Name: Dwayne Johnson
Steam I.D: U:1:50117805
Demo Provided?: Yes
This isn't a flat out ban request, more so a demo review. There have been plenty of hackusations towards this player in game and I figured unlike those in the server accusing, I would just get a demo for someone to review. I personally can't out right say the guy is indeed hacking with an aimbot or other cheats, but there are definitely some ludicrous shots/reactions going on. I personally had a domination on him at one point, so it's more reason I can't really tell what's actually going on.
I spoke briefly with Yoder about this player and apparently Lazaro has said that he is some legendary Finnish DoD:S player named "Saku". Not sure if that holds any weight, but it was just odd to me to see a player with less than a day of server play time and already a 5.0 k/d, especially when we have other competitive players (Crono, Hydro, Quarter, Cube, Laz, etc.) who play here and don't even have those numbers. I reached out to Pitteway who suggested at least posting the demo for review by someone to make a decision.
If the guy is just that good, then good on them for it. I just figured I'd post something rather than having people receive a thousand steam/discord messages about it in the future.