in its thought process, will benefit the people under its protection. If the birthrate goes down to a certain point, I think you will see more laws against abortion.
  13. I have no interest in political aspect of things. I find it very repulsive. Instead, I give you my thoughts. In principle, I am against the concept of abortion. The purpose of coitus is to reproduce and give birth, not recreation. I believe homo sapiens should have higher level of discipline and thoughtfulness in their actions. But then again, people are just simple primitives who can verbalize their thoughts. I also believe that homo sapiens is largely a misnomer and quite biased because who would name themselves homo sophomore. It comes down to level of wisdom, which is almost a dead concept now--everyone is for personal importance and personal preferences. So it is not too bad to have these abortions, which will minimize the stupidity and human aggression in the world. The earth might be uninhabitable for mankind in the near future, so why not start now? I lost faith in the Supreme Court the minute I heard that they passed the law that corporations are persons. I just want to live the span of life and gtfo.
  14. Hi, Is there a way to bind multiple keys with different functions? Like toggle crouch and hold to crouch, etc...
  15. Name: ggg/□□□□ Steam I.D: U:1:1392923588 Reasons for the Ban: Comes in and out of the server shouting the N word at the highest volume, hanging as spectator Recommended duration of ban: 3 days to perm Demo Provided?: Y/N Pfc. Smith was there too
  16. Punches dont count??
  17. Thanks, I was able to find it from the back up config file. It was overview_togglezoom
  18. Hi, I dont use the minimap, but I want to have it on for the match Sunday. What would be the commands to zoom out and in with the minimap? Thanks
  19. And this song is history itself
  20. Shows Garth Marenghis Darkplace The Mighty Boosh Kolchack: the Nightstalker Kingdom? Mystery Science Theater 3000 Stargate SG-1 Super Dave Osborne Show Movies The Thing The Hidden Dune (1984) They Live Big Trouble in Little China Innerspace Miracle (2004) Goon Roaring Currents Das Boot
  21. Name: svullo Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:649249920 Reasons for the Ban: 4-5 team killing intentionally with MG Recommended duration of ban: permanent ban. He is a repeat offender, and has been banned before for this exact behavior. He has also done this on 3te server Demo Provided?: No. Glassjaw was present in the server
  22. Name: widrEy Steam I.D: [U:1:114291900] Reasons for the Ban: Intentional TKs Recommended duration of ban: 48 hours Demo Provided?: N
  23. Name: лаутаро25 Steam I.D: [U:1:1128675608] Reasons for the Ban: TKing on purpose mutliple times. -41 kills and counting Recommended duration of ban: Permenant Demo Provided?: N
  24. Name: velvitabeats Steam I.D: # 904 "velvitabeats" [U:1:101025134] 08:59 96 0 active Reasons for the Ban: teamwounding intentionally in and out of base, which turned into a full blown team killing by the masses. Recommended duration of ban: 2 days Demo Provided?: N
  25. Name: Bamo Comics Steam I.D: # 472 "Bamo Comics" [U:1:132233036] 11:56 64 0 active Reasons for the Ban: intentional TI and TKs Recommended duration of ban: as long as possible Demo Provided?: N
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