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Maddawg last won the day on April 14 2022

Maddawg had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About Maddawg

  • Birthday 05/21/1985

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Southeast US of A
  • Interests
    PC + Console gaming (Emulation) , Food...cooking and eating lol, I enjoy weapon/arsenal from medieval to current. Just ask :)
  • Steam Profile

Special Fields

  • Weapon of Choice
    M1 Carbine

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3,846 profile views

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Forum Noob

Forum Noob (4/91)



  1. I don't even know who checks my profile anymore...but yeah, still here :P


  2. I miss borking around with y'all :(

  3. Happy birthday :P




    1. Maddawg


      Thank you Faraj :)

  4. *Bork*

    ...Thank you...

  5. Maddawg

    Good mornin'

    Tell him to come to DoD:S Avalanche 1 v 1 i'll stomp him out >:D
  6. Maddawg

    Good mornin'

    I have absolutely noooo idea what you mean...zooka class??? lol Thanks for the awesome bunny hops Faraj lol xD
  7. Maddawg

    Good mornin'

    GOOOOOOOOOOOOD MORNIN' VIE.....1stMRB Sometimes it's nice to wake up, make a cup of coffee, turn on 'zee monsta' and hear those three little words "You've got prOnz!" Nah but seriously, this game has had it's major ups and downs, and I just wanted to thank you all for the community you have built. Times like these are often passed by without being noticed, or even truly taken in, but a little appreciation can go a long way. So if anything, I just made this post to show my appreciation to the 1stMRB Crew, and hope to playfully frustrate the pants off yah in game. Yeah yeah...I know the jokes are coming. If anything, I am glad I stuck my 'snoot' into your servers. While COVID was in the beginning stages, many people were barred to their own homes, and with good reason...we had a huge upsurge of players, and many of the old players remembered the frustrations, struggles and hilarity that came along with Day of Defeat Source. The new players..well... hehe...can't be top dawg in everything now can yah? ;P Now that it has been roughly 3 years, we are all pretty much back to what we were all doing, for the most part, and continuing on with our daily routines with some precautions. The steady balancing of the populace will take its own accord, but I will do whatever I can to keep this community growing. So thank you for all of your hard work, dedication and enjoyment, for a long, still ongoing, gaming community. -Dawg
  8. Maddawg


    Also, (Weapon of choice for the NES and SNES) these controllers have not failed me once since I have had them. Charge/Battery time is really decent! I gave them 5 stars.
  9. Maddawg


    Nope, had no idea what you were talking about ....except i've beaten every one of them LOL love these games Honkers!
  10. Maddawg


    Why didn't yah just 'honk' so? hehe I'm more than happy to send you what I have, just let me .zip file it (I use 7zip) ooo message me on Discord, I can easily get yah hooked up
  11. Maddawg


    Good morning 1stMRB and crew. I know some people like to enjoy a nostalgia kick every so often, so I would like to extend my knowledge to you. I have been using Emulators to play old school console games. Most people these days either buy a 'raspberry pi' or another 3rd party entity, to enjoy classics on such platforms as: Atari 2600, Neo Geo, (Many of the Stand Up Arcade boxes) Also many Hand Helds from Big Ol Chungus Gameboy, all the way to 3DS development - Nintendo, SuperNintendo, Sega Genises, N64, Playstation 1, 2 and yes even 3, GameCube, Sega Dreamcast, Xbox and Xbox360 (I believe they do have emulation past those systems, but personally, I do not consider them to be 'classic') Should anyone be interested in playing these on your PC/Laptop, all I ever ask is to keep in mind that if you are not sure if your computer can handle the resources it might use up, don't hesitate to ask me. I am not a CPUTech, but I do have many references that I can help myself, and you, find out what your machine can and can't handle. Here are some quick pics of my own. The more recent the console, the more resources your compooter needs to run it. (Otherwise, i'd just suggest buying a Raspberry Pi)
  12. https://steamcommunity.com/id/maddawg4life/  <--- That is my UniqueURL to my Steam Profile.

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