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DAPPERxDUCK BAR last won the day on December 6 2024

DAPPERxDUCK BAR had the most liked content!



  • Birthday 11/30/1991

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  • Weapon of Choice
    Springfield Sniper Rifle

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Forum Trainee (5/91)



  1. Deadchick BAR x1 Pfc. Moffat x2 MSgt. Candy x2 Pfc. Noel x2 Ret. Larson x1 Pfc. Smith x1
  2. Goose x1 Yoder x1 (finally, fucker keeps dodging me :P)
  3. Keebler x1 (now maxed out) Valorous x1 deadchick x2
  4. Keebler x2 (technically more if he would have killed me after the 2nd ) Theik x1
  5. Canadians don't count, they're too polite LOL
  6. Oldie but a goodie from @gOOse GaGGLeR BAR Me: *taunting Marietta in Discord while playing in game* Goose in game: "I see you taunting Marietta on the Discord...you know you turn into a James Bond villain more and more every day" Me: *laughing* "She brings it on herself" Goose: *in his best Bond villain impression* "'No Marietta, I expect you to DIEEEEE' just full Goldfinger...I'm waiting for it."
  7. Name: The Wolff Steam I.D: U:1:158831655 Reasons for the Ban: Intentional Teamkilling Recommended duration of ban: Admin Discretion Demo Provided?: No More of a "put this on your radar" request: Wolff was getting repeatedly killed and dominated by myself and Faraj among others. He actually made hackusations to Faraj publicly, unsure about me. But, then he decides "well I can't beat them, so let me switch teams and intentionally kill them and quickly leave the server." Unfortunately he left before I could get a demo.
  8. Name: Nobby Steam I.D: U:1:1771774270 Reasons for the Ban: No recoil, possible walls (demo may not be long enough for the walls). He was being called out by Mythos (a regular Comp player) and shortly after I started demoing him he left quickly as he was called out more. Was also trash talking everyone for being "noobs" and "trash" while doing this. Recommended duration of ban: Permanent Demo Provided?: Y nobby.dem
  9. Name: Dwayne Johnson Steam I.D: U:1:50117805 Demo Provided?: Yes This isn't a flat out ban request, more so a demo review. There have been plenty of hackusations towards this player in game and I figured unlike those in the server accusing, I would just get a demo for someone to review. I personally can't out right say the guy is indeed hacking with an aimbot or other cheats, but there are definitely some ludicrous shots/reactions going on. I personally had a domination on him at one point, so it's more reason I can't really tell what's actually going on. I spoke briefly with Yoder about this player and apparently Lazaro has said that he is some legendary Finnish DoD:S player named "Saku". Not sure if that holds any weight, but it was just odd to me to see a player with less than a day of server play time and already a 5.0 k/d, especially when we have other competitive players (Crono, Hydro, Quarter, Cube, Laz, etc.) who play here and don't even have those numbers. I reached out to Pitteway who suggested at least posting the demo for review by someone to make a decision. If the guy is just that good, then good on them for it. I just figured I'd post something rather than having people receive a thousand steam/discord messages about it in the future. Cheers! dj.dem
  10. It's crazy to think this post is almost a year old and I think @Yoder 1st MRB is still struggling to join a squad... LOL just kidding buddy



      I remember when this came out ahahaha good nostalgic find! #MaliciousMallards

  12. Name: Daryldixongames9 Steam I.D: U:1:1415186574 Reasons for the Ban: Team wounding/killing, possible BHOP scripts/aimbot/wallhacks Recommended duration of ban: I leave this up to the powers that be Demo Provided?: Yes I'm not entirely sure on the hacks, but it seemed a bit fishy. But in the demos, you can see him intentionally team wounding/killing then also baiting a teammate to shoot him then typing in the chat for the teammate to "watch his fire, ff is on". https://www.mediafire.com/file/e7va17s17mk4wgj/daryldixongames9.dem/file https://www.mediafire.com/file/psfcb9w4oj038ct/daryldixongames9_2.dem/file
  13. In case anyone is interested, Borderlands 3 is FREE on the Epic Games store until the 26th! Hurry and get it while you can! https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/borderlands-3
  14. I remember watching a video of him belting out Amazing Grace on the forums back in the day!
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